category: offtopic [glöplog]
We all were abused in our special intimate way by what noise is, back in the day, right?
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The way they seem to be used though, is to confirm beliefs already held, as if consulting someone who is already your friend. Oh wait, see above...
Because it is used that way by the user. But it is not the functionality of the AI. If you query a neutral evaluation, the AI does not go out to confirm your beliefs. Examples of that you already have here quoted by me where the evaluation of a statement entered by me in the prompt was judged negatively. No confirmation of beliefs there.
It is correct that the AI itself does know nothing. It accesses the information contained in the database extracted by the content generated by human beings. In that it works like an automated polling institute, which also queries a prompt at a large group of people and then compiles a summary response for you representing the state of mind of that group.
You say: "Earth is flat." and AI accesses the information and compiles the response: "Earth is not flat." because that is the consensus of human knowledge according to the database (the AI not caring about if this response confirms your beliefs or not):

This is the core potential of AI, once it is perfected: It allows anyone access to the knowledge of mankind literally at the tip of their fingers.
If it is so harmless, why they didn't give it an Internet uplink?
don't worry, Google got that covered!
If it is so harmless, why they didn't give it an Internet uplink?
Because since AI accesses information created by human beings and compiles its responses from this information, the result could be harmful as human beings are harmful.
All fear of AI right now is in fact a fear of humanity. Because we all know how destructive humanity can be, and AI would reflect this destructive element of human nature also since it is baked into the information it accesses.
AI for your local computer: Run GTP-AI or Stable-Diffusion-AI on your own hardware! Ideal to feed it sensible information you don't want to send into a cloud.
GTP4All is an ecosystem to train and deploy powerful and customized large language models that run locally on consumer grade CPUs.
The goal is simple - be the best instruction tuned assistant-style language model that any person or enterprise can freely use, distribute and build on.
A GPT4All model is a 3GB - 8GB file that you can download and plug into the GPT4All open-source ecosystem software. Nomic AI supports and maintains this software ecosystem to enforce quality and security alongside spearheading the effort to allow any person or enterprise to easily train and deploy their own on-edge large language models.
As a leading open-source Stable Diffusion project, Invoke AI has attracted an incredible community of developers and users looking to co-create with AI. We’re proud of everything we’ve accomplished to date. We'll be launching our commercial SaaS product soon. In the meantime, [...] download the Open Source project to self-host our software locally on your machine.

Please stop.
Once AI is perfected it will allow everyone access to the intelligence of mankind. THAT is the revolutionary aspect. And it will change everything.
I am very sceptical about this. We thought the same thing about the internet and i.e. wikipedia. But what did we got? Hatespeech, filterbubbles, shitstorms, surveillance and more extremism in the world than ever before. Not a "more educated" society. Sorry. Although all is there - at your fingertips.
Those who learn, will learn. The others don't.
I am very sceptical about this. We thought the same thing about the internet and i.e. wikipedia. But what did we got? Hatespeech, filterbubbles, shitstorms,
But we've also got pouet ^^ More seriously Internet is just the reflect of society.. There are good / bad, stupid / intelligent etc. human beings
While the internet is covered by craps, it also harbor wonderfull things (like the demoscene). And the good things is that nobody force you to stay in the crappy parts.
That they are too in Lisbon, discussing things "that the stupid humans won't get!" is enough for me anyway.
If chatGPT would be clever it port's the old 16bit classic's (Amiga/AtariST) to dos-vga/SB...but it's dumb! just know