Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]
What mog and leGend said about noby's screen :) Chrome never grows old.

Voxels has landed ;)
And here is a template that let's you create your own voxel equation (warning: doesn't work on Edge yet).
some PICO-8 test updated ☺

i have no idea what i'm doing
@branch: who cares. looks interesting :)
@branch, please continue with having no idea, seems to work ^^
Dead Deer 3.5.2

I am working alone for this project at 4-5 hours a day, and it makes me happy to get progress with it, in three ways movements...
If you wanted to warp your 3D importers in something like a good project like my software, you can contact me at laurentcance @ free.fr
I could be interested in :
.blend importer/exporter (Blender)
.c4d importer (cinema 4D)
.lwo (lightwave)
all other 3D file format.

I am working alone for this project at 4-5 hours a day, and it makes me happy to get progress with it, in three ways movements...
If you wanted to warp your 3D importers in something like a good project like my software, you can contact me at laurentcance @ free.fr
I could be interested in :
.blend importer/exporter (Blender)
.c4d importer (cinema 4D)
.lwo (lightwave)
all other 3D file format.
Barti: looks good..
i have no idea what i'm doing
freedirs rule anyway =)
// by the way, trying to use other texture than "dutch.tga" (you guessed what it contains :)
Barti: that's really something =)
and here you go:

still thinking about mixing 15bpp texture + lightmap

still thinking about mixing 15bpp texture + lightmap
wbc\\bz7: nice =) looking forward to see it
wbc, nice but z shade off the pixel mess in the distance
one scary oldschool demo compo at assembly this year
wbc\\bz7, help. that's awesome.
wbc: can't wait for new demo...
Barti: or use AssImp? http://assimp.org/
I am in need of light weight easy wrap includes for.
I need only :
for (no=0;no<nobjects;no++)
int nv,nf,nvt;
for (n=0;n<nv;n++)
for (n=0;n<nvt;n++)
for (n=0;n<nf;n++)
for (nt=0;nt<ntextures;nt++)
assimp is easy to use, but it's rather big and I remember having issues with its license at some point, but it seems to be 3-clause BSD which isn't that bad (depending on what you're doing, of course)
I used to use assimp but eventually got rid of it because it seemed to fuck up so much of the time. I prefer to focus on getting really good support for one (maybe a couple..) of formats and let the artists use their tool of choice to massage data into that format. If you're gonna spend your time fixing importer bugs (and you will) then better to just maintain one format, right?

screenmode madness for Assembly... if I happen to get it done by then :)
fixed :)

..well, almost - works only with PMODE\W and under mustdie98 (not in pure dos) or DOSbox, some memory alignment issues I guess

..well, almost - works only with PMODE\W and under mustdie98 (not in pure dos) or DOSbox, some memory alignment issues I guess