still puzzled? by Outracks [web]
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popularity : 72% |
alltime top: #514 |
added on the 2007-02-24 03:27:05 by Duckers ![]() |
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Whoa! What a fucking nice invitation!
Real quality stuff all round!
Real quality stuff all round!
works fine on ATI mobility 9700 + omega drivers, nice one
nice shader !
nice music :)
nice music :)
Good overall design choices, and a kickass soundtrack to top it off. Brought a smile to an old man's face on a saturday morning. :)
Some good parts, some not so good parts. Still thumbs up :)
Nice one
I just realized I lived trough all screenshots of those winning TG demos in this invitation.
O boy time did not stood still hehe...
nice invitation!
O boy time did not stood still hehe...
nice invitation!
nice invit! i love the music
Excellent music, nice invite with some cool ideas and pleasant design. Also third TG-invite in a row to win at digiLAB if I'm not mistaken :)
Very inviting. The cube thing was very nice :)
Cool invitro. Personal opinion chart coming up
+ A bit of nostalgia (rotating timebox)
+ Timing to the most distinct pieces of the soundtrack (not to all beats all the time).
+ That good old demo feeling.
+ Great sine-wave in shadebobs when the music suggests they should come in.. doh.
- Piano mixed with synth stuff :)
- humour (aww come on the sliding puzzle was a bit funny).
- a bit soft.
+ A bit of nostalgia (rotating timebox)
+ Timing to the most distinct pieces of the soundtrack (not to all beats all the time).
+ That good old demo feeling.
+ Great sine-wave in shadebobs when the music suggests they should come in.. doh.
- Piano mixed with synth stuff :)
- humour (aww come on the sliding puzzle was a bit funny).
- a bit soft.
wonderful invitation! i really love the rubber cube and the song is great. nice pic in the end as well.
nice shaders, and i liked the music :)
At last, a professional and nice invitro!
Congratulations! -b
Congratulations! -b
really cool!
haha 1995 kewlers sucks ;)
Fhaakin awsome inv. A crapASS party as The Gathering does not deserve this. ;)
Great invitation! I really enjoyed the show.
overall a great invitationdemo
Pretty fucking awesome..
This was really swell! I really enjoyed the blue cube. And the 1994-part was killer too! Good job!
very well done, except for the 2d gfx at the end
tft: Last year you said the following about our invite:
"Guess I cant thumb it down since its probably a piece of good work. But TG sucks, we all know it. Also the demo was kinda boring, nice looking but it did nothing for me. I guess TG payed you to do this prod :D"
What's your beef with TG, really? Have we disqualified your entry or something? The party is exactly as good as the guests make it, and people like Outracks actually contribute instead of sitting on the sideline whining.
"Guess I cant thumb it down since its probably a piece of good work. But TG sucks, we all know it. Also the demo was kinda boring, nice looking but it did nothing for me. I guess TG payed you to do this prod :D"
What's your beef with TG, really? Have we disqualified your entry or something? The party is exactly as good as the guests make it, and people like Outracks actually contribute instead of sitting on the sideline whining.
good one!
very very nice. a lovely piece
good, but not good as your previous demos.
i prefer the old outracks style ;)
ok, here is your rulez.
i prefer the old outracks style ;)
ok, here is your rulez.
Feels a bit incoherent, but still a good show.
Music was great :)
Music was great :)
Cute invtro. Loved the colors and the little colorful curves and the 2d effects there that got pixelized like hell =)
A bit empty visuals but the music makes up for it. Though the melody feels off at places. Or is it just me?
in the words of Borat: niiiice.
what zoom said.
nice inv, but lacks the outracks feel... the music is great but a bit too hectic (i was about to start singing "Word up, it's the coooodewoooord..."), and the visuals are a mess...
oh and duckers, learn to make a screenshot with resampling would you please? :(
oh and duckers, learn to make a screenshot with resampling would you please? :(
The music kinda ruined this one for me. Good invtro, but the music really cut into my spine at some parts.
Great. Lovely music.
Won-der-ful! Really nice tune too.
too "clean" for my taste. but it does its job as an invtro. :)
Really nice, excellent soundtrack by the way!
- very not bad :) Some of the scenes seemed somewhat empty though, which somewhat ruined the experience.
Nice invitation. I guess we can now discard the image puzzle effect we started for our next 64k invit then :))
Excellent! Great retro-soundtrack.
I just hope this wont be the best TG07 release! Its not impossible..
I just hope this wont be the best TG07 release! Its not impossible..
Very nice invitation. Music was nice too.
I didn't like the shot of the breasts though. That wasn't needed.
I didn't like the shot of the breasts though. That wasn't needed.
Also, is there a downloadable soundtrack?
(music.mp3 in data folder)
gloom :)
Breasts? That screenshot from the TBL demo? Are you american?
Nice demo-puzzle :-)
Ok invintro. Music was pretty horrible thanks to that irritating distorted guitarish sound.
Simply great
cool like an invitro :)
btw the more boobs the better!
btw the more boobs the better!
The chick at the end felt out of place, but other than that: Neat.
love the music. sounds a bit like "neverending dream" or whatever it was called...
love the music. sounds a bit like "neverending dream" or whatever it was called...
Betong: TG is Norway in a nutshell, "you cant do this, you cant do that, do as we say or we will throw you out" Fhaakin guards that think they are police. Bill Hicks sums it up with his famous statement "YOU ARE FREE TO DO AS WE TELL YOU"
Nothing personal to you guys organizing the scene part of TG, but in my opinion, TG sold out 10 years ago together with Assembly and The Party. Groups just release stuff there for the moneyprices. VIVA LA BREAKPOINT!
Nothing personal to you guys organizing the scene part of TG, but in my opinion, TG sold out 10 years ago together with Assembly and The Party. Groups just release stuff there for the moneyprices. VIVA LA BREAKPOINT!
boobies to everyone!
great invitation with good music :)
Real nice!
Really nice.
Outracks at it again :)
always nice design and solid code.
music was cool too.
always nice design and solid code.
music was cool too.
Good one.
Nice one, but I will still go to BP ;)
Very addictive soundtrack :)
Lovely! neat tune gloom!! But I will allso still go to BP :)
nice one. got really slow on my 9600 after the first scene, then once the box went away it went very fast again. sorry too lazy to fire up desktop with good gfx card. :P nice job!
Nice! I'll go to TG ;)
fukcing ace! the melody stuck in my head for a long time
very good invite :)
Good music and nice anim. The idea of the TG-demo resumé is good too.
Smooth as silk on r9700.
Smooth as silk on r9700.
wow, great invitation ! Nice shaders..
rather uninspired
Nice one
Is it only my pc that runs this so slow it makes a slideshow look fast then? Getting about 1 frame every 20 seconds or so, think it's probably a record! Dual 3ghz xeon, 2gb ram, quadro fx 1000 (similar to gf 5600 or so I think) video, if it's of interest.
Internet is so slow here right now that it would be better to send the video by pigeon, but i'll watch it some time.
Internet is so slow here right now that it would be better to send the video by pigeon, but i'll watch it some time.
Great design, but I hate all invitros -
I'm 15 and I live in the US!!!!
I'm 15 and I live in the US!!!!
Very nice, especially the music.
Nice invtro
thygrion: you need rob a bank
Damn nice prod. :D!!
Yet again Outracks show that they have the talent to produce a stylish well thought out demo with excellent music.
I hope Irvin doesn't feel too dejected with not producing the music for an Outracks demo...
I hope Irvin doesn't feel too dejected with not producing the music for an Outracks demo...
I passed this one on because I simply did not have the time...
Really cool invitro with a catchy tune. Thumbs up.
Really cool invitro with a catchy tune. Thumbs up.
usual outracks quality
I liked it! It was a very well done invitro. Too bad I can't go this year..
wow, great invitation, thums up
nice synch and effects! I just can't get the soundtrack out of mi mind :D
Are youi planning on releasing an albulm of music sometime? Your music is brilliant, and need more of it.
Are youi planning on releasing an albulm of music sometime? Your music is brilliant, and need more of it.
Are youi planning on releasing an album of music sometime? Your music is brilliant, and need more of it.
Are youi planning on releasing an album of music sometime? Your music is brilliant, and need more of it.
I want to release an album or a musicdisc soon, but I'm not sure. Let's not continue this discussion here, since I was not involved in this demo. I appreciate your comment though. Thank you. :)
Nice invite, fast and smooth on my crummy old 9550. Like the music!
I like it. Nice idea with the screenshots.
Absolutely stunning! Best demo music ever!
hmm. i watched the avi version. i still have a sucky gfx/3d-card from intel that can't handle any shaders. the avi showed a nice demo anyway... the tune was kind of cheesy and all that but hey.. there's something with the overall design that could need some improvement.
prm: Si, senor.
Very nice, the 1994-2007 rocks. :) Contrary to miost people here, I don't like the music at all. Much too cheesy and boring for me. Still, very cool demo.
awwwww soundtrack is nice
HEYY GLOOM, calm down buddy. No need for namecalling ;) Maybe Ive been acting like a retard. Most drunks behave like retards, so there you go ;)
I admire you guys organizing big parties. Alot of responsebility,hard work and dedication. Me bashing it down is totally unfair. But for people like me, and many others in the demoscene, TG is not the party to attend. So thats why we go to BP,KG and other great parties where we can act like retards and nobody throws us out :) Like Solskogen, another excellent party witch I understand you also organize :) So keep up the good work, and no hard feelings?
Also, sorry for posting a TG discussion on a Outracks demo thread. But HEEEEY...thats the way it is.
I admire you guys organizing big parties. Alot of responsebility,hard work and dedication. Me bashing it down is totally unfair. But for people like me, and many others in the demoscene, TG is not the party to attend. So thats why we go to BP,KG and other great parties where we can act like retards and nobody throws us out :) Like Solskogen, another excellent party witch I understand you also organize :) So keep up the good work, and no hard feelings?
Also, sorry for posting a TG discussion on a Outracks demo thread. But HEEEEY...thats the way it is.
way cool
I'm sorry, is somone actually bitching about Danny's great picture from YEEAARRS back, something we all recognize who have seen the demo, being used in this demo because ... "nudity is bad mmmmkay?"
That's just freaking astounding.
The invite? Very nicely done. Especially the 1995 part (:
That's just freaking astounding.
The invite? Very nicely done. Especially the 1995 part (:
Very fresh
A good invitation with some nice visuals. I'm one of the few people who didn't like the music, though.
well done. soundtrack perfectly fits content.
It's a bit better than ok for me... so a thumbup
The demoscene does not have room for pornography! Shame on you!
nice invitation... why is the Java logo on the lady's shirt?
Sync(not that atari grp) :)
Sync(not that atari grp) :)
Excellent music, really nice worth the thumb up just for the song.
the music and overall prod is absolutelly neat!
Nice musique
not outstanding, but an enjoyable invite :) great music!
I really like the music and the (sine?) cube!
nice prod. the cube fx is my fave.
Motivating soundtrack but visuals are too space-y...
not bad!
Nice one!
nice design, didnt care much for the music, but overall pretty good
This invitro roxx
Nice music!
For some reason I just can't get enough of the pixel effect at 32seconds. Well done!
i like the music, graphics and its deformations.
yeah! one of the best invitations ever made!
outstanding music ! playing in my mp3 player
great to watch
Friggin' nice !
Can't run it on my Radeon9700 here. Just the music playing.
Great stuff, except the last scene...
Great stuff, except the last scene...
good, but, a bit overrated imho. could use some better gfx.
what phoenix said
Generally nice demo and the music is incredible!
i hate the music.
Nice invitro maybe cooming to TG some day its not long from sweden :P
One of the best soundtracks IMO
pretty damn nice!
Nice WORK !!!
I like Amiga ;)
I like Amiga ;)
i just LOVE it. especially the soundtrack. a part of it reminds me of nightwish. but VEEEERRY cool guys
Excellent music, indeed.
what they said
i like big pixels !
i like the music !
i like outracks !
but i dislike this prod !
also it returned me some distorted windows ! FU !
i like the music !
i like outracks !
but i dislike this prod !
also it returned me some distorted windows ! FU !
The music is awesome and the visuals fit well!
Made a Highres Youtube Rip for it too:
still puzzled? by Outracks (720p)
Made a Highres Youtube Rip for it too:
still puzzled? by Outracks (720p)
I'm not puzzled, but puzzling images is nice
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