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what's the longest time you've slept during a party?

category: general [glöplog]
at bp04 i think i was passed out/sleeping for 20hours straight, what's your record?
added on the 2005-07-22 17:57:33 by nosfe nosfe
At Tig98 I drove to Pescara in the hellish summer in a black Fiat Uno without air conditioning. It was so consuming that I think I slept 10-12 hours once at the partyplace.
The Surfing puked on my sleeping bag and things quite changed.
added on the 2005-07-22 18:56:50 by dixan dixan
my sleeping duration does not change that much from normal sleeping at home to demoparties. usually it's a bit less, like 4 to 8 hours. I think longest time I slept was at dialogos 2000 with about 10 hours.
added on the 2005-07-22 19:47:25 by styx^hcr styx^hcr
cm'on people, I sleep at least 10 hours every day ..
added on the 2005-07-22 19:49:16 by Navis Navis
Most of my sleep at parties is more like some weird state where you're not asleep and not awake. But if that counts, I guess it's something like 14 hours (can't remember which party). Usually it's 2-6h.
added on the 2005-07-22 22:14:30 by teel teel
Before asm'01 I had a nightshift before party, arrived to party without sleeping, on saturday i slept for one ad a half hours, on sunday i fell asleep beforeon morning after seeing some really weird hallucinations with computercases changing shapes etc. and slept for a few hours. the sunday afternoon at rockin' da north was pretty interesting experience.
dxan wrote > The Surfing puked on my sleeping bag and things quite changed.

my friends,sorry for the Italian language:)

Dix,come cazzo avrei voluto esserci!
C'è qualche foto che immortala il momento?
added on the 2005-07-22 23:31:19 by orb orb
orb: no, I was the "official" slengpung photographer and I didn't feel much about taking shots of the thing ;)
added on the 2005-07-22 23:41:04 by dixan dixan
I was passed out for like 18 hours at ASM'03. Stupid barhopping...
added on the 2005-07-23 05:28:19 by Preacher Preacher
Only women sleep.
added on the 2005-07-23 06:55:52 by ogge_ ogge_
And male hookers!
added on the 2005-07-23 22:09:12 by ManJIT ManJIT
At FLaG '96. After being awake for 3 days as the main organizer, I just fell off the chair after the compos. When I woke up, the party was over, someone did the prizegiving for me, and everybody was congratulating me for the great event. This is also probably my uptime record.
added on the 2005-07-24 10:09:31 by tomcat tomcat
No matter what you say, I think Arcane holds the record.

I tried once not sleeping at all during the party weekend (Demolition'97) and after that decided it's better to sleep as much as possible even with party mode on - after being awake straight for 40 hours watching MFX' Within Minutes on big screen wasn't an experience recommended for every mundane scener. :)
added on the 2005-07-24 10:14:57 by melw melw
I'm pretty sure Arcane is still sleeping from Kindergarden 04. I haven't seen or heard from him since then.
at a party i try to dont sleep much to enjoy party even more. i can sleep @ home =)
added on the 2005-07-24 14:42:29 by nula nula
it wasn't -at- the party exactly, but my greatest "achievement" when it comes to both being seriously fucked up because of lack of sleep AND being knocked out afterwards was at the gathering in 1994..

it started with me oversleeping under a table so that my flight had already left (the party was officially over) but i was allowed to stay in the hall for another night to take the train the next morning. i was sitting there, hunched over my computer, falling into the keyboard every two seconds or so, when some guys from darkzone wanted to use it to try a new version of their intro on. it was locked (bios-password) and they kept asking me for the password. "can we have your password? hello? bent..? can we have the password or not?!" after which i majesticly replied "sure, no problem, just take it" and fell over the keyboard once more.

now, AFTER the party, when the plane landed in trondheim and i was picked up and driven home, it was around 19:00 at night. i went straight to sleep, and around 22:00 i wake up. i looked at the clock beside my bed and cursed the living hell out of my little brother for making so much noise that i woke up. i went upstairs to get some food before i planned to sleep again. when i got up my parents looked at me and said "wow, finally awake, eh?". i just replied with an empty look in my face.. "what? i've only slept three hours for christ sake". they replied: "err. no. you've slept *27* hours. we picked you up at the trainstation on monday - it's tuesday night now".

seriously bad trip. :)
added on the 2005-07-24 17:12:18 by gloom gloom
During a party? Only a few hours. Really. But after my first demo party back in '93 i didn't sleep for 3 days straight. When i got back home, i remember my mom asking me something, but i don't know what. I was all in a blur from fatigue. I just went to my room and BOOM. Darkness. When i woke up, still face down in the pillow, the clock showed pretty much the same as when i got there. Then i realised it must have been 24 hours later, because i was all sweaty because i hadn't taken off my jacket and shoes. I'm pretty sure i couldn't do such a stunt over again.
added on the 2005-07-24 22:12:25 by JoaCHIP JoaCHIP
it started with me oversleeping under a table so that my flight had already left (the party was officially over) but i was allowed to stay in the hall for another night to take the train the next morning

Sounds a bit like my BP04 experience... ;)

Ok, I cannot remember the longest time I've slept at a party nor the shortest (must've been a Dialogos or Mekka Symposium in 2000 or 2001).

tUM*o4 was somehow interesting. I had 2 info shifts saturday in the night/morning (without some sleep before), went zombie like to the sleeping area, came back after 3 hours, did some normal orga work, "entertained" the crowd in the evening by using the microphone in a totally driunken state (after the pc 64k compo) and waking up at 12:00 (sunday). There's still some time line missing in my memory....
"entertained" the crowd in the evening by using the microphone in a totally driunken state (after the pc 64k compo)

be glad you were saved, else people would have started throwing stuff your way =)
added on the 2005-07-25 22:18:15 by dalezr dalezr
hmmmm, BP05 was weird for me.. i couldnt sleep for nights.. i just decided to every night at least take a few hrs in the sleepingbag with my eyes closed, just to get _some_ rest. i even tried to sleep at in a hotelroom one night, again, didnt work. so, ive been 'up' from wednesday-sunday (coz of bass rehearsals i was there earlier) .. then, sundaynight, shiva and kb were having a really interesting conversation about ambient occlusion and somehow that got me so frikkin' tired that i ripped some rubberfoam of a window, used it as matrass and slept near the tiolets for 7hrs straight :)
added on the 2005-07-25 23:28:35 by el mal el mal


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