Tribes Feldolgozás by LegendgrafiX [web]
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popularity : 64% |
alltime top: #48195 |
added on the 2008-08-20 03:13:20 by Geri ![]() |
popularity helper
fuck off you asshat
sucks added on the 2008-08-20 03:22:30 by havoc 

this seems to be going for a cinematic approach, telling a story, which is usually something I like. but this demo does it so clumsily, with sloppy code (the whole thing ran in 256 colours for me, and went slideshow when glowing things came on screen), laughable animations (the walking dog in the beginning comes to mind), an unintelligible story (try english next time), low-poly models, boring music, even more boring direction (circling around an object for a minute is not epic) and it's way too long.
and 121mb?!?!
this seems to be going for a cinematic approach, telling a story, which is usually something I like. but this demo does it so clumsily, with sloppy code (the whole thing ran in 256 colours for me, and went slideshow when glowing things came on screen), laughable animations (the walking dog in the beginning comes to mind), an unintelligible story (try english next time), low-poly models, boring music, even more boring direction (circling around an object for a minute is not epic) and it's way too long.
and 121mb?!?!
i believe its supposed to be a remake of tribes...
yes. now that i've actually seen it, it looks like a tribes remake too. a bad remake though. adds more bugs than improved models. 2fps with particles glow totally ruined the best part of the demo. :S
that legendfaggish asshat entered function 2008 as release party for his latest turd, thereby screwing up the latest party thing (he still claims it's a function release on the youtube version... asswipe!)
1996 called.
Also 121MB?
Also 121MB?
the original tribes demo was from december 97 ...
As if the original wasn't already bad enough.
die kthxbyebbq
just watched the video. omg, this is so bad I only kept watching by sheer curiosity.
I can understand doing a remake of a demo you really like, but this just insults the original. It just looks like another 97 demo that rips tribes, but with worse graphics, worse code, and really really bad direction and camera work. It'd get a thumb down if it was running on a pentium, but running like that on modern hardware? I don't even get how you managed it!
Thumbs down for the quality and not improving on the original, but massive thumbs up for the dedication. Even attempting to pull something like this off makes you a candidate for the "most ridiculous thing only a demoscener can understand"-award of the year.
I lolled.
wtf? just.. no.
what was that ???
the Legendgrafix universe is a very strange place indeed. I must say that I skipped some parts on youtube out of sheer boredom though...
the Legendgrafix universe is a very strange place indeed. I must say that I skipped some parts on youtube out of sheer boredom though...
Scheisse !!!!!!
wth w/ size ?!
i checked youtube the music is nice but gfx is so fucked up still thumb down
Thank you, but NO thank you. I really can't find words for this, sorry...
Extra thumbdown for graphics quality and size.

Extra thumbdown for graphics quality and size.

Never was that fond of the original, but I'd much rather watch that than this piece-of-shit remake...
You'd rather remix Rush Hour again...
that legendfaggish asshat entered function 2008 as release party for his latest turd, thereby screwing up the latest party thing (he still claims it's a function release on the youtube version... asswipe!)
it's partly true though, he asked if we would either raise the size limit to 128MB per demo, or let his demo in his competition, then when we told him not to (the demo can be easily broken down to ~40% of the size just by taking a look in the /data/aud dir, heh), and after a rather gratuitous vote on, we decided not to let it in the compo, and he said he wouldnt want to release it anywhere else.
so in a sense, yes, this was disqualified from function, although only in a rather twisted sense.
Now that was... different.
What penishure said in Ultrascheisse ...
how can something be this bad?
Hahahaha, this is hilariously bad!
the next nextempire :)
everything is wrong in this one..
Remember, the sky was green, that's one of the trademarks of that demo....
I've deleted the contents of this comment like 3 times already, I really don't know what to say, but I won't thumb your work down :)
I've deleted the contents of this comment like 3 times already, I really don't know what to say, but I won't thumb your work down :)
I didn't get it.
And puke
And puke
I never liked the original Tribes demo, but this is infinitely worse!
I'm not sure if it's meant to be funny like Rush Hour or serious, but it worked on neither level for me.
I'm not sure if it's meant to be funny like Rush Hour or serious, but it worked on neither level for me.
Here's the rough translation of the nfo, so you can experience the full drama in all its glory:
This demo was originally made for the Function 2008 demoparty, but the organizers decided to disqualify it because of its size.
Why Tribes?
To be honest, all my life it has been 4-5 demos I really liked. One of these is Tribes and because it is very old now, I wanted to make the remastered version of it. With digital effects.
With Imperial AT-ATs behind the bus stops. You can all bash now. But you should rather enjoy it because I was pissing blood while doing this.
What does "farewell" mean in the title?
But why?
I don't really feel comfortable within the demoscene community anymore, so I temporarily say goodbye. I'm sorry this has turned out like this.
It will be approximately 2, maybe 6 years you'll have to bear without me. If I won't return to the demoscene within 6 years, then there is a good chance that I will never return. Of course I won't disappear, but I won't be doing demos.
I will rather spend my time on much more useful things.
How much time did it take to make Tribes?
A fucking long time, I thought that I will finish the modelling in one week and the coding also in one week but this fucking didn't happen like that, the coding took almost 5 weeks. The music was ripped from the original.
wonder why they didnt spend this month left optimizing the size to fit the compo requirements...

Promised?It will be approximately 2, maybe 6 years you'll have to bear without me.
500MB uncompressed for a demo?
Worse than the original?
..the goodbye scene nfo was touching. Not enough to not thumb this down though..
Worse than the original?
..the goodbye scene nfo was touching. Not enough to not thumb this down though..
ps: even if it would fit the size limit, he would still need the consent of the original authors. Which I very much doubt he would get :)
for size...
so, omg!! function is killing the scene!!! :D
oh no!
e_Int: A grafikus motor elindult (CPU: x86), be�ll�t�sok alkalmaz�sa...
e_Int: Mem�ria (12 Mb�jt) lefoglal�sa................................................................................................................... [OK]
e_Int: PRE_g_Init...
g_Int: Beallitasok alkalmazasa...
g_Int: Nincs CONFIG, folytatas az eloredefinialt ertekekkel...
g_Int: Aktiv�l�s: 1280x1024:32
g_Int: GPU: NVIDIA Corporation GeForce 8400M GS/PCI/SSE2
g_Int: Az OpenGL verzi�ja 2.1 [OK]
g_Int: ...RGBA&32b/p
...FRQ 72Hz
g_Int: Egy menetben felfesziheto texturak szama: 4
Segmentation fault
That resolution wont work on a 1280x800 notebook.
And using GL_ATI_PN_TRIANGLES (isn't it deprecated even on ATI cards?) on a NVIDIA card will maybe NOT work... what does HIBA btw. mean?
Segmentation fault - HIBA!
and what about using the scene-wide used language ENGLISH?
He is searching for English speakers on his homepage to translate the texts, because he has no friend, who speaks:)
las: hiba = error
this is like watching 2girls1cup. you are disgusted but you can't look away and you just laugh.
far away from being as fascinating as the original was and way behind its time.
judging from the youtube video doing something else than making demos is probably a pretty good idea for this fellow ;)
+1 for making me laugh
How not to make a demo
respekt! better be the best at bad than bad at the best :D
I love how he got the billboards right :)
dedication +, original demo +- and then this...
Hell, doing a tribute should be like "hey, what would it look like if they already had the hardware being 1000x faster than in 1997", not speaking about other benefits from today.
But this one just badly messes up the original.
Piggy cries hiding in the corner, so here´s the appropriate thumb left.
But this one just badly messes up the original.
Piggy cries hiding in the corner, so here´s the appropriate thumb left.
Grand super shit this ain't a demo.
Seriously, no, just no. There's not even a single scene looking better in this than in the original. :-/
Fuckings to people who say "don't make demos".
"hahaha...oh wait, you're serious"
Horrible in every way.
Do not fuck with legend.
Do not fuck with legend.
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