peggy information 59 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: johan
- last name: simonsson
- demo Windows NovaMark 4.0 by Zalem Corp
- Tomaes, you are the only one fucking up this thread with YOUR comment.
And yes, a demo combined with benchmark is not as usuall as a ugly fucking demo with cubes and poetry..
- isokadded on the 2002-08-13 15:05:51
- intro Windows Nokia Sucks by The Swedes
- Mercedes sucks is probably a good title if they should release anything... or maybe:
Helmut is a mother f%#¤ing Khol... - isokadded on the 2002-08-13 13:30:39
- demo Windows NovaMark 4.0 by Zalem Corp
- Keep on coding... rather this than cubes with texts.... cool work.
- rulezadded on the 2002-08-13 11:03:59
- demo Linux Windows Chimera by Halcyon
- raver: Uh I am sorry. You are so cool because you KNOW so much about drugs. That is cool. Maybe you've taken a itzybitzy to much so you think it's COOL to brag about it. But then again, I don't know anything about drugs, I can only rely on those I know who have tried it. But this post doesn't really belong here, so if you wish to flame me, use the mail.
- isokadded on the 2002-08-07 14:20:58
- intro Windows Nokia Sucks by The Swedes
- hohohohoho =) bugilibug!!!
- isokadded on the 2002-08-07 13:43:58
- demo Windows Liquid... Wen? by Haujobb
- hellfire_ : I acctually did close my eyes =) I nearly fell asleep during your demo :) Tho it didn't have anything to do with the contence, I was just tired...
- isokadded on the 2002-08-07 13:30:44
- demo Windows Fable by Armada
- hmmm, btw, About that dissing of others work... take a look on my average thumb up and yours..... and you'll see that I like more demos than you (yeah =) and that I vote on the demos that appeals me (:P) ....
- isokadded on the 2002-08-07 13:25:13
- demo Windows Fable by Armada
- I don't hate tAAt, It's just that they have never done anything that appeals me, except the totally awsome Stair dismount. And if you look at some of the other prods released on assm, you'll se that I am not the only one accusing them for votefaking....
- isokadded on the 2002-08-07 13:08:24
- demo Windows Taesmaeraekae by tAAt [web]
- Average.
- isokadded on the 2002-08-07 13:02:38
- demo Windows Fable by Armada
- Not making anything huh? Wlell well seams like you know ALOT.... And I am just stating my opinion, and do you seriously mean that you don't vote on your friends demos? Or? I do really find this demo boring, as I found many of the demos on assm.... but hey, if you like this demo so much, why don't you thumb it up?
- isokadded on the 2002-08-07 12:51:39
account created on the 2002-07-08 10:01:17