sceners united: get pan-european!
category: general [glöplog]
time to go to a REAL scene-party!

should I now post something like "Poolparty, Hungary, Tatabánya, july" ? :)
hey Krabob, i started in Aug 94 too! :) [varparty ii]
but it seems that Hungary had more parties than France, back in the old days :))
(i don't know the exact number, lost counting around 98. altogether somewhere between 40 and 50, maybe even more? including some big ones too, asm95-96-97, tp95, and bp04-05)
but it seems that Hungary had more parties than France, back in the old days :))
(i don't know the exact number, lost counting around 98. altogether somewhere between 40 and 50, maybe even more? including some big ones too, asm95-96-97, tp95, and bp04-05)
damn, my first party was also in august 94. done more than fifty since then though..
i started in 98 and im about 40-50 also. do i get a bicycle?
i'm starting to feel old... the giants party in purmerend in 1990 was my first party at age 13, since then about 50 or 60 more have followed, of which i (partially) organised 7. and another one is coming up... :-)
oh, and ps...

greetings from holland! :P

greetings from holland! :P
ps, you'll be tired... you you maybe want a seat too?

greetings from the triangle of the seat!

greetings from the triangle of the seat!
cheers ^^
I've never been to a demoparty. And I'm afraid to travel. :-(
i've been to 45 parties and started in 2000 (did go to assembly in 98 and 99 though)
My dream is to finish ma shit, get a job that will waste the rest of my life, and then have enough money and independence to travel to foreign demoparties and be REALLY WASTED. I want to go not just the famous ones and nice countries like Spain (I want to meet TeXeL and his friends), France (CPC meetings), Germany (The usual stuff and bratwurst), Scandinavian stuff (never been there), but also some smaller ones in some interesting countries like Hungary (meet some friends, I like the scene (C64, PC) in this country for some reasons), Poland (to be wasted and meet Yerzmey, craziest speccian ever), Russia (Those Speccy parties with Vodka), Slovakia (Forever!!! 8bit rules) demoparties around the Balkans (Greek, Turkey (Turkiye whatever :), others), or overseas (Pilgrimage or whatever) and everything I forget. But most probably I am dreaming..
If that doesn't work (not a good job or time), I'll be wasted elsewhere. Perhaps drinks, marijuana, psychedelic mushrooms or a girlfriend I will marry and make kids, which last one will keep me totally occupied (What a waste of... life!)
Or perhaps. I could do more stuff. Some imagination to break reality..
p.s. I know I will get away of this fuzz with home and my parents (why I am writting about this today several times?), but then... I'll be still miserable with other things in life. If I can't manage life here how could I do outside? Maybe with some weed..
If that doesn't work (not a good job or time), I'll be wasted elsewhere. Perhaps drinks, marijuana, psychedelic mushrooms or a girlfriend I will marry and make kids, which last one will keep me totally occupied (What a waste of... life!)
Or perhaps. I could do more stuff. Some imagination to break reality..
p.s. I know I will get away of this fuzz with home and my parents (why I am writting about this today several times?), but then... I'll be still miserable with other things in life. If I can't manage life here how could I do outside? Maybe with some weed..
geez Optimus stop whining and rather go to Iraq or Africa you'll realize you aren't the most miserable on earth.
I've been to only 17 :(
for some reason the title of this topic mixed up with either topics above and below, resulting in reading the whole thing as 'get neo-pagan'
"My dream is to finish ma shit [...] have enough money [...] and be REALLY WASTED"
And only at BlackBirdieIII (15-17 september, Way in advance ;) you can get this

why is black birdie not on yet? Hell, why are any parties not on yet? kicks ass.
ok so it's net, not org. I only really started using it today (: I was very impressed.
cheap airlines linkage is great, especially =)