.kkapture 0.01 - demo capturing made easy (hopefully)
category: code [glöplog]
ryg: Thanks... and when I went to download kkapture 0.03 again, there it was, right in the changelog for 0.03...
"skip silence" option added (required for e.g. fr-08);
(Now I feel like an idiot. A happy idiot, because now I have a high-quality grab of .the .product... but an idiot nonetheless)
"skip silence" option added (required for e.g. fr-08);
(Now I feel like an idiot. A happy idiot, because now I have a high-quality grab of .the .product... but an idiot nonetheless)
well, being a happy idiot is kind of like the ultimate goal in life anyway so that's all good.
Maybe archive.org will host demos like fr08. I don't know their rules, but they have eg. speedruns as well...
Maybe archive.org will host demos like fr08. I don't know their rules, but they have eg. speedruns as well...
ryg, forgot to point it out, but ( as you probably figured yourself time ago ) the perfect solution of which-thread-does-what-and-which-priority-to-set would be just a listbox with all app threads listed ( with some delay-option, cause some ( or even most ) demos start soundsynth thread after precalc or so ) so that user could manually pick graphics and sound generating threads and set appropriate priority. even if one has no clue how that should be arranged, he can figure it out after a few faulty tries ;)
not so easy for regular users, but hey it's for the scene, on the other hand you could put this option into kinda popping "advanced user settings" menu not to scare away common consumers ))
not so easy for regular users, but hey it's for the scene, on the other hand you could put this option into kinda popping "advanced user settings" menu not to scare away common consumers ))
nice idea... yes! Go for it... :-D
kkapture BADLY ruuuuuuules....
kkapture BADLY ruuuuuuules....
not so easy... the whole configuration stuff happens before the program even starts, I don't know prior to program execution which threads are going to be created, and they may even change creation order between runs.
i'd prefer improving the heuristics i already have to such intrusive tactics. anyway the semester is nearly over so i should have some time to work on kkapture again in the next few months.
i'd prefer improving the heuristics i already have to such intrusive tactics. anyway the semester is nearly over so i should have some time to work on kkapture again in the next few months.
well you could track CreateThread, ExitThread, TerminateThread and all other thread routines as you do with other API calls, displaying list dialog each time new one is created ( or it starts rendering or sound output -> in that case you could give user a hint ). As long as one of CreateThread's parameters is execution start address, threads will be easy to distinguish even if they are created in different order ( tho dealing with such hm... how to call it... say execution-polymorphic engines is realy messy )
the point is the manual way seems the only way ( apart from bruteforce :)) to properly deal with app which kkapture fails to process automatically.
( the other way would be sending you an email )
( the other way would be sending you an email )
really, this is far too messy for me to consider seriously. especially because messing with thread priorities itself is a very, very unstable method of fixing sound problems. it works sometimes, but you can only adjust for minor timing issues, not fix soundcode bugs from the outside.
besides, if i happen to actually go with doing something based on sound thread identification, the first thing i'll do is just use the first thread created after waveOutOpen or DirectSoundCreate. this is correct for all demos i've checked so far (those that actually use a sound thread, that is).
besides, if i happen to actually go with doing something based on sound thread identification, the first thing i'll do is just use the first thread created after waveOutOpen or DirectSoundCreate. this is correct for all demos i've checked so far (those that actually use a sound thread, that is).
will there be a new version in the future? :)
0.04 alpha is currently being tested by some people :)
progress is rather slow at the moment because I got tons of other stuff I'm involved in...
progress is rather slow at the moment because I got tons of other stuff I'm involved in...
Thanks :) Would be so great to see to make videos with newer demos like Insert Coins from Traction.. but this fails with the current ;)
unfortunately the traction demos still don't work with 0.04 alpha, but I'm hoping it will work in the future...
feature-request: I'd like to set a filesize limit after which a new avi-file starts.
0.04alpha already has OpenDML-AVI support via DirectShow. Filesize limit will be supported aswell in the official 0.04 release (code written by bartman).
I can provide traction demo source code if someone is interested in fixing kkapture to run them..
preacher: september.exe: the instruction at 0x010e5460 referenced memory at 0xfeedface.
> kkapturedll.dll!010e5460()
to whomever it may helpful (or not) :)
> kkapturedll.dll!010e5460()
to whomever it may helpful (or not) :)
great. that is in QueryPerformanceFrequency. someone passes 0xfeedface as lpFrequenc. AHEM. that kinda sounds like broken timing code to me.
anyway, got a temporary fix. i'll probably upload the current 0.04 alpha this evening with a big warning sign next to it to get some more compatibility reports, because i lack the time to do proper checking myself currently.
anyway, got a temporary fix. i'll probably upload the current 0.04 alpha this evening with a big warning sign next to it to get some more compatibility reports, because i lack the time to do proper checking myself currently.
Nice :) Finally a good chance to be able to make Traction Demovideos :)
Thanks, you rescued my day ;)
Thanks, you rescued my day ;)
I think ryg needs a big hug for this app. :)
btw, to help with the development. Im using Realtek AC 97 Audio, Geforce FX 5500, and I used Xvid as the Codec. All worked fine with kkapture.
Thanks, you actually helped us to find out the bug that's been a problem.. *embarrassed*
But in my defense, I'll point out that the timing code is not mine ;) It'll be fixed in future.
But in my defense, I'll point out that the timing code is not mine ;) It'll be fixed in future.
Thanks, you actually helped us to find out the bug that's been a problem.. *embarrassed*
Yeah, sorry about that. I realized that was a stupid thing to say after I posted it, but I thought it would get lost under everything else.
<---waits for converting traction demos into video to be able to watch them on a DVD Player :)
after some wrestling with the fr webserver :), the alpha version is now available at http://www.farbrausch.de/~fg/kkapture.