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Any sceners from Århus here?

category: general [glöplog]
Hi there, I just arrived last week in Århus. I'm going to study here til the end of January. I'd really be happy to get to know some fellow sceners from here, so if you beleive that it might be a nice idea to have some booze and talk with a nice bloke from Hamburg, please drop me an email at supermatse'at'gmx.de.
added on the 2005-08-10 15:57:57 by novel novel
Welcome to Århus, then! :)

Yes, we are a couple of sceners here... Mentor, Puryx, Maytz, Nic0 and myself are the ones that immediately come to my mind, but I am sure there are many more.

I'll write you a mail...
added on the 2005-08-10 16:37:33 by Blueberry Blueberry
Tak for det Aske, jeg bor jo overhovedet ikke i århus .. \o/

What i just said to Blueberry is that he forgot me, but i am of no interest at all cause i suck :P...

But also Heinrich and Trenox of Junkworks lives here
added on the 2005-08-10 18:56:39 by dwarf dwarf
dwarf, face it, you're a nobody!!!!112

(btw, coming to evoke?)
added on the 2005-08-11 00:28:32 by skrebbel skrebbel
Hey Novel, you finally arrived in Denmark!! That's pretty cool. I hope everything will work out as you expect it... (flat, university etc.)
added on the 2005-08-11 09:50:38 by ghandy ghandy
Yes, as Blueberry wrote I live with my girlfriend here in Århus aswell - also worth to mention is that Thorsten/soopadoopaa lives here aswell (did I spell that right?) - you're welcome to ask about contact information via this thread or whereever ;)
added on the 2005-08-11 10:06:41 by Puryx Puryx
Skrebbel .. i know ;)...

(i am quite sure that i dont come... this time, dont ask why)

Puryx ... SoopaDoopa ..
added on the 2005-08-11 12:39:13 by dwarf dwarf
what about domino? has he left the town. rumours has it, that farfar will move to århus aswell. maybe I should move to Århus too, since macaw has moved into my zipcode! (8860 massive, yeah)
added on the 2005-08-11 15:56:07 by cheesytbc cheesytbc
get real, 7100 is the place to be :D well maybe not anyways im ready for a beer when i get back from japan - S E L E C T A !
added on the 2005-08-11 16:15:37 by yenzen yenzen
... all the best for Denmark, Novel! Hamburg city will certainly miss you, dude (we are all just sick 'design wankers' here anyway ;) )! Monsen und so!
added on the 2005-08-11 16:28:51 by monroe monroe
cheesy ... dominei has just moved out, i cant remember what remember why, but i believe it was something about his apartment and money...

and yes ..farfar is moving to århus as i have been told .. so thats one more for the collection
added on the 2005-08-12 00:31:23 by dwarf dwarf
Hej, thanks for your warm welcomings! Don't have i-access in my dorm yet (which sucks a bit (a lot)), so my replies are a little delayed.

Min kollegiet ligger i Hasle. Det er i Århus V (8210). I have a danish sim-card but I can't load it with credits as yet. You can call *me* of course...;) e-mail me.
Jeg hedder Matthias og kommer fra Tyskland. Jeg will gerne have tredive øl og ti pølser med brød.

Oh, and I will go to Evoke. At the moment it looks like I'm going with a fellowstudents' car to Hamburg and from there with my mom's car and a friend to Cologne. But maybe we can arrange something if you are interested. I defenitely have to stop by in Hamburg though so I can fetch my CD32 and stuff...I miss it very much here. :-)
added on the 2005-08-12 16:11:36 by novel novel
Don't be so sad (only a little bit is just fine), my dear friend. We'll meet in less then a month...by the way - you mind drawing me a captain for my game till evoke?

@Ghandy, Mr. Chief Ed, I'm looking forward to finally meeting you in Cologne!
added on the 2005-08-12 16:16:52 by novel novel
Any sceners from Ånus here?
added on the 2005-08-12 18:57:49 by Jcl Jcl
no, they're in Ånus
added on the 2005-08-12 20:04:18 by el mal el mal
added on the 2005-08-12 20:05:26 by Jcl Jcl
\o/ *hugs jcl*
added on the 2005-08-12 20:05:52 by el mal el mal
Jeg kommer sku osse fra Århus :). Så ved i det.
added on the 2005-08-12 23:19:01 by good good
Din mor ved det.
I am also from Århus (Viby), but I don't consider myself a scener, more an ex-scener watching the scene.
added on the 2005-08-12 23:32:45 by front243 front243
By the way, where and what are you studying?

I used to study computer-science and I can tell you there are usually at least a few sceners studying there.
added on the 2005-08-12 23:38:39 by front243 front243
Yeah Novel, I'm also looking forward to meet you finally. And Monroe of course, too! Will Winston Churchill also come? Just watch out for a dog in b/w and you'll have me.
added on the 2005-08-13 09:40:09 by ghandy ghandy
I'm studying economics at the school for econ. and business. Very unlikely to meet sceners there.
I found it interesting that most of the polish exchange students here seem to study computer science.
added on the 2005-08-15 15:25:26 by novel novel
I moved. Sure, I cocked up the rent thing. But most importantly, I just didn't like the place. I come from Bergen, a proper town :) The sceners were nice people, though.

so some tips to you novel:

Living in Hasle means Trillegården/wilh. Kiers kollegium. Move as soon as possible. Only plus is living near Thorsten. It's all downhill from there.

Don't go to the international student's centre tuesdays and thursdays. The evenings are incredibly boring.

Do not under any cirumstances try to befriend the spanish people unless they are in Stravaganza.

There are generally three places to go out: Musikcaféen, Sjokoladefabriken and most of all Kupé. Under Masken is great for talk-only evenings.

If you want danish girls, don't even bother to be sophisticated about it. As a matter of fact, sophistication will get you nowhere.

Since nothing happens during the week, you will become a weekender. Start partying at the fridaybar and keep going until "den sidste" (sometimes refered to as "paradis") closes.

Whatever you do, don't go to "Social Club". It's not social and hardly a club. Only exception is from 23 to 24 as the beer is free then. Just remember to get out after twelve.

If you have sophisticated habits, good taste andr style, don't bother to make an issue out of it. In denmark you're better off socially conforming to the mediocre.

Mail me if you want detailed information or feel like your life sucks.
I just read Mr Twist Lasers recommendations.

I might add:

Sct. Clemens Bryggeri
The best brewed beer in town, and a nice atmosphere

Paddy Go Easy
Very nice Irish Pub in the centre of town.
added on the 2005-08-16 01:15:16 by front243 front243


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