category: general [glöplog]
/me devirginizes shifter with a rake and runs off carrying 15 Hello Kitty dreamcasts
Ahh keops!! Thats the point!! Your next prod will be done with this excellent tool!!!! Looking forward to it!!;)
Yeah, I'll follow BoyC's advice. He gave up Addict for OSDM, which is quite wise imo.
FR people will probably figure it out as well eventually!
FR people will probably figure it out as well eventually!
makc: heh yeh, wondered about that one too :P
oh.. keops.. i thought you said you'd never use tools?!?!??!?!??! cheat0r!
rolfor zomg, tools... if i look at osdm thats more an ide then a tool.
Why so angry about this little DEMOMAKER ?
Its an great produkt like from red sector demomaker on amiga.
not everyone here can make a intro/demo so this tools can help them to do!
... so give it a try ! http://kickme.to/osdm :)
Its an great produkt like from red sector demomaker on amiga.
not everyone here can make a intro/demo so this tools can help them to do!
... so give it a try ! http://kickme.to/osdm :)
I'll take 5 minutes out of my ignoring directives from the judicial and legislative branches to explain the anger.
You see, the community of sceners enjoys creating things. In general, tools like this are frowned upon as they tend to remove a lot of the actual creation. Now, the tool itself might be considered something that is really cool, and quite frankly, I think the effort is a good one. And were it not for places like Pouet, which house the actual productions from that fabled time, this old school demomaker might actually introduce some folks to something enjoyable.
However, what has happened is a number of productions have been generated which aren't all that fantastic, and in many ways, detract from the spirit of the scene - that is, one of creativity and enjoyment.
The tool itself isn't the problem; it's what's being done with it. It's akin to counterstrike joke movies in wild compos: seen 'em, over 'em, get them off the f*n screen or I kill a gamerlamer.
The Red Sector Demomaker wasn't exactly seen as a wonderful thing either, back in the day. I remember when the stories of Kimble kiling the box on German TV came out - as proof of how incredibly lame that 'little' f* was, he showed off some of his 'demos' which were clearly made with the red sector demomaker during the show. Now, while I didn't see the show, I do know Kimble was perhaps the greatest lamer ever to defoul the planet, and his use of Red Sector Demomaker rather than actual skills was further proof that he needed to be disemboweled with a chainsaw.
Oh wait, that was D-man who needed to be disemboweled with a chainsaw.
Well, you know, you get lamers mixed up cuz they're all so incredibly worthless.
Anyway, the point is: This is a lamer tool. We don't like lamer tools. Cuz we don't like lamers. They tend to not get 'it' - whatever 'it' is this week.
So, to sum up:
1. The tool itself isn't bad. It's not that fantastic, and it's on Windows so obviously I haven't seen it, but the tool itself wouldn't ever get a scene.org award.
2. No productions made with it will ever be even close to being in the running for a scene.org award, and quite frankly, we'd prefer if they weren't put here on pouet cuz they tend to suck huge amounts of ass.
3. We have found the implements of bass destruction. They were located in the oldschool demomaker. They were found by examining the portion of code that limted the number of sprites.
Thank you for your time, and I must return to examining the map of eastern Europe for possible retirement communities for our less fortunate detainees.
You see, the community of sceners enjoys creating things. In general, tools like this are frowned upon as they tend to remove a lot of the actual creation. Now, the tool itself might be considered something that is really cool, and quite frankly, I think the effort is a good one. And were it not for places like Pouet, which house the actual productions from that fabled time, this old school demomaker might actually introduce some folks to something enjoyable.
However, what has happened is a number of productions have been generated which aren't all that fantastic, and in many ways, detract from the spirit of the scene - that is, one of creativity and enjoyment.
The tool itself isn't the problem; it's what's being done with it. It's akin to counterstrike joke movies in wild compos: seen 'em, over 'em, get them off the f*n screen or I kill a gamerlamer.
The Red Sector Demomaker wasn't exactly seen as a wonderful thing either, back in the day. I remember when the stories of Kimble kiling the box on German TV came out - as proof of how incredibly lame that 'little' f* was, he showed off some of his 'demos' which were clearly made with the red sector demomaker during the show. Now, while I didn't see the show, I do know Kimble was perhaps the greatest lamer ever to defoul the planet, and his use of Red Sector Demomaker rather than actual skills was further proof that he needed to be disemboweled with a chainsaw.
Oh wait, that was D-man who needed to be disemboweled with a chainsaw.
Well, you know, you get lamers mixed up cuz they're all so incredibly worthless.
Anyway, the point is: This is a lamer tool. We don't like lamer tools. Cuz we don't like lamers. They tend to not get 'it' - whatever 'it' is this week.
So, to sum up:
1. The tool itself isn't bad. It's not that fantastic, and it's on Windows so obviously I haven't seen it, but the tool itself wouldn't ever get a scene.org award.
2. No productions made with it will ever be even close to being in the running for a scene.org award, and quite frankly, we'd prefer if they weren't put here on pouet cuz they tend to suck huge amounts of ass.
3. We have found the implements of bass destruction. They were located in the oldschool demomaker. They were found by examining the portion of code that limted the number of sprites.
Thank you for your time, and I must return to examining the map of eastern Europe for possible retirement communities for our less fortunate detainees.
I do know Kimble was perhaps the greatest lamer ever to defoul the planet.
But he has won the Gumball 3000, twice!!!
@Ronald: i agree with you and these lamers that present demos that really wasnt made by themself and they said that they had ! ( sorry for my poor english *gg* ) - but you see at the first time that a demo done with OSDM was made with it. So let us non programm-knowledge-poeple do little demos what could entertain you a little bit or makt you smile.
Volker - the creator - is the first of all "demomaker - creator" that has made a tool that really works great. Its simple, has some cool routines, makes very small packages and it "grows up" with every new version. So respect to him and his good work.
And you know that demos done with own programming routines always will be better than a demo made with a tool.
We just want to support the scene, so perhap some NEW guys comes it and the "scene". So it will not contain only us "old" boys lookin to ikari or f4cg demos on C64 or scoopex demos on amiga and think what cool produkts they done... ( please undestand what i mean with this! )
...whatever... merry xmas to us all and peace ;-)
Volker - the creator - is the first of all "demomaker - creator" that has made a tool that really works great. Its simple, has some cool routines, makes very small packages and it "grows up" with every new version. So respect to him and his good work.
And you know that demos done with own programming routines always will be better than a demo made with a tool.
We just want to support the scene, so perhap some NEW guys comes it and the "scene". So it will not contain only us "old" boys lookin to ikari or f4cg demos on C64 or scoopex demos on amiga and think what cool produkts they done... ( please undestand what i mean with this! )
...whatever... merry xmas to us all and peace ;-)
it's awesome what you did Rebell! don't let any faggot tell you differently!
I'll take 5 minutes out of my ignoring directives from the judicial and legislative branches to explain the anger.
You just wasted 5 minutes.
The best thing about the OSDM shitstorm was that it provoked people to argue about unimportant things on the internet. It gave people the self-righteous zeal to codemn releases that were obviously meant to troll -from the comfort of their parents' basement (or equivalent location).
Honestly, if the shit was self-coded, nobody (at vert very least less of you) would've cared. A meaty chuck of this year's cracktros come from the same mold, but hey, that's okay! It wasn't made with a public demotool! Never mind the exact same lack of effort and style! That's oldskool for you! ...urgh.
And stop saying "we" :)

after the internet and pouet, i wonder if OSDM makes people bipolar as well.
and shifter hits the nail on the head!
I would reply to these allegations from those who would try to shift the topic to different subjects, but we're rather busy at the moment. Perhaps after the war on drugs is over and we've stopped the rampant spread of terrorism.
I would say that willbe has a pretty potent tool there. Somebody release this please :)
Does it have records to be broken?

Just before anyone else does...

Just before anyone else does...