Soliloquy by Elude [web]
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popularity : 70% |
alltime top: #515 |
added on the 2008-03-24 15:06:32 by ltk_tscc ![]() |
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Rules rules rules !
rulez added on the 2008-03-24 15:16:09 by evil 

great prod
Agreed with the Breakpoint public, this didn't deserved to win the compo.
best in the compo
The real winner - too bad that it does not work with WinUAE.
One of the best amiga demos in a long time; this impressed above and beyond. Let's hope Kiero continues to churn out stuff like this to give TBL some competition for the crown.
awesome and impressive demo
A TBL killer! That's great!
cool one ;)
Deserved to win IMO.
WinUAE JIT FPU seems to be broken, it works without JIT, but very very slowly (obviously).
WinUAE JIT FPU seems to be broken, it works without JIT, but very very slowly (obviously).
Absolutely stunning, should have been the winner for sure.
very good
Ahh, from the BP2008 results.txt:
NOTE: drifters decided not to accept their prize and gave it to the elude
crew instead.
01 895 twenty - drifters
02 886 soliloquy - elude
03 707 Surfing Great Victoria - Nature & Traktor
NOTE: drifters decided not to accept their prize and gave it to the elude
crew instead.
01 895 twenty - drifters
02 886 soliloquy - elude
03 707 Surfing Great Victoria - Nature & Traktor
Insane ideas! Very freaks production!
freaky I mean :)
Very good
great show
Was watching this on the live stream, very impressive demo!
WTF 2nd???
This was *the* killer entry
This was *the* killer entry
Under WinUAE 1.4.6, Kickstart 3.1, it just says 'Can't open version 0 of datatypes.library'. Well, the lib is there, what's wrong, any ideas?
Under WinUAE 1.4.6, Kickstart 3.1, it just says 'Can't open version 0 of datatypes.library'. Well, the lib is there, what's wrong, any ideas?
This is THE TBL-Killer! Now we can live without TBL in the Amiga demoscene. Fantastic work guys. The results show that party-voting sucks bigtime. My deepest respects to Drifters for being to gentle to give the prices away!
what, it didnt win? shocking. great demo!
Rulez. Definitely. Awesome GFX!
Like it.
nice !
Simply Great.
geil !!
why the fuck didn't this win?
top notch code, direction and music. absolute travesty that it didn't win...
Rocked the compo by far. Seems like amiga scene has a new star rising. Extraordinary design and concept.
Very impressive and stylish.
The TBL hate campaign was cute (eventhough not really done by these guys I think) But a nice demo and the scene in the screenshot absolutely rocked.
killer demo
Yes! Design rocks. Should have won imo.
Stunning demo!
Great work guys, keep it up :)
style, design, beauty with almost no scene poetry.
no question about it! :)
great demo. and it's so great to see kiero back on 68k for sure now. looking forward to next year! hopefully TBL will show up with a demo again, too, to see those two competing with the same kind of style. ;)
good scenes. done with style. i also liked the good use of bumpmapping. a bit slow, however.. this ending up 2nd place is a crime against humanity.
during last year it was obvious that a new formation of well known guys is coming up.
Extremely sophisticated piece of work. Mad respect!
Extremely sophisticated piece of work. Mad respect!
Should of course have won (which I told Kiero on stage). Great visuals and nice demo! However, I think the code could be a bit faster. ;) Anyway, great demo guys and it's cool to see you back on 68k!
Pure Pwnage
Should have won.
wow, amazing guys. excellent job.
Great work! More please
somtimes the result of a compo is quite rediculous.
this deserved nothing but the 1st place.
anyway madwizards are now elude? fine
stylewise they seem to approach tbl step by step :)
this deserved nothing but the 1st place.
anyway madwizards are now elude? fine
stylewise they seem to approach tbl step by step :)
Had some really great scenes, and a few not-so-great ones. But still a really, really nice prod.
mental winner.
nothing mindblowing but had a few nice scenes.
btw, kiero: you owe me beer for having stepped on me while i was trying to sleep on thursday night, jsyk. ;)
btw, kiero: you owe me beer for having stepped on me while i was trying to sleep on thursday night, jsyk. ;)
Great demo! I saw on the stream and fell in love with it.
I cant get it running on my native hardware (screw emulators ;) ). I get a guru. What is the hardware specs on this? I got a normal A1200 / 060@80mhz (yes 80) running with OS3.1 .. all other prods from breakpoint works. Any clues? How much mem is needed.
I cant get it running on my native hardware (screw emulators ;) ). I get a guru. What is the hardware specs on this? I got a normal A1200 / 060@80mhz (yes 80) running with OS3.1 .. all other prods from breakpoint works. Any clues? How much mem is needed.
guru meditation here too ...
Alkaron: how did you managed to get 80 MHZ?????
thumb up
I was blown away by this on the stream. Great in every way.
Great mood and some top notch scenes
Some nice work here. If only more people voted instead of boo-ing.
Some really awesome parts. I'm impressed but at the same time a bit bored.
It looks pretty much like a TBL clone, beides that a few of the effects could have been faster if a different technique would have been used. But i liked it anyways.
Awesome scenes!
Great atpmosphere!
I like a lot the tree made of human figures.
Great atpmosphere!
I like a lot the tree made of human figures.
@ubik: Thanks, works fine and smooth under WinUAE now.
Wonderful !
Great Scenes/atmosphere, great graphics/postprocessing, great sound, a couple of nice demo-effects - all this combined and you have a great demo!
As mentioned above the framerate was somewhat low - let that be an encouragement rather than critisism.
You made the Amiga demo compo-feeling go from "nice" to "great" with your demo this year!
As mentioned above the framerate was somewhat low - let that be an encouragement rather than critisism.
You made the Amiga demo compo-feeling go from "nice" to "great" with your demo this year!
quite liked it, had some good scenes!
Stunning and a true demo unlike all those artsy pantsy peecee demos
Very nice demo, not really my cup of tea but there is no doubt that a lot of talent and effort went into the creation of this demo. Compared to last years release this really feels like a "proper" 68k demo which warms my heart.
YT is here:
Nice warning shot (:
Unexpected and nice.
The killerdemo!
The hard work and thought really shows in this. I love demos like this that have an epic feel to them, and in today's scene, it's actually quite rare.
Great demo!
Great demo!
a masterpiece
Fantastic demo. Way to go.
simply love it
what have the world come to, when the amigaguys go epic 3d flyby and the pc guys go stylish disco demos in the tradition of polka brothers and so on :)?
anyway since I'm a TBL fanboy, I obviously condone stuff like this - fight fancy showoffs with fancy showoffing!
As regards to the "dont vote for the usual guys"-campaign, I found it highly entertaining, but maybe not strategically so wise.. it might have backfired :)
anyway since I'm a TBL fanboy, I obviously condone stuff like this - fight fancy showoffs with fancy showoffing!
As regards to the "dont vote for the usual guys"-campaign, I found it highly entertaining, but maybe not strategically so wise.. it might have backfired :)
Ok, after trying 4 times to get this one running on my A4k without any success I might say, according to azzaro, our demo might look like shit compared to yours but at least we see something! :)
Jokes aside, what does this thing need to run? So far I tried booting w/o startup-sequence etc. but still, no success. Just black screen and music. Just in case, my config is A4000/060, 80MB fast.
Jokes aside, what does this thing need to run? So far I tried booting w/o startup-sequence etc. but still, no success. Just black screen and music. Just in case, my config is A4000/060, 80MB fast.
MASTER of Piece!
Incredible CODE!
Amiga 68k RULEZ
ps: if cant run on suck winuae try OFF the JIT !
Incredible CODE!
Amiga 68k RULEZ
ps: if cant run on suck winuae try OFF the JIT !
Ubik: thanks for the fast reply but I finally got it running. ;) When I wrote I tried w/o startup-sequence I actually meant booting straight into shell with cgx monitor driver loaded etc. Now the last thing I tried was really booting w/o startup-sequence, just setpatch and adddatatypes refresh and lo'n'behold, it worked then! :)
really good
ubik: cool! :) that would rock! And don't you dare NOT to make another demo! ;)
scarily good stuff!
Really great atmosphere.
Fullscreen mode please ! (Morphos)
Fullscreen mode please ! (Morphos)
btw. Kiero will add cgfx support soonish
Oups. :)
Very pretty. The opening credits made me think of DMC or Castlevania or some such.
should have won
great stuff!
we are not impressed. but i'm glad that ex-mawi still alive.
Not impressive enough to be a TBL replacement, but it would easily have made it in the top 10 in the pc demo compo ;)
WOW!!! Amazing... i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thx for this production AMMMMIIIIIIIIIIIGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Great demo with a nice moody atmosphere. And Chaser's soundtrack is fantastic (Can i has mp3-link, plueaze?)!
Simply the best.
Thumb here too
really good stuff! Looks fine, great music, great atmosphere. Though I must say I'm getting a bit tired of this "slow, dark and heavy" style. Cheer up everyone! Still a wonderful demo that deserved to win
Pacing could've been a bit tighter, but the rest is really impressive. Good to see that the Amiga is still capable of doing more than animations and cubemaps... :)
cheesy and completely amiga-ish, but i loved all of it.
solid prod!!
The metaballs and sphere with light don't fit very well with the theme but it doesn't matter because I like it and run damn fast and smoothly... the human-tree is great! I prefer this cinematic style to Mawi's horror-vacuum that filled the screen with too many elements in some productions.
It would be nice if Kiero could add different pixel configurations (like 2x1 and 2x2) for slower cpus (like 040 or maybe people who prefer smoothness over detail) . And also high-res support for fast emulators.
It would be nice if Kiero could add different pixel configurations (like 2x1 and 2x2) for slower cpus (like 040 or maybe people who prefer smoothness over detail) . And also high-res support for fast emulators.
agree with crumb on the sphere/metaballs fx (but i liked them nonetheless)
other than that, really nice
other than that, really nice
wtf.. I'm sure I added a thumb up earlier..
simply great! I love the scene from the screenshot! :)
amazing! much better than drifters demo...
Thanks for the soundtrack link - very much appreciated!
Thnx guys! This is the best release from BP08 for me!
lovely, only really enjoyable production from the amiga demo compo
great to watch.. some scenes are really spooky :)
Great music! Nice graphics. Excellent code!
A teraz Rubinio poprosze taka fajna grafike na peceta :D.
A teraz Rubinio poprosze taka fajna grafike na peceta :D.
Very beautiful.
Blew my socks off at BP! Seems like TBL has some competition on the Amiga :)
fucking amazing in every aspect (although it does take a few hints from TBL :)
one thing i kept thinking though when watching is... "i wonder if it can be done in 4k?"... and i dunno why i kept thinking it. o_O
one thing i kept thinking though when watching is... "i wonder if it can be done in 4k?"... and i dunno why i kept thinking it. o_O
probably because you talked to iq, Blueberry and Mentor for too long?
very nice!
running under winuae with amigasys3 and much ram (but some gfx failures)
Well deserved victory, if you can call it that - it's hard to fight against an anniversary of a much beloved group.
I liked the feel of this demo, although it's a bit hard for me to understand if there was a real story, or just random moments of despair and darkness. My favourite scenes were the gold plated paper and the tree of people - nice ones there.
The music is fitting and is very good to begin with - however, it fades a bit in the end.
Overall, the best Amiga demo at Breakpoint 2008, which probably makes this the best Amiga demo of 2008. ;)
I liked the feel of this demo, although it's a bit hard for me to understand if there was a real story, or just random moments of despair and darkness. My favourite scenes were the gold plated paper and the tree of people - nice ones there.
The music is fitting and is very good to begin with - however, it fades a bit in the end.
Overall, the best Amiga demo at Breakpoint 2008, which probably makes this the best Amiga demo of 2008. ;)
What all others says =)
I really like it
Good work!
Maturefurk-wannabe demo, on obsoleet hardware with six to ten years old effects shown at a ridicolous resolution (what's that, 160x100?).
Sorry, it didn't work for me.
Sorry, it didn't work for me.
<irony>Oh yeah right. I almost forgot that obsolete hardware is a "no go" in the demoscene.</irony> ;)
This rocks!
This rocks!
Great. And what a soundtrack !
forgotten thumb
Music makes it better. Incredible score by Chaser with ugly amiga models and some nice effects.
Still thumb up.
Still thumb up.
Pretty amazing stuff. Don't like the whole classical art style much but the metaballs, animations and the rasterizer were all cool.
It had to win!
Elude style: slow but impressive (especially the end part)!
Morbid poetic.
Chaser rocks! Ubik and Kiero, too :)
My favorite from Elude. Amazing soundtrack!
Well done guys!
The demo is simply GREAT! Really amazing.
great visuals and a very sweet soundtrack
sick prod. period.
ugly demo with cheesy music.
rocks at every level!
Great, great demo!
Great. One of the Elude's best!!
nice one!
Cool! :)
Scary, but nice indeed.
Great demo, forgotten thumb up!
Seems I be owing Elude some thumbs ;)
Fantastic mood in this demo. Music is epic like only Chaser can make it. Disturbing visuals bind together in a really nice way.
Remember this on the big screen, made an impression indeed.
Fantastic mood in this demo. Music is epic like only Chaser can make it. Disturbing visuals bind together in a really nice way.
Remember this on the big screen, made an impression indeed.
Amazing demo! Pacing is a bit odd at times.
Humanoid tree branches.
Just ideal!
blew my socks off, when i saw it live on the big screen!
nice, although lack of perspective correction in the texture mapper looks painful to the eye sometimes.
AstronautStebo: Here is mp3 for you. greetz ;)))
soundtrack link is broken and there is no track on Soundcloud at
Also please tell us about sample with girl voce - what exectly she speak?
Simply A W E S O M E !!!
Quote from the movie "Never ending story". The old man watched the movie again, and discovered a wonderful quote, in an Amiga demo.
The demo feels a bit run of the mill; perhaps thats its the first time viewing in 2022, and Im not certain how breaking it was back then. In retrospect it seems you guys leaped ahead after this :).
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