Sparks Win32 by Mandrixx & Flan & Willbe
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popularity : 68% |
alltime top: #2034 |
added on the 2003-03-28 12:50:26 by mandrixx ![]() |
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Some nice ideas and textures, but I don't like the music or most of the design.
Great Idea the way each scene changed with a different effect.
very traditional but effective demoshow..
this is very kewl ..
this is very kewl ..
This could have been so great without those damn "coder colours"(tm).
many nice ideas and effects. i especially liked the explotions and the glossy tile tunnel. The music wasnt particulary good, and the always-on-top-of-everything rgb dots were totally lame and ugly as hell. <br> but this was cool anyway! keep going
great music and great effects! the 2d graphics really sucked, but very good otherwise!
this should be named "how many times can one use grid-distortion in the same demo"...and the rgb-particles; yuck. the music was good in parts and terrible in others. like duckers i liked the "glossy tunnel", but the demo is too long, repetitive and boring i'm afraid. the music-player had "hickups" and the code didn't run in oneframe at my bitch-ass computer.
ran fine years ago. some stuff could be better, but overall just nice.
this one was a great one, and still funky :)
great coding, but not the gfx (except one or two), music :(
Looks good and keeps me entertained. The music was sometimes great, sometimes it sucked bad.
Definitly nice to see this original demo again, the DOS version is not running anymore coz video problem.
another nice blast from the not-so-distant past
this is great 2D work even if the track sounds like thoose poor lame bontempi (c) synthe demoz :-)
Mostly ugly, but the first effect was nice (and I'm not talking about the lateral blur on the credits)
Please stop complaining! For effects, which were coded back in 1998, this is pretty cool!!
I like demos if they are entertaining or amusing and this demo was a pleasure to watch for me - what else counts?
I like demos if they are entertaining or amusing and this demo was a pleasure to watch for me - what else counts?
the color scheme somehow sucks, and the demo could as well have been entitled "rotozoomerism, tunnelism: precalced distortmapism [feat. bumpmapism]". the music has a somewhat fine granularity; some parts are great, some parts just suck.
Very nice, it entertained me for a few minutes
I loved it!!! This Is.. !
Me likes, especially the fireball.
great! some really good high colour effects. MMX anyone?
There were a few nice effects but most of the demo was very ugly and I didn't like the music either
Thanks for the win32 port ! One of my favourite 1998 demo. 2d rulez, Revolution is coming ;)
Love the music from willbe, better than lot of BOOM BOOM 2002-2003 tunes.
Love the music from willbe, better than lot of BOOM BOOM 2002-2003 tunes.
not bad, nice pic by flan and music is cool. gets the thumb up
I haven't watched the DOS version of this demo before, but I think it rules because especially of it's great smooth and cool transitions and then for it's effects and the music! That picture from Flan is nice and now I know where Roudoudou transfered it from :)
It's nice when coders do Win32 versions of their demos, because some people see cool older DOS demos which they didn't knew before!
It's nice when coders do Win32 versions of their demos, because some people see cool older DOS demos which they didn't knew before!
some oldscool effects and some idea was cool.
and very good music.
great this one!!!
some oldscool effects and some idea was cool.
and very good music.
great this one!!!
Quite nice, Cool scene effects
I find this funny to watch, even in retrospective. This demo is also a good proof that Willbe hasn't always been such a great musician. :)
Hmm... Oldskool Spirit... Pure Taste and Enjoy for my Eyes, Groovy :)
2d rulez
I like. gloom sucks.
what do you mean the music sucks? it rules! willbe rules! pfft :-)
nice win32 port ! old skoolzz
those rgb-particles was relly ugly, but the rest was yummie.
excellent ... the so so muzik is brilliantly interpreted - i liked it so much i may even run it again, merci
not standard music, good synchro
worked style and suspens
but absolutly ugly colors of 1998's pc-scene
worked style and suspens
but absolutly ugly colors of 1998's pc-scene
Love this oldskool demo ! Nice effects ! Refreshing !
nice music.
This is just SO good. Perfect in every way. One of the most underrated demos ever..
Great music, nice pics, really cool 2d effects and so effective synchro that I had to watch this again and again!
Great oldschool style demo with fantastic sound - especially the end credits music, which is too fine :D
tunnel and other 2d effects galore. Ugly in some parts, but nice pics. It looses steam halfway through, as it repeats itself.
great effects and transitions, medicore music, and butt-ugly colours and gfx...
very cool
the demo is now viewable online, in a java 1.1 version.
enjoy ^^
enjoy ^^
Some nice scenes, nice music.
The java version is AWESOME =D
A great classic !
One of the best full 2D demo ever made !
The java version is AWESOME =D
A great classic !
One of the best full 2D demo ever made !
Mandrixx, you rule. Now make Sparks II :)
The colors are bad most of the time, the music is not my cup of tea either. Yet, this is nice to watch! :) The tunnel rocks!
+++ great code
+ cool gfx
-- cheesy music
- coder colours
a weak thumb up
+ cool gfx
-- cheesy music
- coder colours
a weak thumb up
Superugly colors during the whole demo. I second gloom. A falcon060 surely can do better... and now... thumb down for the re-use of the flan grafix from ENTRACTE which was released TWO years earlier.
Music reminds me of Jazz Jackrabbit! Very 68K-4MB oldskool...
I would have called this an overmasturbation of the acid vision lightflare-girlpic-fractal-zoomer-tunnel-checkerfloor-more zoomer-more tunnel circus but this demo has some kind of SPARK which draws me to it...
The redhead girl is enchanted!!
Sadly, I feel Mandrix's spirit in trying to demonstrate the power of Java, but SPARKS seems to be proof of how fucked it is and how Sun has become another Netscape for being a net pioneer yet failing to make its technology more userfriendly... this demo crashes like a death meteor on my Firefox >_<
I would have called this an overmasturbation of the acid vision lightflare-girlpic-fractal-zoomer-tunnel-checkerfloor-more zoomer-more tunnel circus but this demo has some kind of SPARK which draws me to it...
The redhead girl is enchanted!!
Sadly, I feel Mandrix's spirit in trying to demonstrate the power of Java, but SPARKS seems to be proof of how fucked it is and how Sun has become another Netscape for being a net pioneer yet failing to make its technology more userfriendly... this demo crashes like a death meteor on my Firefox >_<
Wait... listen to the soundtrack and hold it close to your ears... did Will Be use samples that came from the pre-DirectX, really cheesy game called 'Hover' that came with the very first edition Windows 95?
Hell, that game was endless fun!!
Hell, that game was endless fun!!
Didn't really like the music but the effects are very nice.
Great demo and music... nice java demo :)
light sprites,
light sprites,
Coolest javaport i have seen in my life
awesome demo, the links to the java port are dead. does anyone have this still, or the source code?
WOW that thing is REALLY NICE!
Hey Nico ! do you still have source code ?
good memories of this classic
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