Breakpoint 2006
category: general [glöplog]
The best way to make outcasts and social rejects gather around an idea is to make it forbidden by law. We have this problem in Sweden, where hate laws and an outspoken agenda by the establishment not to discuss with nazis are making these extremists feel they are feared, influential and dangerous, which in turn makes them more bold - all without serious repercussion as long as they don't use "hate symbols", since the policy is to not battle their views but rather their clothing and/or language.
So of course, what has happened is that the serious nazis have abandoned the old symbols and gestures, thereby becoming "clean", and even being allowed to march in thousands in police sanctioned demonstrations, all while the police are beating up those (leftists) who are trying to intervene and protest.
My point is that infringement of freedom of speech doesn't harm ideals, it just moulds them into new forms. In order to effectively battle nazism, focus should be kept on its cause rather than its symptoms and utterances.
The best way to make outcasts and social rejects gather around an idea is to make it forbidden by law. We have this problem in Sweden, where hate laws and an outspoken agenda by the establishment not to discuss with nazis are making these extremists feel they are feared, influential and dangerous, which in turn makes them more bold - all without serious repercussion as long as they don't use "hate symbols", since the policy is to not battle their views but rather their clothing and/or language.
So of course, what has happened is that the serious nazis have abandoned the old symbols and gestures, thereby becoming "clean", and even being allowed to march in thousands in police sanctioned demonstrations, all while the police are beating up those (leftists) who are trying to intervene and protest.
My point is that infringement of freedom of speech doesn't harm ideals, it just moulds them into new forms. In order to effectively battle nazism, focus should be kept on its cause rather than its symptoms and utterances.
Apologies for posting offtopic crap to your nazi thread, but I have a question about this "Breakpoint 2006" thing..
Will there be WLAN this year?
Sorry if this has already been frequently asked and answered somewhere, but through some searching I couldn't find any word on it.
Will there be WLAN this year?
Sorry if this has already been frequently asked and answered somewhere, but through some searching I couldn't find any word on it.
Yes, there will be WLAN everywhere on the location including the beer garden.
There'll be 6 APs in the hall, so you should get good reception nearly everywhere.
Thanks, guys. And here I thought I had a good excuse to leave my laptop at home and get completely away from these damn computers and internets for a few days. :)
At least you're going to The Jungle, man ;D
The best way to make outcasts and social rejects gather around an idea is to make it forbidden by law.
Why stop there? Let's put them all into camps to make sure -oh wait..
Also, stop bashing Limp Hero, Madenmann :)
we all know about your neonazitendencies shifter
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this is some graphics from our upcoming demo
nazi techno swastika demo.
but as you people in germany seem to dislike
this symbol of ancient culture we will
respect you and release another dataskumm
greetings to lator from the speedfisters
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this is some graphics from our upcoming demo
nazi techno swastika demo.
but as you people in germany seem to dislike
this symbol of ancient culture we will
respect you and release another dataskumm
greetings to lator from the speedfisters
arrg...fellows...may I escort ya to the concentr...erm
detent...ahm...discussion camp...ach...discussion thread o_O
the path to nazi nagging
detent...ahm...discussion camp...ach...discussion thread o_O
the path to nazi nagging
wtf. my fine swastika got screwed up by this sucky bbs.
note to self:
add fuckigns to pouet.
note to self:
add fuckigns to pouet.
eh, breakpoint orgos... maybe this is not the right place to ask this, but your forum scares the shit out of me..
SKM (skale tracker) is not allowed in the tracker music compo at all?
SKM (skale tracker) is not allowed in the tracker music compo at all?
lator banned from bp because of trolling? sounds like a really wild party
Be sure to make a good video report for those who can't be there.
ISO team is already rehersing for camera action during the party.
#1) I think it sucks that you ban people. No matter who, it's just boring. Just that.
#2) Forget about it, it's not your business; just between lator and the bp team really, PARTY ON!
#2) Forget about it, it's not your business; just between lator and the bp team really, PARTY ON!
Yeah, banning people maybe, but lator on the other hand...
lator, please contact me on IRC.
okkie: no, not allowed. what scares you about the forum?
ryg: drats! and eh.. well, it looked kinda weird.. but that's probably just me. I actually posted there too, and I see you replied there too.. :)
damn, that's two lunchtimes gone to waste on a .skm :(
damn, that's two lunchtimes gone to waste on a .skm :(
In case anyone cares: Lator is no longer banned from breakpoint.
ah, he mentioned the war by accident and got away with it?
One question regarding the pc demo compo: should native win32 executables created with VC2003 be problematic? (dll dependencies mainly: msvcr71.dll, msvcp71.dll...).
64k and 4k rules are:
For demos there's no note about msvcr7x.dll, so I would assume I should provide it and it counts into the demo size.
# Please note that neither msvcr70.dll, msvcr71.dll nor msvcr80.dll will be available on the compo machine!
# You may assume d3dx9_24.dll to d3dx9_28.dll are installed.
For demos there's no note about msvcr7x.dll, so I would assume I should provide it and it counts into the demo size.
You have to include all DLLs you need, and it counts into the demo size.