tips for '06 peoples choice award?
category: general [glöplog]
Well, when you have to listen to idiots tell you your machine is crap because computers shouldn't have color or sound, and then 5 years later they tell you it's crap because it doens't have a soundblaster or vga... ya pretty much just go "ya know, the number of idiots on that platform is huge... I wonder if there are any intelligent people on it?" and then you look, and you look some more, and you look a lot more, and then...
You find out that one lives down the street when you're moving away...
But yes, I nominate Ikanim for that award too, because it should win 2 awards this year for not getting nominated last year!
You find out that one lives down the street when you're moving away...
But yes, I nominate Ikanim for that award too, because it should win 2 awards this year for not getting nominated last year!
this years prods... well check the nominees for best music.
im sure it will just take you 2 mins to find better ones.
im sure it will just take you 2 mins to find better ones.
i nominate ikanim too!
should win the category formerly known as "what should we watch instead of the awards" too!
should win the category formerly known as "what should we watch instead of the awards" too!
haha... ikanim for the new "Oops we forgot this one last year" award.
im sure it will just take you 2 mins to find better ones.
Just like opinions!
I haven't been compelled to watch ikanim twice.
Well, let me compel you then (:
After all, it took a while for me to learn about Dune.
After all, it took a while for me to learn about Dune.
Just my 2 cents:
I recently tried to make a personal selection of 2005 releases in order to prepare a DVD that I will use in a couple of demoshows... Try to do the same yourself and (provided you are not PS) you will mostly end up including most of the awards nominees, proving that those _are_ the best releases of the year.
Anyway, I still think there was room for Structure2 in a couple of categories, but that's just personal I think.
I recently tried to make a personal selection of 2005 releases in order to prepare a DVD that I will use in a couple of demoshows... Try to do the same yourself and (provided you are not PS) you will mostly end up including most of the awards nominees, proving that those _are_ the best releases of the year.
Anyway, I still think there was room for Structure2 in a couple of categories, but that's just personal I think.