Barti information 110 glöps
- general:
- level: user
- personal:
bbs posts 164 posts
- Here is the wall of sitting for real Science ! (residue)
- Windows Phone 8.1 APP (code)
- Show us your workplace!!! (offtopic)
- Random Thread Reloaded (residue)
- Random "work in progress" shots (general)
- Sceners with VR (general)
- Random Thread Reloaded (residue)
- Random "work in progress" shots (general)
- Mac OS platforms - need ppc differentiator please (general)
- French presidency competition 2017 (residue)
- Random line of code thread (code)
- Random "work in progress" shots (general)
- Random "work in progress" shots (general)
- Need a Windows laptop recommendation (for demo development) (offtopic)
- Random gif animation thread (residue)
- windowless demos (code)
- Video Encoding Spirals (residue)
- Gravis UltraSound For Sale? (offtopic)
- Random Thread Reloaded (residue)
- Random Thread Reloaded (residue)
- Random Thread Reloaded (residue)
- Random Thread Reloaded (residue)
- Notch demotool (formerly DemolitionFX by Fairlight) has been released! (general)
- Random Thread Reloaded (residue)
- Demo'ish objects (offtopic)
- Demo'ish videos (offtopic)
- kinda demographic research :) (offtopic)
- Random "work in progress" shots (general)
- Random Thread Reloaded (residue)
- Random "work in progress" shots (general)
- What does the decrunch colours mean? (code)
- Random "work in progress" shots (general)
- Random "work in progress" shots (general)
- Random "work in progress" shots (general)
- Random line of code thread (code)
- Show what you do in Photoshop (gfx)
- Random "work in progress" shots (general)
- Random Thread Reloaded (residue)
- Random gif animation thread (residue)
- Another shit that fall into demoscene instead of academia of sciences... (residue)
- French presidency competition 2017 (residue)
- French presidency competition 2017 (residue)
- French presidency competition 2017 (residue)
- Random "work in progress" shots (general)
- Random Thread Reloaded (residue)
- Random Thread Reloaded (residue)
- How I see other shits throught they toughts. (residue)
- Random Thread Reloaded (residue)
- Random "work in progress" shots (general)
- Random gif animation thread (residue)
account created on the 2014-05-05 14:07:43