Hoodlum cracktro #2 by Hoodlum [web]
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popularity : 68% |
alltime top: #1174 |
added on the 2004-12-23 00:57:14 by hitchhikr ![]() |
popularity helper
tetris 4 life
rulez added on the 2004-12-23 01:04:50 by triple 

not a killer like the previous one by hitch, but super cudly and smooth!
really nice <3
Cute JELL-O™ cubes and Melon cracktro feel
buggy here, weird squares along the edges of the big cube.
a cutie! but is winnie necessary? :p
swet. sweet. sweet.
It's the Winnier Demo.
Pure love inside ;)
Same bugs as Keops here, but another friggin awesome cracktro!
Damn it, stop giving crackers such great work and make a demoscene intro or demo instead!!!!!!
Love your style!
Damn it, stop giving crackers such great work and make a demoscene intro or demo instead!!!!!!
Love your style!
Shane: there is ONE scene to rule them all... :P
Zest: Never!! The demo scene and the crack scene is like the Bloods and the Crips!!
Megafuckings fly out to the crackscene!
Megafuckings fly out to the crackscene!
shane, go crawl back into your crackhouse and don't stay off the pipe too long, it makes you write too much shit.
It's a beauty
very nice.
not bad but the bear is a optical crime
winnie sucks.
everything else is great, especially the idea with the tetris font output is nice.
everything else is great, especially the idea with the tetris font output is nice.
Great intro with nice design touches. Although it could have been much nicer with a better Hoodlum logo...
i thought it was plek and the crackingscene that were like the bloods and the crips? great intro again, but get better gfx the next time
bad logo, otherwise quite slick.
the "sawtooth bug" persists on this pc..
this shit totally rocks! cute work !!!! who cares the sawtooth bug!
the logo is pooh! [he he he :((] nice intro tho
nice intro!!
textwriter rocks. logo sucks.
keep up
true to the game®
it would look good if the scrolling text was not screwed up. here's the url if you wanna check it out/fix the code:
Fluffy jellycubes!!! Sehr tiny tetris pieces!!!!!!!
nicey ! :)
Cool even if tetris scrolling fucked up here too (NVIDIA GeForce4 MX440). Bien joué Hitchhikr.
guyz..If you read this, I probably have an idea about the sawtooth *bug*,...erm must be some stencil precision bits? I lately test it at home with a Radeon 9600, and everythings it's soft sweet, maybe a tiny GF2 MX is fucking up the whole thing..
It's only a suggestion.
It's only a suggestion.
I mean sawtooth on the edges of the great cube thing.
cubes rule, text is buggy
hitchhikr, ATI Radeon 7500 here. Sucks a bit, I know, although that seems like a coding problem rather then a grafic card one. seems like it takes some text to the apper line or such, maybe you start getting the text one row too early... have no clue.
The hell with all these crappy gfxcards.
I won't make any more fix.
Up to you, doesn't really matter here =)
The hell with all these crappy gfxcards.
I won't make any more fix.
Up to you, doesn't really matter here =)
skizo: "(...)doesn't really matter here =)"
Well, I do not quite agree wth you.
"Up to you(...)"
Yes, thats ture =).
Hitchhikr: Good luck, but do not forget we have got Christmas today =).
Well, I do not quite agree wth you.
"Up to you(...)"
Yes, thats ture =).
Hitchhikr: Good luck, but do not forget we have got Christmas today =).
Works fine here with gf4 mx440. Cracktro at its best (dis donc, ça veut le coup d'être têtu, quoi =).
Tetris for president!
Well done hitch0r, works fine with my ati 9700 mobility gfx card, the bouncing cube is of the hook, looking forward to see some more stuff soon ;)
Is the text supposed to be all rainbowy looks terrible on my pc.
Not my shitty gfx card its a 9800 pro
Apart from that looks cool :)
Not my shitty gfx card its a 9800 pro
Apart from that looks cool :)
sim: I just meant that it made no difference to me, that's all
hitchkihr: bug fixed here
hitchkihr: bug fixed here
cracktroes SUXX ! bah, and it's LAME ! vic20 has better stuffs...
Cool, but not as cool as the 1st
AbcuG : SHUT THE FUCK UP! didn't you know that demoscene comes from cracktros stuff? HLM <3 hitchhikr : bravo!
logo is average but the rest is killa!!!! <3
Nicely done. I notably enjoyed the physics on the big cube. Good intro! And cracking is good 4 u. :)
woot :)
Nice, I like the tetris text and the cube.
Now THIS is a good cracktro
Tetris text is a killer.
just maybe the coolest text writer ever :) very slick presentation overall..
I like tetris text display ! :) but the logo coul be more better
I love this one.
Again and again ... Nice work!
<3 go hitch go! :-)
tetris message box - hooray + fitting chiptune + Winnie the Pooh
Cute :)
Very nice intro by Hitchhikr again. Love the tetris textwriter, instinctively I pressed RMB to speed it up as it would have probably been on Amiga. :) Reminds me a bit of a certain Melon Dezign intro. :)
logotype graphic bouncing, 3D cubes wobbly bouncing, pixels scrolling like bubbles upwards
That's some clever shit! Great TETRIS text plotter and the gelatinous cube is really smooth.
Great cube )
still puts all those 2008 cracktros to bloody shame
absolutely great.
Clever little tetris-writer and a nice chiptune by Xerxes
Cute cracktro
classic cracktro :)
Very nicely done!
Very nicely done!
Very nice!
Cool jelly cube and tetris writer.
Music is great, the visuals feel a bit too slowmo for me but the tetris effect is great!
Made a Youtube for it on my HD channel:
Made a Youtube for it on my HD channel:
Uhh, nice!
overall a good cracktro.
Nice gelee-vectors and music.
Jelly Cube
that's good!
the tetris idea is brilliant
the tetris idea is brilliant
i was stupid in 2005.
Logo (letters part) is indeed very bad but otherwise nice stuff.
Nice stuff, especially the tetris textwriter.
Holy shit, the tetris text is ossom!
cube physics :o
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