Fuck USA demo by Complex [web] & Scoopex [web] | ||||||||
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popularity : 72% |
alltime top: #2734 |
added on the 2001-03-21 11:05:14 by PigPen ![]() |
popularity helper
Look buddey, if you had relatives die due to USA's interests and "accidental coleteral damage" .. well, I don't know, maybe you'd relate and kind of like the thing ...
Politics and the rest of the shit, it's all quite complex, and its place is not here ... Now, this person doesn't like USA (and I tell you what, not many people do, besides the symphaty everyone has about recent occurances) .. but yeah, I don't have a problem with this intro, If someone can bomb me, at least I can enjoy a sick ass fuck usa mother fucking bomb for money and "national interests" bastards DEMO.
Politics and the rest of the shit, it's all quite complex, and its place is not here ... Now, this person doesn't like USA (and I tell you what, not many people do, besides the symphaty everyone has about recent occurances) .. but yeah, I don't have a problem with this intro, If someone can bomb me, at least I can enjoy a sick ass fuck usa mother fucking bomb for money and "national interests" bastards DEMO.
My opinion is that demo is as good medium to express opinions as any other. Sometimes other's opinions don't match your own opinion and that's the whole point. Anyway pouet.net is not the place for this kind of discussion. Let the demomakers do what they want! Freedom is one thing that makes demoscene so unique. Respect it. And btw. this d. is just great.
My opinion is that demo is as good medium to express opinions as any other. Sometimes other's opinions don't match your own opinion and that's the whole point. Anyway pouet.net is not the place for this kind of discussion. Let the demomakers do what they want! Freedom is one thing that makes demoscene so unique. Respect it. And btw. this d. is just great.
My opinion is that demo is as good medium to express opinions as any other. Sometimes other's opinions don't match your own opinion and that's the whole point. Anyway pouet.net is not the place for this kind of discussion. Let the demomakers do what they want! Freedom is one thing that makes demoscene so unique. Respect it. And btw. this d. is just great.
My opinion is that demo is as good medium to express opinions as any other. Sometimes other's opinions don't match your own opinion and that's the whole point. Anyway pouet.net is not the place for this kind of discussion. Let the demomakers do what they want! Freedom is one thing that makes demoscene so unique. Respect it. And btw. this d. is just great.
I wonder if, there was a demo called "Fuck the Taliban" (you notice i don't say "Fuck Al Qada") - Whether NezBiE would have lamented on how "ThIz RuLezz!!"?
...just a thought.
...just a thought.
Ok,. these people did this demo in the old days, there is no need to be angry because of the days.
But I also don't like this AntiAmericanism, even if there must be a reason behind this and several people know this reason, cause sometimes it becomes a trend to dislike people from specific nations.. especially USA. It's not the way to go. Ok it's good to mention to people about the places that USA bombed so that people will be aware that USA is not the best country in the world, but you should consider that this shouldn't lead on some trendy antiamericanism...
Is this page gonna become a forum or something? ;)
But I also don't like this AntiAmericanism, even if there must be a reason behind this and several people know this reason, cause sometimes it becomes a trend to dislike people from specific nations.. especially USA. It's not the way to go. Ok it's good to mention to people about the places that USA bombed so that people will be aware that USA is not the best country in the world, but you should consider that this shouldn't lead on some trendy antiamericanism...
Is this page gonna become a forum or something? ;)
fuck usa
Kind of a serious question regarding the term "anti-Americanism". Is this just a propaghanda phrase? I mean, is there such thing as "anti-Canadianism" or "anti-Norweiganism"???
Oh, wait. This is a demoscene BB. I guess I'll piss off now...
Oh, wait. This is a demoscene BB. I guess I'll piss off now...
fucking morons :) watch the prod
i haven't seen this prod, but because nezbie is a weener, a big thumbs up
fuck djibouti
fuck fuck
wtf? ~_?
shut the goddamn fuck up, kill an american for breakfast, and just watch this cool prod.
for once i must agree with ile here :)
for once i must agree with ile here :)
if you had seen this prod, you'd know why it's called like that.
besides all the discussion here, it sucks. only a scroller and some lousy music.
besides all the discussion here, it sucks. only a scroller and some lousy music.
Thumbs down for this crazy thread that has started here :P
Me too (even if I started it) :P
And to MoebiusMindstate:
No I wouldnt of done that since sure there are some of em that do bad shit, but we cant say that about EVERY taliban. That's why a general hatred towards a people really sucks. Sure some americans are screwed up (like me) but doesnt mean that USA is screwed up.
And to MoebiusMindstate:
No I wouldnt of done that since sure there are some of em that do bad shit, but we cant say that about EVERY taliban. That's why a general hatred towards a people really sucks. Sure some americans are screwed up (like me) but doesnt mean that USA is screwed up.
and i suppose you watched the prod already, right?
i put the scroll together for all you lamers who vote for this prod without having seen it yet:
(the url)
(the url)
hahaha, thumbs up for that excellent scroller !
I can't beleive it! Rotfl!!! (I voted thumbs down for the lame thread anyways ;)
I can't beleive it! Rotfl!!! (I voted thumbs down for the lame thread anyways ;)
I mean, I've never seen one, but if I did I'm sure it would jump up and stab me.
actually, I'm not, but they sound so dangerous that I HATE THEM.
I mean, I've never seen one, but if I did I'm sure it would jump up and stab me.
actually, I'm not, but they sound so dangerous that I HATE THEM.
Hehehe sorry guys... Man do I feel gay, I mean REALLY GAY. :(
But still I do have a point, considering what some of you wrote ... And also, with the title, it just baffled me... and I thought... I mean you know... Ahh shit I acted like a moron and I admit it.
Ooh and by the way I did leave room for doubt in my first comment (check out the P.S.)
But still I do have a point, considering what some of you wrote ... And also, with the title, it just baffled me... and I thought... I mean you know... Ahh shit I acted like a moron and I admit it.
Ooh and by the way I did leave room for doubt in my first comment (check out the P.S.)
newbies just cant understand lol
haha :)
this thread rocks :D
haha :)
this thread rocks :D
nezbie: simply stop commenting demos without even seeing them. rating/commenting a demo because of it's title is a little superficial.
same goes to hlusnagen btw.
oh btw: the prod rules ;)
same goes to hlusnagen btw.
oh btw: the prod rules ;)
fuck me!
Big ups...
and stop with the homophobic atitudes too.
Yeah! This year Finland dropped U.S.A from semi-finals. Revenge is sweet.
Absolutely Sick
fuck all!
yeah, I totally agree, fuck usa
Hehee, classic. Great music too. :)
definetelly fuck france and germany too
Weird that computer nerds hate USA. Without USA there would be no computers and no internet. USA gave us inflatable girls aswell, what more can a computer nerd desire? :)
"Weird that computer nerds hate USA. Without USA there would be no computers and no internet. USA gave us inflatable girls aswell, what more can a computer nerd desire? :)"
blablabla al gore invented the internet blablabla. up yours asshole. all brains in de VS originate from european import.
blablabla al gore invented the internet blablabla. up yours asshole. all brains in de VS originate from european import.
"Who needs the IBM standard? - When there's ABC80?"
Swedish Luxor.
ps. ABC80 is still used in factorys :-) ds.
Swedish Luxor.
ps. ABC80 is still used in factorys :-) ds.
Someone at Nectarine wrote that this demo was named because Finland lost a hockey game to the USA... hahahaha! Imagine that!
you sure are a bit slow, aren't you?
All I want to know is, what's keeping the sequel?
who cares about the prod anyway? :))
fuck usa
Thumbs up for the USA!
Thumbs down for anti-americanism!
USA defeated nazism and communism, and are currently fightiing againt the evil of our time - islamic terrorism. And they brought us the kewlest computer ever: The C64! :)
Thumbs down for anti-americanism!
USA defeated nazism and communism, and are currently fightiing againt the evil of our time - islamic terrorism. And they brought us the kewlest computer ever: The C64! :)
Thumbs up for icehockey!
Thumbs down for ilitterates!
Thumbs down for ilitterates!
cruzer you fuck, don't start that discussion again.
sir RICHARD kbab: Sorry, I was drunk :)
The comys defeated the nazis and communism still rules on..
Oh, and C64 sucks :)
Oh, and C64 sucks :)
I <3 Suomi
haha. usa didnt defeat anything. but they will soon defeat themselves :D ahh
what's your major malfunction, stanz?
Ahahaha!!! This thread made my day again!!!!!!! Who fucks Pouet anyways..
Anti-Americanism is TEH trend of the 21st century.
Still, patriotic Americanism also sucks asses.
Still, patriotic Americanism also sucks asses.
guys, read tmb's post and stfu...
Hahaha USA sucks!! (Who cares about hockey?)
me is a cool hockey player =) btw.... there are things which make USA -rules- and -sucks- but.. maybe this is too much..
The US was built largely by people who were considered the refuse of European society: the poor, Irish, Catholics, Puritans, etc --. the people Europe looked down on and persecuted: 'give us your poor, your tired, your hungry'...even the Africans that colonialism treated horridly and believed to be savages (not that the US was much better for many years).
Europe still looks down on the US (in much the same way they look down on Australia, a former penal colony.) If the US and Australia had been populated by the aristocracy, they would be proud of us. They hate that for much of the last century they've been dependent on a country they consider inferior. [Everything I hear from Europeans is the question of why Americans don't want to be like Europeans because European civilization is naturally much superior. ]
The British would have never beaten Hitler alone. American industrial power and manpower was instrumental in saving Europe from World War I, nazism and communism --three times in one century rescued by a country many consider to be the inferior partner.
Since World War II, Europe has been dependent on the US for national security. After World War II, American money rebuilt European civilization, and we rebuilt it in our own image: liberal capitalist democracies. They've mitigated the 'capitalist' since then. (Lest we forget the "German economic miracle" following WWII only to be eclipsed by Germany's current unemployment rate of 11% and stagnant economy). Europe has also forgotten that historically democracy has only ever come about and been preserved through violence: through the barrel of a gun. They do not understand this historical reality, or choose to forget it.
In other words, the 'superior' parent was remade by the 'inferior' child in its own image and protected by the child. Wouldn't you feel humiliated as well? Especially when the continent of Europe used to dominate the world? Europe blames America for preventing Europe from rising again as a major world player, but the real problem is European reliance on socialism and the very low birth rate. They think we're The Man keeping them down.
The psychology is similar to that found in the Middle East. Muslims dream of a lost empire and see the wealth the West enjoys. They blame the West for their poverty. Some of this blame is justified. Most of it is not. If the Middle East wants peace and prosperity, they need to depose the dictators and agree to separation of church and state. I believe that the US is now trying to break the backs of the dictators of the Middle East because they now realize the former policy of placating and supporting dictators was not only harmful to the people of the Middle East but is, in the long run, (here's where 911 comes into play) harmful to Western interests.
More than fifty years since World War II and they still have nowhere near the power the United States has. The genocide in the Balkans proved how weak Europe was in dealing with a conflict within its own borders. It took American military intervention to end the genocide. If 9.11 had happened to Europe and there was no NATO, they would not have been capable of responding the way the US did in Afghanistan. The first Gulf War was what awakened the world to what the American military could do. It was a showcase and scared the crap out of many people.
I hate Bush for his domestic policies. Europe hates Bush because he oh so conveniently fulfills every American stereotype: stupid, cowboy, etc. And yet, he is still considered a successful president (if you judge by American polls, that is.) They are shocked and outraged he has yet to fall on his face because he embodies the worst of America.
Right now on the American left and in Europe there is some lazy moral equivalence happening: Bush = Hitler. Bush is a dictator. Have they forgotten what dictators are really like? And that all good people should oppose a dictator and espouse democracy at every turn? I admit that the US has behaved abominably by helping dictatorships in the past, but when are we allowed to change that policy?
The allegation that the US has gone to war for oil is ridiculous. It would be cheaper for the US in economic and human terms to drop the economic sanctions and just buy oil from Saddam. If we want control, we could for far cheaper just buy an exclusive contract from Saddam, which would just perpetuate the aiding and abetting of dictators. This would not solve the problems of the Middle East, which is basically a pit of dictators. Mini-Hitlers and Stalins at play perpetrating horrid violence against their own people with no recriminations for some time.
Europe still looks down on the US (in much the same way they look down on Australia, a former penal colony.) If the US and Australia had been populated by the aristocracy, they would be proud of us. They hate that for much of the last century they've been dependent on a country they consider inferior. [Everything I hear from Europeans is the question of why Americans don't want to be like Europeans because European civilization is naturally much superior. ]
The British would have never beaten Hitler alone. American industrial power and manpower was instrumental in saving Europe from World War I, nazism and communism --three times in one century rescued by a country many consider to be the inferior partner.
Since World War II, Europe has been dependent on the US for national security. After World War II, American money rebuilt European civilization, and we rebuilt it in our own image: liberal capitalist democracies. They've mitigated the 'capitalist' since then. (Lest we forget the "German economic miracle" following WWII only to be eclipsed by Germany's current unemployment rate of 11% and stagnant economy). Europe has also forgotten that historically democracy has only ever come about and been preserved through violence: through the barrel of a gun. They do not understand this historical reality, or choose to forget it.
In other words, the 'superior' parent was remade by the 'inferior' child in its own image and protected by the child. Wouldn't you feel humiliated as well? Especially when the continent of Europe used to dominate the world? Europe blames America for preventing Europe from rising again as a major world player, but the real problem is European reliance on socialism and the very low birth rate. They think we're The Man keeping them down.
The psychology is similar to that found in the Middle East. Muslims dream of a lost empire and see the wealth the West enjoys. They blame the West for their poverty. Some of this blame is justified. Most of it is not. If the Middle East wants peace and prosperity, they need to depose the dictators and agree to separation of church and state. I believe that the US is now trying to break the backs of the dictators of the Middle East because they now realize the former policy of placating and supporting dictators was not only harmful to the people of the Middle East but is, in the long run, (here's where 911 comes into play) harmful to Western interests.
More than fifty years since World War II and they still have nowhere near the power the United States has. The genocide in the Balkans proved how weak Europe was in dealing with a conflict within its own borders. It took American military intervention to end the genocide. If 9.11 had happened to Europe and there was no NATO, they would not have been capable of responding the way the US did in Afghanistan. The first Gulf War was what awakened the world to what the American military could do. It was a showcase and scared the crap out of many people.
I hate Bush for his domestic policies. Europe hates Bush because he oh so conveniently fulfills every American stereotype: stupid, cowboy, etc. And yet, he is still considered a successful president (if you judge by American polls, that is.) They are shocked and outraged he has yet to fall on his face because he embodies the worst of America.
Right now on the American left and in Europe there is some lazy moral equivalence happening: Bush = Hitler. Bush is a dictator. Have they forgotten what dictators are really like? And that all good people should oppose a dictator and espouse democracy at every turn? I admit that the US has behaved abominably by helping dictatorships in the past, but when are we allowed to change that policy?
The allegation that the US has gone to war for oil is ridiculous. It would be cheaper for the US in economic and human terms to drop the economic sanctions and just buy oil from Saddam. If we want control, we could for far cheaper just buy an exclusive contract from Saddam, which would just perpetuate the aiding and abetting of dictators. This would not solve the problems of the Middle East, which is basically a pit of dictators. Mini-Hitlers and Stalins at play perpetrating horrid violence against their own people with no recriminations for some time.
that thread rocks so much :)
blablabla usa blablabla evil blablabla internet blablabla cup of stfu blablabla
blablabla usa blablabla evil blablabla internet blablabla cup of stfu blablabla
pöffeteg :)
@code: löl
Anyway I am just an inferior European, who depends on the US, the thumb down is not because I fear Uncle Sam will let be fall, but I do not like the demo. By the way...as Australia is quite on the low side of the earth, I can not help but look down on it from Europe...:-)
Damn. I gotta remember this thread every time I need a good laugh :)

BASS !!!!
everyone who rants about politics here is a retard who can't read properly... :[
check the history of this demo as layed down by tmb and get a fucking clue.
sorry for being rude but i'm sick of stupid rambling in this thread every few months.
check the history of this demo as layed down by tmb and get a fucking clue.
sorry for being rude but i'm sick of stupid rambling in this thread every few months.
usa si teh futare \o/
ahah4H, usa = cancer.
after defeating nazism and communism,(lol) fighting with terrorism (yeah, not realy against), they should try to beat obesitism :)
after defeating nazism and communism,(lol) fighting with terrorism (yeah, not realy against), they should try to beat obesitism :)
Everybody's so busy being offended by an non-existent anti-USA remark (oh my goodness they'll bomb us!), no one seems to wonder why swastikas are proudly displayed in the font.
A very good point! Thumb down for the swastikas.
A very good point! Thumb down for the swastikas.
So, this was the first time any comment maker here actually looked at the demo itself? Dare I say "LOL", followed by "pathetic"?
Fuck USA
tmb, nobody reads scrollers these days. it's sad really..
fuck fascism.
best prod comments ever. fuck stupidity.
For those about to ice-hockey. :D
oh noes. now i can't watch this demo in an internet cafe no more.. :o
Hey, I stopped visiting netcafe's and YOU started talking about them?! Woot!!!
Suomi Finland Perkele!
us ministery supports fuckin militaristic japanese!!
these actions against all the olddays-suffering asian people.
Fuck USA for ur hegemonic government!!
these actions against all the olddays-suffering asian people.
Fuck USA for ur hegemonic government!!
and what does the above comment have to do with ice hockey and this production?
i just poured mycomment to do with this demo title! u understand know!?
us should be subtly fucked someway like good guys run into the 2towers:D))
then us gov will feel their assholes quite pains.
us should be subtly fucked someway like good guys run into the 2towers:D))
then us gov will feel their assholes quite pains.
you should still reserve your thumbs for the actual productions.
what an utter douchebag...
yes uncle-x
yesterday i drunk with too much cocacola[ ps know why hehe!] and rate errorly so ..
yesterday i drunk with too much cocacola[ ps know why hehe!] and rate errorly so ..

U know, hate against races, countries, and so on REALLY SUXX!!! I *had* a lot of respect for u guys before, but not anymore. I actually sort of regret falling upon this, so that I could continue living in a "dream".
That's what I'd like to tell certain influential politicians in the US!
lol, me with the "title" of the production :)
watched it on the amiga, years ago....
watched it on the amiga, years ago....
lol. so many enthusiastic comments about a god damn HOCKEY MATCH. who has actually watched the demo?
There are just a few subjects which should be avoided when talking with Finns. Ice hockey is one. Most Finns are fanatical ice hockey fans, and if you bring the subject up, you will be bored to death by their ice hockey talk. The rest of Finns hate ice hockey.
This thread is the perfect proof. :P
my thumb up misses :D
Hockey met een stok(key)!
Prod sucks but thumb for comments!
what Emod said. this is quite entertaining.
No, FUCK YOU! TRAITORS! MAGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
suxx 4ever yeah.. people take things so seriously 2019... :D when will mental hangover 2 be out you scoop ex
This thread is funny.
submit changes
if this prod is a fake, some info is false or the download link is broken,
do not post about it in the comments, it will get lost.
instead, click here !
By the way, don't take this on too much of a personal level, its just that I hate hatred shit like that.
P.S. Not having watched this thing, I might be all wrong, but I doubt it, with a title like that!!!