team evidence scroller by CoolPHat [web]
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popularity : 64% |
alltime top: #47800 |
added on the 2002-10-28 17:22:55 by cxczevik ![]() |
popularity helper
Didn't work ;/
added on the 2002-10-28 17:28:03 by Marisa 

marisa really..did u run it properlly? :D
how're you btw woman..yeah i know u are pissed at me..but never what ever u want..and still..greets to razor1911 and other people around..loving you all CoaXCable :D
how're you btw woman..yeah i know u are pissed at me..but never what ever u want..and still..greets to razor1911 and other people around..loving you all CoaXCable :D
brilliant comment coax :)
How can you play it properly?
another one of those amusingly crappy cracktros, but the song was cool
arf.... my eyes!!! it hurts... too bad, a nice oldschool trip with abominable gfx...
Pity my tune isn't played correctly. Using sample info rather than instrument info :/
oh my goodness ... ne1 able to remove this shit`?
hmm, not the very best... whatever
those graphics are *ugly*
man -- those fonts pretty much killed the intro
what's that moose doing on those planes?
why is the font ugly?
why are the graphics ugly?
why are the characters disappearing on the left side of the screen on a one by one basis instead of scrolling out the way they should?
why is the music replayed so badly?
what's that moose doing on those planes?
why is the font ugly?
why are the graphics ugly?
why are the characters disappearing on the left side of the screen on a one by one basis instead of scrolling out the way they should?
why is the music replayed so badly?
thumbs up for making one of the worst things i've seen for a while
this is just absolutely killing me :D
one of the prods that is giving cracktros a bad name
Heh..hmm well..
greetz 2 elitez and fuckinx 2 lamerz (hi cph!)
I have honestly seen better cracktros on a C64!
Haha. Pressed esc after 10 seconds. Hilarious (self?)parody.
ghandy, your comment sounds like average c64 intro is worse than pc ones? come on! and this one sucks donkey dick indeed (:
goddamit, what a load of shite!
reminds me...same old people..same name VOTERS..ah btw Hello THG :D and as we always say..if u dont like it..dont get the files..if u dont like cph so dont visit here..and yeah..some people like cracktros< i wont say i am not a fan of some..but.......>
ah yeah i seee here some more name voters..and BTW THG^dcs <- YEAH..OH YEAH IT IS THG^DCS..there'r no leet sceners and i never cared about "leet" ones anyway..i always is what a man does and likes to do or just makes..some people will love it..some wo fuck you and others..btw fucking is not is okay..but "LEETS" wow..thg..yeah some one laughs here and tells me u are a real lett <Are you?>
nah i dotn think....anyway..cracktros it is a nice tet for some shits..before good things we might release fuck you..all cum! :D or: "
ah yeah i seee here some more name voters..and BTW THG^dcs <- YEAH..OH YEAH IT IS THG^DCS..there'r no leet sceners and i never cared about "leet" ones anyway..i always is what a man does and likes to do or just makes..some people will love it..some wo fuck you and others..btw fucking is not is okay..but "LEETS" wow..thg..yeah some one laughs here and tells me u are a real lett <Are you?>
nah i dotn think....anyway..cracktros it is a nice tet for some shits..before good things we might release fuck you..all cum! :D or: "
well some times a intro/cracktro/scroller eneds a :D so why not doing that..btw....many people saw it..said a few words and will remember it for many the bad..good or what ever you want..and it will be wirtten about it :D sp..yeah that's cool at least thg is REAL FAMOUS SCENER...WHOM ALWAYS LIKES TEASING PEOPLE AND BEING THE COOL FINN..PFF oh god damn..people wake up..the world is a crap anyway so dont talk about intros by cph..check your selves ..even in real lives..u geeks :D
don't add shit if you don't want bad comments.
i love cracktros.
but this is crap.
but this is crap.
coax your last 2 comments were brilliant :)
coax baby... i sense that you don't like me :((((((
Hahahah. This makes me laugh so much. So shit!
you all have ugly icons!!
Sorry, most C64 intros are infact a lot BETTER than this one! Raver, thanks for reminding me.. hehe
btw: THG^DCS would u like us to remove one or 2 of the logos.. and hey i dont think the skull the gfx by a finn guy is so bad..well might be a bit dark but ugly..the only thin i did not like there was the "evidence" logo by my self..and saying a whole product sucks..because of not fair..btw c64..or not..still most of sceners are geeks whom only like teasing and talking about ior showing odd with their oldskooling or being the first ones to code some know i love you and you know that...i dont know about you to bne honest...btw my times in trsi made u liking me ..but after them..u dont like a DCS again..sometimes NAME VOTING/NAME SUPPORTING OR WHATEVER..IS BAD..u should ask group about it..i wont say known and famous group who dont like it but i know there;re some who JUST HATE IT..but does not seem all DCS they like when people hear "DCS" and viote for it products...raver i dont know about you or sack but thg likes when a product by DCS <- yeah is getiing good critics and like to be n umber 1 when not always he should or a whole product is a real one..anyway and gay and lesbo...IF U DONT LIKE CRACKTROS..IT IS NOT MY PROBLEM..STILL THERE'RE MANY LAMERS LOVING IT that way and with that design so why not pelasing them with this fast crap..ah and btw i do support good quality productions :-) THG..perkele :-) ands i do want your kiss :-D hhee..about razor1911 from the above comemtn to marisa..i am nto against any team/group or scener..and hmmcph is a fun group not using any name of any old bla..we try our best and will try...and if we are going to stay in our current status..u OLDSKOOLERS LIKE THG^dcs HELp improve..zu not all of us have money to visit every emo party in finland or what ever..and not a good health as u know and TO THE WHOLE FUCKING DEMOSCENE WHICH IS NTO THE SAME LIKE A FEW YEARS AGO...YEAH..NOT AT one really dont give a fukc about new releases and neither do i...most are real crap anyway :-)\
yeah THGF^DCS and the one which are aint are nice but i dont like many things in them but nag abd tease....
yeah THGF^DCS and the one which are aint are nice but i dont like many things in them but nag abd tease....
btw: THG^DCS would u like us to remove one or 2 of the logos.. and hey i dont think the skull the gfx by a finn guy is so bad..well might be a bit dark but ugly..the only thin i did not like there was the "evidence" logo by my self..and saying a whole product sucks..because of not fair..btw c64..or not..still most of sceners are geeks whom only like teasing and talking about ior showing odd with their oldskooling or being the first ones to code some know i love you and you know that...i dont know about you to bne honest...btw my times in trsi made u liking me ..but after them..u dont like a DCS again..sometimes NAME VOTING/NAME SUPPORTING OR WHATEVER..IS BAD..u should ask group about it..i wont say known and famous group who dont like it but i know there;re some who JUST HATE IT..but does not seem all DCS they like when people hear "DCS" and viote for it products...raver i dont know about you or sack but thg likes when a product by DCS <- yeah is getiing good critics and like to be n umber 1 when not always he should or a whole product is a real one..anyway and gay and lesbo...IF U DONT LIKE CRACKTROS..IT IS NOT MY PROBLEM..STILL THERE'RE MANY LAMERS LOVING IT that way and with that design so why not pelasing them with this fast crap..ah and btw i do support good quality productions :-) THG..perkele :-) ands i do want your kiss :-D hhee..about razor1911 from the above comemtn to marisa..i am nto against any team/group or scener..and hmmcph is a fun group not using any name of any old bla..we try our best and will try...and if we are going to stay in our current status..u OLDSKOOLERS LIKE THG^dcs HELp improve..zu not all of us have money to visit every emo party in finland or what ever..and not a good health as u know and TO THE WHOLE FUCKING DEMOSCENE WHICH IS NTO THE SAME LIKE A FEW YEARS AGO...YEAH..NOT AT one really dont give a fukc about new releases and neither do i...most are real crap anyway :-)\
yeah THGF^DCS and the one which are aint are nice but i dont like many things in them but nag abd tease....
yeah THGF^DCS and the one which are aint are nice but i dont like many things in them but nag abd tease....
dear coax,
you're a talentless, tumbling TUMBLING dickweed!
since you don't even *know* what quality *is*, i'd suggest you'd stop placing your rants over here. besides, it's quite hard to read them anyway.
you're a talentless, tumbling TUMBLING dickweed!
since you don't even *know* what quality *is*, i'd suggest you'd stop placing your rants over here. besides, it's quite hard to read them anyway.
coax calm down - i like u but definately not this intro.. oh well. the skull was amazing indeed, it almost saves the intro. and if you didnt hear, razor is already outta fashion.. everyone hates DCS these days!
atleast it has a higher charmfactor than the average razor1911(demo) release...
coaxcable: i cant say anything. i havent watched your intro. but thanks for the entertaining text
excellent piece of work!! more like this!!
anyway and gay and lesbo
this prod is weird but the upper right writing is great
well i dont know who loves what and dont care..AGAIN CRACKTROS ARE BY DEMAND :-) SO IF SOME PEOPLE LOVE IT AND WANT IT...SO WHY NOT DOING IT ..EVEN THAT WAY..thg^DCS..oh it is THF :-)..some things in it are very very nice..but some are not the best or not good...u can not kill a whole product..about you laughing it is good..if a intro makes people be happy this way or that it is already one of my real aims in life..CUZ LIFE time for me or cph or many in the demoscene so all seems to be suckie..thg..btw suckie..suck...big suck..:-) THG yeah u also suck..bananas and other things..and yeah i still love U and btw i dont believe u did love it after saying so much crap..duncan btw thanks but i dont thin many thumb ups will raise its votes or whjat ever..about mywriting in english yeah it sucks sometimes..more than usuall especially when i try to type in 5 minutes a text for about 15 minutes and i am at the computers lab with over than 15 people needing this computer to print their fucking hand in/essays shits..well now i need to get mine printed AGAIN..thg..ah was i talking to and about you...OG YEAH..SORRY..raver..srop nagging you too..i loveu too but u always do wrong things orbad..and u know it..i.e #cph channel on efnet and others :< but i never tell or do that in public most of the time BUT HEY WE'RE STILL FRIENDS..AND YEAHASPHYX IS RIGHT..SOME NICE THINGS IN THE INTRO ARE REALLY COOL..EVEN THE TOP RIGHT TEXT
unfortunately the writing in the upper right is just some standard font with photoshop effects applied :P
coax, chill out dude
yes, some will like this, some will not
personally, i dont like this, there is nothing about this that i could personally say i like, but, this is a place where people will be objectional, dont argue with people just because people say they dont like it. This is below many people's 'good' standard, you claim this is name voting, it isnt, if people dont like it they have as much reason to post as those that do.
What i'm trying to get at is this...If people dont like it, its their opinion, you cannot change it by trying to defend yourself, either people like or they dont..... and i dont
yes, some will like this, some will not
personally, i dont like this, there is nothing about this that i could personally say i like, but, this is a place where people will be objectional, dont argue with people just because people say they dont like it. This is below many people's 'good' standard, you claim this is name voting, it isnt, if people dont like it they have as much reason to post as those that do.
What i'm trying to get at is this...If people dont like it, its their opinion, you cannot change it by trying to defend yourself, either people like or they dont..... and i dont
sorry, but even the upper right logo sucked..
if it wasnt for the horrible music and everything moving so jerky i would probably have liked this
nice and funny!!!
you guys must have been drunken to death! respect!
coax, send me some of your drugs please!!! :D
you guys must have been drunken to death! respect!
coax, send me some of your drugs please!!! :D
Horrible piece of shit, but quite funny in some way... ;)
dij hey there btw..where is the blizzard intro?
i saw the one on my hdd..and remembered i also brought it to the college today..hmmm
bleh..dont know why but there are many old and new make noise and run when i am away :D
i saw the one on my hdd..and remembered i also brought it to the college today..hmmm
bleh..dont know why but there are many old and new make noise and run when i am away :D

I have nothing against cph, but u members there: Join other groups! CPH is a sinking ship

I have nothing against cph, but u members there: Join other groups! CPH is a sinking ship
that logo rulez. BIG thumb up!
and yes, it looks like cph is parting

DiJ: rofl ;) hehe :D cph is going DOOOOOWN! :D hehe...Btw: coax: did u fuck that sheep last week? :P

msg me if u like it ;) hehe :P
Something is bad here, the graphics, the colors, I gues that's it.. the effect is ok, the ball movement should be more than this-sinemanner/bouncing, I will give the pig, wish better prods in the future to coaxcable..
Btw,. the pick above me is funny. Is there a java page or something proggy saying http://blabla.bla. = Optimus or something, so that we can put anyone in there and give it to friends as a link?
Btw,. the pick above me is funny. Is there a java page or something proggy saying http://blabla.bla. = Optimus or something, so that we can put anyone in there and give it to friends as a link?
Smurf1, you're an idiot
Btw: Sorry to all u that got pissed of. It was just meant as a joke :] hehe..To those that are pissed of anyway: go to hell (right?)
Btw: Sorry to all u that got pissed of. It was just meant as a joke :] hehe..To those that are pissed of anyway: go to hell (right?)

yesh smurf1 sucks.... dij..and no cph is not paring or going down..we still kick and rock for 2.4 years now :D since 2000 and we wont other teams..actually we want die even when some peopel try to blame us for being lamers abit <Well yeah some times we're> but are not we all or many of us..and hmm..reminds me intro with 1-2 effects and it is over 300kb wowow damn and people stil lcall it a intro :) dij it is not about you or ds..just saying
smurf1..about gfx..lockless..atre cool as a cracking team but having u in is a real mess and a total fuck..for them then..ask all around..and about you doing gfx for them..bwt why falcons kick u out and some more and AHH TELL THEM ALL HOW U WANTED TO JOIN COOLPHAT BUT SAID NO..YOUR GFX IS NOT NICE AT ALLLLLLL..WE DID NTO ACCEPT TOO LAMER PEOPLE LIKE YOU :d norwegian fuck
smurf1..about gfx..lockless..atre cool as a cracking team but having u in is a real mess and a total fuck..for them then..ask all around..and about you doing gfx for them..bwt why falcons kick u out and some more and AHH TELL THEM ALL HOW U WANTED TO JOIN COOLPHAT BUT SAID NO..YOUR GFX IS NOT NICE AT ALLLLLLL..WE DID NTO ACCEPT TOO LAMER PEOPLE LIKE YOU :d norwegian fuck
ok..1. I quit Falcons to start my own group (SFA) wich i killed some time ago..Did u know that me and DiJ started falcons? And btw..Lockless is kewl..It is up to they if they want me as a member or not..If they want to kick me, they`l do it..Why am i a total fuck for them? gimme 3 good reasons, and maybe ill agree..:P I know u cant find any good reasons, u "sick" mother fucker.
That desease of urs..EVEREYBODY knows that that aint true..U are dumb! Using the bnc when u said u were sick,...everybody knew that it was u hanging on #cph when u was suposed to be at the hospital..Gotcha asswiper!
So now....plz go die or somthing? c ya round
That desease of urs..EVEREYBODY knows that that aint true..U are dumb! Using the bnc when u said u were sick,...everybody knew that it was u hanging on #cph when u was suposed to be at the hospital..Gotcha asswiper!
So now....plz go die or somthing? c ya round
cxc, chill down plz, it is not a long time since u released a very good musicdisk(alien chill farm) and when u release this, it seems like the group is going down, sorry if i said something that wasnt true, but in my eyes, it looked like this was the end of CPH.
DiJ: hehe yes ;) We Norwegians should keep togheter about the war agains CPH :P (Joke)
It is cool if CPH can manage to rise from the ash, but get a new leader! Realy, I have nothing against coax, but he is not the right person to lead a group..sorry.
So coax: Why dont u start to babysit for a neighbour or something? :P
It is cool if CPH can manage to rise from the ash, but get a new leader! Realy, I have nothing against coax, but he is not the right person to lead a group..sorry.
So coax: Why dont u start to babysit for a neighbour or something? :P
Graffik: Damn..Good ripping of urs..I guess Angeldawn was happy about it..And u didnt even credit him! That is BAD! Even I dont rip! (and i suck, i know it). So everyone that is some asholes, plz stfu? U suck even more than coax, ripper! Looser..That is so patetic! I cant tell how patetic that is! DAMN! U better watch ur mouth from now :P hehe *ev0l*
i dont want a war, sorry smurf1
I agree superlek ;) but plz cph..dont release any more crap that take neccesary hd space? :D haha
smurf1: contact for complains about ripping the OFFICIAL flt logo which has been used for YEARS, or keep you oppinions for yourself, lamer.
So ehm.. is this to comment on releases or to tell everyone that they suck one way or the other? =)
Coaxcable, what is the key and algorithm needed to dechipher what you write in here? Nice that you think people vote this prod down because they are name-voters, not because the prod sucks :)
Virago, you don't visit pouet much do you? :) (Answer B is correct)
this is just to lolish ;P
Now im outa here ;P No more comments by me if ya dont mind.(unless if someone have a question? :P) this aint worth the time it takes to write this letters..
Now im outa here ;P No more comments by me if ya dont mind.(unless if someone have a question? :P) this aint worth the time it takes to write this letters..
tala svänska hitlerjäkel! =D
flaming scene is alive!
better graphics would have saved a lot. i prefer c64 cracktros.
blah.. i am sorry, but this was just worse than 'klantro by demo telivision" from 1992 :(
man, even i know howto code better than this, so keep it up, make it better and rls it again
man, even i know howto code better than this, so keep it up, make it better and rls it again
no for heavens sake do NOT release it again :D
mnd, you are crazy
dij: no, but i really think this COULD be better, so we can look at it and not get soar eyes, coz i dont think they are THIS lame for real
why the fuck are you still continuing this? fuck off and go home, christs sake!
heh! whats going on?!
damn, this thread rocks hard :)
the junk of the demoscene!
biggest crap ive ever seen for ages!
where's the amiga port???
does anyone have a working download link for this? :D as i recall it was comedy gold!
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