B-Clopd 3D by John Trapolka Memorial Krew & Creative Mind
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popularity : 70% |
alltime top: #2247 |
added on the 2004-04-15 22:30:20 by starbuck ![]() |
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Uh.. in contrast to kkrieger this acutally runs on my lame machine, buut 5fps does not cut it. Will come back with a bigger iron :)
extremely silly. but damn fun to watch and play :)
the fps speeds up if you switch off the music :)
the graphix reminds me the 3d-platform-pc-game "croc".
I love the animation of the main charakter.
Runs about ten times as fast as kkrieger... Not as much fun as the older version, but still a nice game.
yeah, this is 0.001 fps provided by tunefish ...
( vote goes for nosound )
( vote goes for nosound )
really fun to watch at the party
there are so many bad models and supermario-cliches in it that you have to love it... especially the flamethrower ;)
there are so many bad models and supermario-cliches in it that you have to love it... especially the flamethrower ;)
I second ryg. Definitely.
If music is turned on, framerate goes down and the game stutters and gets unplayable. Final please!
Hahaha, I laughed quite much at the party, whilst having a look at that game. Superb work!
(But then came Farbrausch and destroyed it's first place)
(But then came Farbrausch and destroyed it's first place)
Cool game. Jump is not very predictable
I don't understund you guys ! It is slow on your config ? here runs on p3-1300 and gf2mx without speed problems. The game itself is wonderfull ! 96k and a full commercial potential ! :) Great job !
Waou! B-Klopd are back and in 3d. Great engine, however I liked the 2d version of this more. The reason? 1st: more elasticity, 2nd: Where the fuck are the SuperMario's, the Sonic's, the Alex Kidd's and the big Yoshi??? Copyright issues? Damn..
and guys, fix that shameful "exeed" greeting ;)
fun :)
Nice :)
Yeah, this is as B-Clopd than it´s precedessors. Senseless violence can´t be more fun =)
total b-clopd und b-scheuert. :)
very ugly and unplayable
Is there an inverse mouse option? I use to play the opposite way around and all my gaming friends are calling me a pervert because of that :)
nice for the size
funny game, i bit hard though ;) but i like it
Could've been prettier, could've had better collision detection and mechanics, but overall, this is good stuff. As a game it's i.m.ho most certainly better than FR's thingy.
I.M.HO, yeah :(
Man, I laughed when they picked up the flamethrower. Funny, a bit silly but not at all bad.
I wish Mario would have a flamethrower.
I wish Mario would have a flamethrower.
i loved watching it on the bigscreen at breakpoint, hopefully more of those sweet 3rdperson mario gore games will show up soon =)
nice 3d jump and run game
you mean this? :D
Why are the Hungarian servers always so slow btw?!? (Lol for the screenshot! :)
Optimus: Because your connection sucks.
Those screenshots are best ;)
way better than the 2D version :)
Go(o)d game. ;-)
Actually quite playable. Thumbs up!
This is amazing. I've merrily wasted another few hours of my life, and had a great time doing it, with this game. Amazing how it fit into 96kb. Good work.
joa :D
woo bright shiny and colourful!!!
still rulez!
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