One conspiracy theory to rule them all
category: general [glöplog]
Hi kids, for this months conspiracy kook special i have chosen David Icke's research as the subject. I recently found out about Icke, and realised that he is doing the same research i am. However we are not in complete agreement about things. Where i think the world is controlled by an old tribe of filthy rich greedy idol worshipping people who altso designed the face of all known relegion for control purporses. he think its run by space lizzards from mars. Nonetheless, he have found many of the same symbols as i have and wondered about them, so here goes..

Code of Communication
The initiates of the secret society network have always had a code of communication through certain phrases, words, funny handshakes and symbols.
There are also a series of Brotherhood signatures which form their secret language and these are all around us every day.

Their most used symbols is the lighted torch, the symbol of knowledge and the Sun. When an initiate reaches a certain level in the pyramid they are said to be illuminated, more symbolism of the lighted torch. One of the recurring stories in the ancient world is of a hero figure who takes fire (knowledge) from the gods and gives it to the people - the chosen few people, that is. The Watchers (extraterrestrials) called Azazel and Shemyaza were among those who gave advanced knowledge to humans, according to the Book of Enoch.

Greek god ~ Prometheus
The most famous symbol of these Watchers is the Greek god, Prometheus, who was said to have emerged from the Caucasus Mountains.In many ways he was another Jesus figure who died for the people.
At the Rockefeller Center in New York today is a gold statue of Prometheus (gold, the solar metal of the gods) and he is holding the light, the fire, in line with the legend. To the Rockefellers this is not just a statue, it is a symbol of the whole scam they are involved in.

Statue of Liberty - Semiramis
The Statue of Liberty is another Brotherhood symbol highlighting the lighted torch. The Statue of Liberty is actually the Statue of Liberties - the liberties perpetrated on the American people by the Brotherhood. There she stands on her island in New York Harbour holding her torch of freedom and Americans believe she is the symbol of their liberty in the Land of the Free. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Statue of Liberty was given to New York by French Freemasons and her mirror image stands on an island in the River Seine in Paris These statues of liberty are representations of Queen Semiramis and Isis et al, with the rays of the Sun around her head. The ancients symbolised the Sun in this way. And they are not holding the torch of liberty, but the torch of the illuminated ones, the reptilian Elite.

Brotherhood Signature
The torch is the most obvious Brotherhood signature. When the Brotherhood assassinated President Kennedy in 1963, they put a lighted torch, the eternal flame which has burned to this day, on his grave in the Arlington Cemetery. After the murder in Dallas the Freemasons erected an obelisk in Dealey Plaza a few yards from the spot where Kennedy was shot. At the top they placed a depiction of the lighted torch.

Symbol of Eternal Flame
When Diana, Princess of Wales, was murdered in the Pont de L~Alma Tunnel in Paris, the shrine to her, where people left flowers, became a large gold symbol of the very eternal flame held by the two Statues of Liberty, which just happened to be on top of the tunnel where her car crashed into the 13th pillar. Just a coincidence! On the island where she is said to be buried, they have placed yet another depiction of a lighted torch.

Olympic Torch
The Brotherhood are telling us that they killed Kennedy and Diana, but unless you understand their symbolic language, you do not know. The lighted torch in the Olympic Games has the same meaning.

The Pyramid
Another key Brotherhood symbol is the pyramid or the pyramid with the capstone missing.

Dealey Plaza
The street plan of Dealey Plaza where Kennedy was killed is shaped like a pyramid with the capstone missing and Dealey actually means Goddess Line as in Dea (goddess) and ley (ley line).

U.S. Pyramid
The pyramid with the capstone missing, or the pyramid and all seeing eye, is most famously depicted on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States and the dollar bill. The all seeing eye is the eye of Horus, Lucifer, Satan, whatever name you want to use

Eye of Horus
According to Egyptian legend, Osiris was murdered by Set and Set was killed by Horus who lost an eye in the process, hence the Eye of Horus. The 33rd degree Freemason and Black Nobility president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, had this symbol printed on the dollar bill from 1933. It was a symbol of secret societies in Europe long before anyone heard of the United States and it is awash with Freemasonic and secret society symbolism going back to the ancient world.

U.S. Great Seal
The number of states in America at the time of independence, 13, was no coincidence. Thirteen, the sacred twelve and one, is an ancient mystical number as we have seen throughout this book. On the two sides of the Great Seal you find 13 stars above the head of the eagle. The motto E Pluribus Unum has 13 letters, as does Annuit Coeptis. The eagle holds 13 leaves with 13 berries in its right talon and 13 arrows in the left. There are 72 stones (another mystic number) on the pyramid arranged in 13 rows. The eagle evolved from the symbol of the phoenix, the sacred Sun bird of the ancient Egyptians and Phoenicians and the Native American version is the thunderbird. Manly P. Hall, the Freemasonic historian, says that the original seal included the phoenix and it is known that one design for the Great Seal submitted by William Barton in 1782 included a phoenix sitting on a nest of flames.

Janus - Two Faced God
The symbol of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is the double eagle with a head looking in both directions - the symbol of the Babylonian Nimrod - and later known as Janus, the two headed (two faced) god.

Two Headed Eagle
This same symbol appears in at least two portraits of George Washington. The eagle is a widely used Brotherhood symbol and it can be found on the coats of arms of many countries, including Egypt, Libya and Iraq. It was a major symbol for the Nazis in Germany and it appears in the designs of pulpits and lecterns used by the Christian Church. Seals like the one used in the Great Seal of the United States can be traced back to at least 4,000 BC in Egypt, Babylon, Assyria and India. Our old friends, in other words. The first English Royal pendant seal was that of Edward the Confessor, who ruled between 1042 and 1066. This became a model for all future British and American seals.

The Latin words above and below the pyramid on the Great Seal/dollar bill announce the arrival of a new secular order. The New World Order is the insider name for the Brotherhood Agenda and George Bush used the term profusely when he was president. The date written in Latin on the bottom of the pyramid, 1776, is thought, understandably, to relate to the American Declaration of Independence in that year. But something else happened on May 1st (a date beloved by Satanists) in that same year of 1776. A very significant strand in the Brotherhood network was officially launched called the Bavarian Illuminati by the German professor, Adam Weishaupt.

Bavarian Illuminati
Adam Weishaupt used his Illuminati to further infiltrate Freemasonry. Weishaupt was trained as a Jesuit, the Society of Jesus. The founder of the Jesuits, the Spaniard Ignatius Loyola, formed a secret society within this apparently Catholic order and the initiates were called the Alumbrados, the enlightened, the illuminated. Weishaupt created 13 degrees of initiation in his Illuminati (the same as the number of levels on the Great Seal pyramid) and the key personnel were to be found in the top nine degrees. Many people get confused between the Illuminati (the network that spans thousands of years) and the Bavarian Illuminati, which was just one significant secret society within the network.

British Intelligence
The Pyramid and All Seeing Eye is also used as the symbol of MI5, part of the British Intelligence. Of course it is, British Intelligence is a centre of the Illuminati intelligence web

The obelisk and the dome are common sights in the monuments and buildings of the Brotherhood. The obelisk is an ancient phallic symbol of the male energy and solar energy and the dome represents the female or moon energy. Often they are placed together or close to each other. In ancient Egypt, the obelisk, dome, and five-pointed star together was their symbol for the star, Sirius.

Cleopatras Needle
The obelisk also symbolises the penis of the Egyptian Sun god, Osiris. According to legend, after Osiris had been sliced its into pieces by his rival, Set, the Queen Isis found all the pieces except his willy. The Zulu shaman and official historian, Credo Mutwa, details a similar story related to the penis of the chief of the Chitauri reptilians in African legends. An obelisk claimed to come from Alexandria in Egypt stands in Central Park, New York, and its twin was erected in the 19th century, during the reign of Queen Victoria, on the former Templar lands alongside the River Thames not far from the Houses of Parliament. It is known as Cleopatras Needle and originally stood in On (Heliopolis), the Egyptian City of the Sun, from at least 1500 BC, before it was moved to Alexandria.

Sphinx in London
Sphinx have been placed on both sides of Cleopatras Needle at its London

An Egyptian obelisk which was built in Luxor 3,200 years ago now stands in the Place de Concorde in Paris, less than a minutes drive from the scene of Dianas crash. On the other side of the crash scene is the Eiffel Tower, another gigantic obelisk in disguise. The Washington Monument in Washington DC is a colossal obelisk.

the Dome - Place of the Gods
The dome (from a Greek word meaning Place of the Gods) draws in and harnesses energy, as does the pyramid. So often you find that the great cathedrals are built around a massive dome because their builders and designers understood the power of geometry to focus energy in one spot. The vast golden dome on the Islamic shrine on Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the dome of St Peters at the Vatican in Rome, and the Church of Santa Maria which dominates the skyline of Florence, are obvious examples of this.

Sir Christopher Wren
Look around the major Brotherhood cities and you will find they have at least one major domed building. In the City of London you have St Pauls Cathedral designed by the initiate Sir Christopher Wren after the Great Fire of London had destroyed the original city. The mirror of St Pauls Cathedral is in Paris and known as the Pantheon.

Capitol Building - Washington DC
Look at the Congress building in Washington DC and you will find that it is another St Pauls.

The Vatican
In Rome there is the dome at the Vatican, that ancient site of Mithra (Sun) worship, and alongside the dome you find obelisks in St. Peters Square.

Millennium Dome
In London the Millennium Dome has been built next to the Greenwich zero longitude time-line which runs through the nearby Greenwich Observatory, which was also, incidentally, designed by Sir Christopher Wren. It is to this point in the world that all the watches, clocks, and time zones (therefore the collective human mind) are tuned and we view the universe from the same time-perspective. The measurement used in the Greenwich time-grid is solar time. On the other side of the River Thames, opposite the Millennium Dome, is the biggest building and obelisk in Europe, the Canary Wharf building. Again in the Brotherhood cities you will invariably find a skyscraper shaped like an obelisk because of the effect that has on the energy field.
The street plans of major cities are designed under the laws of sacred geometry in the same way that the great cathedrals, temples and stone circles were.

Symbols, shapes and angles
As with the City of London after the Great Fire of 1666, the new city of Washington DC was designed according to these laws. Symbols, shapes and angles generate different energies and if you understand these principles you can vibrate the energy field of a place to the vibrational range you deem most suitable for what you wish to achieve there. Anyone living or working within that field will be affected by it. You can also focus solar and other astrological energies in that place.

Washington DC
I found Washington one of the most unpleasant energies I have ever encountered outside the Square Mile in the City of London. A French Freemason, Major Pierre Charles L'Enfant, was engaged to create the new Washington, and his work was based on plans officially prepared by leaders like Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, although others with greater esoteric understanding would have been the real architects.

Capitoline Hill
Capitol Hill, named after the sacred place of the Roman secret societies called Capitoline Hill. It was no surprise, therefore, that the United States Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, the high priestess of American politics, should make a pilgrimage to Capitoline Hill on her first official visit to Europe after her appointment.

St. Paul's Crypt
Capitol Hill is not a political building, it is a temple to the Satanic Brotherhood and underneath its St Paul's dome is a crypt room. Beneath the floor of the crypt, marked by a pentagram star, is a vacant tomb.

Washington Symbols
Within the Washington street plan, centred on Capitol Hill and the White House, are astrological symbols (which relate exactly to where certain constellations appear in the sky), hexagrams, Satanic pentagrams, squares, a Masonic compass, a Spear of Destiny, a skull and bones and scores of others.

Washington Streets
For more information and illustrations I strongly recommend an excellent book by Charles L. Westbrook Jr called The Talisman Of The United States, Signature Of The Invisible Brotherhood.

Solar Signs - Washington
Roads and key buildings in Washington relate to the points where the Sun rises at the winter and summer solstice, just as the ancient mounds, temples and stone circles like Stonehenge, were designed to. Other streets cross at precisely 33 degrees and still others mark the precession of the equinoxes, and there is a hexagram or Star of David.

California Grove
I describe in The Biggest Secret how the Elite of America and further afield gather at the Bohemian Grove in Northern California and take part in ceremonies under a 40 foot stone owl. The owl is symbolic of Moloch or Molech, the ancient deity to which children were, and are, sacrificed. Indeed, the word Molech or Moloch literally means sacrifice and may not have been a deity, but merely a word.

Bohemian Grove
In this picture you will see the grovers performing a ceremony at Bohemian Grove before the giant owl.
Owl of Washington DC
How interesting that when I was looking at a map of Washington I found that the roads within the grounds of the Congress Building make the very clear symbol of an owl!

Owl in the Dollar
You also find that the owl is sitting on a pyramid. The pyramid and all seeing owl. The same owl symbol can be found hidden on the dollar bill if you know where to look and you have a very powerful magnifying glass.

The Pentagon
Similar Satanic pentagrams can be identified in the street plan of Rome, the old city of Jerusalem, the land around Rennes-le-Chateau in Southern France so beloved of the Knights Templar, the pyramid site at Giza, and no doubt over London and other cities and sites. Across the Potomac River from Washington is the home of the United States military - the Pentagon Building which was aligned to the constellation of Taurus. A pentagon, of course, is the centre of a pentagram.

Rising Sun
This building has the feel of an Egyptian temple with two depictions of the Sphinx outside and a massive image of the rising Sun (Horus). The 33rd degree is known as the Revolutionary Degree and most heads of government are 33rd degree Freemasons even though they will be keen to deny this or keep it quiet. It is an honorary degree and they will have made an oath of loyalty to Freemasonry that overrides their oath to their nation.

Mason Washington
In the garden behind this building I saw through the hedge a bust of George Washington celebrating him as the first Freemason President of the United States.

The Supreme Headquarters Building is home to the biggest collection of Freemason relics in the world (and that's only the members).

The ancient symbol of the circle and the cross symbolises, in part, the Sun's progress through the 12 months and the 12 signs of the zodiac, the cross and circle with the Sun on the cross.

Celtic Cross
The cross and the circle have inspired the Celtic cross.

The logo of NATO and the emblem of the CIA both have the symbol of the cross and zodiac circle.

The Black Sun
In the City of London financial district opposite St Paul's Cathedral, I also found the symbol above. It is a zodiac circle with a black sun at the centre. This building was designed originally for the Financial Times newspaper and the face on the black sun is that of Winston Churchill.

Arch of Triumph
The street plan of Paris, dominated by the Arc or 'arch' de Triomphe, is the same symbolism.

Arc de Triomphe
The Arc de Triomphe is placed at the centre of a circle from which 12 roads go out across Paris. On the road circle around the Arc de Triomphe are 12 points on the road making a 12-pointed star. Again the sun at the centre of the circle broken up into 12 segments.

Champ Elysees
When you turn and look the other way, again dead straight, you look down the Champs Elysees to the 3,200 year old Egyptian obelisk in the Place de Concorde.

Dagon & Isis
The fish symbolises the sign of Pisces and also the legendary King of Babylon, Nimrod, who was depicted as a fish. The dove symbolises his partner, Queen Semiramis, and it is more reverse symbolism. While the dove means peace to most people, it symbolises death and destruction to the Brotherhood. This reversing allows them to use their symbols in the public eye in a way that no-one understands. Sinn Fein, the political wing of the Provisional IRA in Northern Ireland, has a dove as its symbol for this reason

The Dove
It is this dove symbolism which gives us the fictitious name of Christopher Columbus who in fact used to sign his name Colon. The name Columbus was invented as yet more Brotherhood symbolism. The Romans used to worship a deity they called Venus Columba, Venus the Dove. Venus and dove are associated with Queen Semiramis in Babylon. The word dove in French today is still Colombre. Columba is also an 'Aphrodite' goddess which symbolises the negative, death and destruction, aspects of the female energy.

Hence we have British Columbia, Columbia Pictures, Columbia University, Columbia Broadcasting (CBS), the Space Shuttle Columbia, and District of Columbia in which they placed Washington DC.
You've only got to look at some of the names for places around Washington to see where their originators were coming from. The most obvious is Alexandria just over the border from the District of Columbia, in Virginia (the virgin queen - Isis, Semiramis). And, by the way, look at the logos of those Columbia organisations. Columbia Pictures has the lady holding the lighted torch, Columbia University has the lighted torch, and Columbia Broadcasting (CBS) has the eye, the all seeing eye.

Royal Sceptres
Doves can be seen standing on Maltese crosses on the sceptres held by the Queen of England in her ceremonies. Sceptres and rods were symbols of power in ancient Egypt.

There are Maltese crosses on the crown of the British monarch.

Maltese Cross
The Maltese or splayed cross was found in caves in the former Phoenician lands of Cappadocia, now Turkey, dating back many thousands of years to the Phoenician occupation at least and it became the cross of the Knights Hospitaller of St John of Jerusalem (Knights of Malta), the Knights Templar, and the Nazis.

German Insignia
If you look in this picture at the Nazi soldier you will see that he has the whole set - the Maltese Cross, the reversed swastika, the skull and bones and the eagle!

Party Logos
Three major symbols of the Brotherhood are the lighted torch, the red rose and the dove. The symbols of the three main political parties in the United Kingdom which serve the structure headed by the Queen are the lighted torch (Conservatives), the red rose (Labour) and the dove (Liberal Democrats)! Just a coincidence, nothing to worry about.

Laurel Branch ~ Wreath
The laurel leaves in the United Nations symbol are mirrored by the Freemasons and there are 33 sections in the circle. The logo is blue, a Freemasonic colour, as in the Blue Degrees of Freemasonry. The symbol of the European Union is also blue. The inspiration for the 'frame' around the UN logo can be easily seen in the Freemasons symbol.

Double Square
The double square, one square on top of another in any form, is more secret society symbolism. In the secret language, one square by itself means control of what is right and just. From this we get phrases like "fair and square" and a "square deal". One square on top of another means control of all that is right and all that is wrong, all that is just and all that is unjust, all that is positive and all that is negative. In other words "we control everything". The double square, or eight pointed star, can be seen in the lobby at the heart of the British Parliament and a long list of world police forces surround their badge with the same symbol.

The chevron is another version of this you need to look at this as symbolic of two three-dimensional boxes, one above the other, and not as one-dimensional 'ticks'. This is the logo of the Brotherhood oil company, Chevron, and the other oil and transnational corporations are a maze of symbols featuring the secret language of the force which controls the world.

Double Cross
The double cross of the House of Lorraine is the origin of the phrase to 'double cross' someone, to manipulate them. This same symbol can be found in the Rockefeller-guided oil giant, Exxon.

Oil Companies
Texaco has the pentagram inside a circle with the T square of Freemasonry. The symbol of Atlantic Richfield Oil (ARCO) is a pyramid with the capstone missing looked at from above and Amoco has the lighted torch.

Sun Life
Look at the names of some of the Brotherhood's insurance companies: Sun Alliance, Sun Life, Britannic Assurance, Eagle Star. The Sun Alliance building in Piccadilly Circus, London, is decorated with two pillars, two flames, and a statue of Britannia (Barati of the Phoenicians) holding her circle and cross shield, the ancient Sun symbol! Note also the names given to space craft, military aircraft, and naval ships like Hermes, Nimrod, Atlantis, and Columbia. All symbolic to the Brotherhood.

The Fleur-de-lis is another ancient symbol which is widely used today, particularly by royalty, and you find it on the fences around many buildings. It can be found on one of the gates to the White House.

It was used by the Merovingians in France and, apart from its connection to them, it symbolises the Babylonian god Nimrod, and Lilith, the name symbolising the reptilian bloodline.

The Rose
The red rose is another Brotherhood signature.

Rosy Cross
The Rose is often displayed with or on a cross.

Baal - Bel - Belial - Bell
The bell, as in the American Liberty Bell, is symbolic of Bel, Bil or Baal, the Aryan Sun god of the ancient world.

Bell Correlation
An interesting set of circumstances? The picture is the Bell (Baal) County Courthouse in Texas, located in Belton (Baal-Town). The dome or bell tower (Tower of Baal or Ba-bel) on the courthouse was recently restored by Campbellville Industries (Camp Baal?). Near the Baal County courthouse is the Bail (Baal) Bondsman. Baal Town is the county seat and one city in a triune city metroplex; it's sister city is Temple. (Temple of Baal County) The other member of the triune is Killeen (Killing?); site of the infamous Killeen Massacre, where a crazed (Baal mind controlled) man murdered 24 persons in a cafeteria on a Killeen spree. Baal Killeen is home to the mind-control facility known as Fort Hood. This area of Texas is approximately 30 miles from Waco (hueco - the hole or depression) which is the site another massacre, performed by the Liberty Bell Choir or ATF against David Koresh and the Branch Davidians. Waco is also the home of Baylor Illuminati Training University. The prophets of Baal certain won in Texas over its Elijahs.

A Dime
The most obvious symbol of the Brotherhood's intent is the fasces, from which we get the word, fascism. You can see it at the bottom of a United States 'liberty' symbol and in the Congress Building.

It was a symbol used widely in the Roman Empire and it consists of rods bound together around an axe. This axe is the origin of the term Axis Powers for the fascist countries in the Second World War. The symbolism is of people and countries bound together under a common centralised dictatorship, the axe. That is a perfect description of the European Union in which the nations of Europe are subordinate to common laws decided and imposed by the unelected dictatorship in Brussels. The European Union is truly a fascist state in accordance with the fascist symbol.
Ans last but not least, a writ about good ol' Albert pike.
If any of you actually got this far... thank you, hope you felt entertained.
the official scene kook

Code of Communication
The initiates of the secret society network have always had a code of communication through certain phrases, words, funny handshakes and symbols.
There are also a series of Brotherhood signatures which form their secret language and these are all around us every day.

Their most used symbols is the lighted torch, the symbol of knowledge and the Sun. When an initiate reaches a certain level in the pyramid they are said to be illuminated, more symbolism of the lighted torch. One of the recurring stories in the ancient world is of a hero figure who takes fire (knowledge) from the gods and gives it to the people - the chosen few people, that is. The Watchers (extraterrestrials) called Azazel and Shemyaza were among those who gave advanced knowledge to humans, according to the Book of Enoch.

Greek god ~ Prometheus
The most famous symbol of these Watchers is the Greek god, Prometheus, who was said to have emerged from the Caucasus Mountains.In many ways he was another Jesus figure who died for the people.
At the Rockefeller Center in New York today is a gold statue of Prometheus (gold, the solar metal of the gods) and he is holding the light, the fire, in line with the legend. To the Rockefellers this is not just a statue, it is a symbol of the whole scam they are involved in.

Statue of Liberty - Semiramis
The Statue of Liberty is another Brotherhood symbol highlighting the lighted torch. The Statue of Liberty is actually the Statue of Liberties - the liberties perpetrated on the American people by the Brotherhood. There she stands on her island in New York Harbour holding her torch of freedom and Americans believe she is the symbol of their liberty in the Land of the Free. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Statue of Liberty was given to New York by French Freemasons and her mirror image stands on an island in the River Seine in Paris These statues of liberty are representations of Queen Semiramis and Isis et al, with the rays of the Sun around her head. The ancients symbolised the Sun in this way. And they are not holding the torch of liberty, but the torch of the illuminated ones, the reptilian Elite.

Brotherhood Signature
The torch is the most obvious Brotherhood signature. When the Brotherhood assassinated President Kennedy in 1963, they put a lighted torch, the eternal flame which has burned to this day, on his grave in the Arlington Cemetery. After the murder in Dallas the Freemasons erected an obelisk in Dealey Plaza a few yards from the spot where Kennedy was shot. At the top they placed a depiction of the lighted torch.

Symbol of Eternal Flame
When Diana, Princess of Wales, was murdered in the Pont de L~Alma Tunnel in Paris, the shrine to her, where people left flowers, became a large gold symbol of the very eternal flame held by the two Statues of Liberty, which just happened to be on top of the tunnel where her car crashed into the 13th pillar. Just a coincidence! On the island where she is said to be buried, they have placed yet another depiction of a lighted torch.

Olympic Torch
The Brotherhood are telling us that they killed Kennedy and Diana, but unless you understand their symbolic language, you do not know. The lighted torch in the Olympic Games has the same meaning.

The Pyramid
Another key Brotherhood symbol is the pyramid or the pyramid with the capstone missing.

Dealey Plaza
The street plan of Dealey Plaza where Kennedy was killed is shaped like a pyramid with the capstone missing and Dealey actually means Goddess Line as in Dea (goddess) and ley (ley line).

U.S. Pyramid
The pyramid with the capstone missing, or the pyramid and all seeing eye, is most famously depicted on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States and the dollar bill. The all seeing eye is the eye of Horus, Lucifer, Satan, whatever name you want to use

Eye of Horus
According to Egyptian legend, Osiris was murdered by Set and Set was killed by Horus who lost an eye in the process, hence the Eye of Horus. The 33rd degree Freemason and Black Nobility president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, had this symbol printed on the dollar bill from 1933. It was a symbol of secret societies in Europe long before anyone heard of the United States and it is awash with Freemasonic and secret society symbolism going back to the ancient world.

U.S. Great Seal
The number of states in America at the time of independence, 13, was no coincidence. Thirteen, the sacred twelve and one, is an ancient mystical number as we have seen throughout this book. On the two sides of the Great Seal you find 13 stars above the head of the eagle. The motto E Pluribus Unum has 13 letters, as does Annuit Coeptis. The eagle holds 13 leaves with 13 berries in its right talon and 13 arrows in the left. There are 72 stones (another mystic number) on the pyramid arranged in 13 rows. The eagle evolved from the symbol of the phoenix, the sacred Sun bird of the ancient Egyptians and Phoenicians and the Native American version is the thunderbird. Manly P. Hall, the Freemasonic historian, says that the original seal included the phoenix and it is known that one design for the Great Seal submitted by William Barton in 1782 included a phoenix sitting on a nest of flames.

Janus - Two Faced God
The symbol of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is the double eagle with a head looking in both directions - the symbol of the Babylonian Nimrod - and later known as Janus, the two headed (two faced) god.

Two Headed Eagle
This same symbol appears in at least two portraits of George Washington. The eagle is a widely used Brotherhood symbol and it can be found on the coats of arms of many countries, including Egypt, Libya and Iraq. It was a major symbol for the Nazis in Germany and it appears in the designs of pulpits and lecterns used by the Christian Church. Seals like the one used in the Great Seal of the United States can be traced back to at least 4,000 BC in Egypt, Babylon, Assyria and India. Our old friends, in other words. The first English Royal pendant seal was that of Edward the Confessor, who ruled between 1042 and 1066. This became a model for all future British and American seals.

The Latin words above and below the pyramid on the Great Seal/dollar bill announce the arrival of a new secular order. The New World Order is the insider name for the Brotherhood Agenda and George Bush used the term profusely when he was president. The date written in Latin on the bottom of the pyramid, 1776, is thought, understandably, to relate to the American Declaration of Independence in that year. But something else happened on May 1st (a date beloved by Satanists) in that same year of 1776. A very significant strand in the Brotherhood network was officially launched called the Bavarian Illuminati by the German professor, Adam Weishaupt.

Bavarian Illuminati
Adam Weishaupt used his Illuminati to further infiltrate Freemasonry. Weishaupt was trained as a Jesuit, the Society of Jesus. The founder of the Jesuits, the Spaniard Ignatius Loyola, formed a secret society within this apparently Catholic order and the initiates were called the Alumbrados, the enlightened, the illuminated. Weishaupt created 13 degrees of initiation in his Illuminati (the same as the number of levels on the Great Seal pyramid) and the key personnel were to be found in the top nine degrees. Many people get confused between the Illuminati (the network that spans thousands of years) and the Bavarian Illuminati, which was just one significant secret society within the network.

British Intelligence
The Pyramid and All Seeing Eye is also used as the symbol of MI5, part of the British Intelligence. Of course it is, British Intelligence is a centre of the Illuminati intelligence web

The obelisk and the dome are common sights in the monuments and buildings of the Brotherhood. The obelisk is an ancient phallic symbol of the male energy and solar energy and the dome represents the female or moon energy. Often they are placed together or close to each other. In ancient Egypt, the obelisk, dome, and five-pointed star together was their symbol for the star, Sirius.

Cleopatras Needle
The obelisk also symbolises the penis of the Egyptian Sun god, Osiris. According to legend, after Osiris had been sliced its into pieces by his rival, Set, the Queen Isis found all the pieces except his willy. The Zulu shaman and official historian, Credo Mutwa, details a similar story related to the penis of the chief of the Chitauri reptilians in African legends. An obelisk claimed to come from Alexandria in Egypt stands in Central Park, New York, and its twin was erected in the 19th century, during the reign of Queen Victoria, on the former Templar lands alongside the River Thames not far from the Houses of Parliament. It is known as Cleopatras Needle and originally stood in On (Heliopolis), the Egyptian City of the Sun, from at least 1500 BC, before it was moved to Alexandria.

Sphinx in London
Sphinx have been placed on both sides of Cleopatras Needle at its London

An Egyptian obelisk which was built in Luxor 3,200 years ago now stands in the Place de Concorde in Paris, less than a minutes drive from the scene of Dianas crash. On the other side of the crash scene is the Eiffel Tower, another gigantic obelisk in disguise. The Washington Monument in Washington DC is a colossal obelisk.

the Dome - Place of the Gods
The dome (from a Greek word meaning Place of the Gods) draws in and harnesses energy, as does the pyramid. So often you find that the great cathedrals are built around a massive dome because their builders and designers understood the power of geometry to focus energy in one spot. The vast golden dome on the Islamic shrine on Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the dome of St Peters at the Vatican in Rome, and the Church of Santa Maria which dominates the skyline of Florence, are obvious examples of this.

Sir Christopher Wren
Look around the major Brotherhood cities and you will find they have at least one major domed building. In the City of London you have St Pauls Cathedral designed by the initiate Sir Christopher Wren after the Great Fire of London had destroyed the original city. The mirror of St Pauls Cathedral is in Paris and known as the Pantheon.

Capitol Building - Washington DC
Look at the Congress building in Washington DC and you will find that it is another St Pauls.

The Vatican
In Rome there is the dome at the Vatican, that ancient site of Mithra (Sun) worship, and alongside the dome you find obelisks in St. Peters Square.

Millennium Dome
In London the Millennium Dome has been built next to the Greenwich zero longitude time-line which runs through the nearby Greenwich Observatory, which was also, incidentally, designed by Sir Christopher Wren. It is to this point in the world that all the watches, clocks, and time zones (therefore the collective human mind) are tuned and we view the universe from the same time-perspective. The measurement used in the Greenwich time-grid is solar time. On the other side of the River Thames, opposite the Millennium Dome, is the biggest building and obelisk in Europe, the Canary Wharf building. Again in the Brotherhood cities you will invariably find a skyscraper shaped like an obelisk because of the effect that has on the energy field.
The street plans of major cities are designed under the laws of sacred geometry in the same way that the great cathedrals, temples and stone circles were.

Symbols, shapes and angles
As with the City of London after the Great Fire of 1666, the new city of Washington DC was designed according to these laws. Symbols, shapes and angles generate different energies and if you understand these principles you can vibrate the energy field of a place to the vibrational range you deem most suitable for what you wish to achieve there. Anyone living or working within that field will be affected by it. You can also focus solar and other astrological energies in that place.

Washington DC
I found Washington one of the most unpleasant energies I have ever encountered outside the Square Mile in the City of London. A French Freemason, Major Pierre Charles L'Enfant, was engaged to create the new Washington, and his work was based on plans officially prepared by leaders like Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, although others with greater esoteric understanding would have been the real architects.

Capitoline Hill
Capitol Hill, named after the sacred place of the Roman secret societies called Capitoline Hill. It was no surprise, therefore, that the United States Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, the high priestess of American politics, should make a pilgrimage to Capitoline Hill on her first official visit to Europe after her appointment.

St. Paul's Crypt
Capitol Hill is not a political building, it is a temple to the Satanic Brotherhood and underneath its St Paul's dome is a crypt room. Beneath the floor of the crypt, marked by a pentagram star, is a vacant tomb.

Washington Symbols
Within the Washington street plan, centred on Capitol Hill and the White House, are astrological symbols (which relate exactly to where certain constellations appear in the sky), hexagrams, Satanic pentagrams, squares, a Masonic compass, a Spear of Destiny, a skull and bones and scores of others.

Washington Streets
For more information and illustrations I strongly recommend an excellent book by Charles L. Westbrook Jr called The Talisman Of The United States, Signature Of The Invisible Brotherhood.

Solar Signs - Washington
Roads and key buildings in Washington relate to the points where the Sun rises at the winter and summer solstice, just as the ancient mounds, temples and stone circles like Stonehenge, were designed to. Other streets cross at precisely 33 degrees and still others mark the precession of the equinoxes, and there is a hexagram or Star of David.

California Grove
I describe in The Biggest Secret how the Elite of America and further afield gather at the Bohemian Grove in Northern California and take part in ceremonies under a 40 foot stone owl. The owl is symbolic of Moloch or Molech, the ancient deity to which children were, and are, sacrificed. Indeed, the word Molech or Moloch literally means sacrifice and may not have been a deity, but merely a word.

Bohemian Grove
In this picture you will see the grovers performing a ceremony at Bohemian Grove before the giant owl.
Owl of Washington DC
How interesting that when I was looking at a map of Washington I found that the roads within the grounds of the Congress Building make the very clear symbol of an owl!

Owl in the Dollar
You also find that the owl is sitting on a pyramid. The pyramid and all seeing owl. The same owl symbol can be found hidden on the dollar bill if you know where to look and you have a very powerful magnifying glass.

The Pentagon
Similar Satanic pentagrams can be identified in the street plan of Rome, the old city of Jerusalem, the land around Rennes-le-Chateau in Southern France so beloved of the Knights Templar, the pyramid site at Giza, and no doubt over London and other cities and sites. Across the Potomac River from Washington is the home of the United States military - the Pentagon Building which was aligned to the constellation of Taurus. A pentagon, of course, is the centre of a pentagram.

Rising Sun
This building has the feel of an Egyptian temple with two depictions of the Sphinx outside and a massive image of the rising Sun (Horus). The 33rd degree is known as the Revolutionary Degree and most heads of government are 33rd degree Freemasons even though they will be keen to deny this or keep it quiet. It is an honorary degree and they will have made an oath of loyalty to Freemasonry that overrides their oath to their nation.

Mason Washington
In the garden behind this building I saw through the hedge a bust of George Washington celebrating him as the first Freemason President of the United States.

The Supreme Headquarters Building is home to the biggest collection of Freemason relics in the world (and that's only the members).

The ancient symbol of the circle and the cross symbolises, in part, the Sun's progress through the 12 months and the 12 signs of the zodiac, the cross and circle with the Sun on the cross.

Celtic Cross
The cross and the circle have inspired the Celtic cross.

The logo of NATO and the emblem of the CIA both have the symbol of the cross and zodiac circle.

The Black Sun
In the City of London financial district opposite St Paul's Cathedral, I also found the symbol above. It is a zodiac circle with a black sun at the centre. This building was designed originally for the Financial Times newspaper and the face on the black sun is that of Winston Churchill.

Arch of Triumph
The street plan of Paris, dominated by the Arc or 'arch' de Triomphe, is the same symbolism.

Arc de Triomphe
The Arc de Triomphe is placed at the centre of a circle from which 12 roads go out across Paris. On the road circle around the Arc de Triomphe are 12 points on the road making a 12-pointed star. Again the sun at the centre of the circle broken up into 12 segments.

Champ Elysees
When you turn and look the other way, again dead straight, you look down the Champs Elysees to the 3,200 year old Egyptian obelisk in the Place de Concorde.

Dagon & Isis
The fish symbolises the sign of Pisces and also the legendary King of Babylon, Nimrod, who was depicted as a fish. The dove symbolises his partner, Queen Semiramis, and it is more reverse symbolism. While the dove means peace to most people, it symbolises death and destruction to the Brotherhood. This reversing allows them to use their symbols in the public eye in a way that no-one understands. Sinn Fein, the political wing of the Provisional IRA in Northern Ireland, has a dove as its symbol for this reason

The Dove
It is this dove symbolism which gives us the fictitious name of Christopher Columbus who in fact used to sign his name Colon. The name Columbus was invented as yet more Brotherhood symbolism. The Romans used to worship a deity they called Venus Columba, Venus the Dove. Venus and dove are associated with Queen Semiramis in Babylon. The word dove in French today is still Colombre. Columba is also an 'Aphrodite' goddess which symbolises the negative, death and destruction, aspects of the female energy.

Hence we have British Columbia, Columbia Pictures, Columbia University, Columbia Broadcasting (CBS), the Space Shuttle Columbia, and District of Columbia in which they placed Washington DC.
You've only got to look at some of the names for places around Washington to see where their originators were coming from. The most obvious is Alexandria just over the border from the District of Columbia, in Virginia (the virgin queen - Isis, Semiramis). And, by the way, look at the logos of those Columbia organisations. Columbia Pictures has the lady holding the lighted torch, Columbia University has the lighted torch, and Columbia Broadcasting (CBS) has the eye, the all seeing eye.

Royal Sceptres
Doves can be seen standing on Maltese crosses on the sceptres held by the Queen of England in her ceremonies. Sceptres and rods were symbols of power in ancient Egypt.

There are Maltese crosses on the crown of the British monarch.

Maltese Cross
The Maltese or splayed cross was found in caves in the former Phoenician lands of Cappadocia, now Turkey, dating back many thousands of years to the Phoenician occupation at least and it became the cross of the Knights Hospitaller of St John of Jerusalem (Knights of Malta), the Knights Templar, and the Nazis.

German Insignia
If you look in this picture at the Nazi soldier you will see that he has the whole set - the Maltese Cross, the reversed swastika, the skull and bones and the eagle!

Party Logos
Three major symbols of the Brotherhood are the lighted torch, the red rose and the dove. The symbols of the three main political parties in the United Kingdom which serve the structure headed by the Queen are the lighted torch (Conservatives), the red rose (Labour) and the dove (Liberal Democrats)! Just a coincidence, nothing to worry about.

Laurel Branch ~ Wreath
The laurel leaves in the United Nations symbol are mirrored by the Freemasons and there are 33 sections in the circle. The logo is blue, a Freemasonic colour, as in the Blue Degrees of Freemasonry. The symbol of the European Union is also blue. The inspiration for the 'frame' around the UN logo can be easily seen in the Freemasons symbol.

Double Square
The double square, one square on top of another in any form, is more secret society symbolism. In the secret language, one square by itself means control of what is right and just. From this we get phrases like "fair and square" and a "square deal". One square on top of another means control of all that is right and all that is wrong, all that is just and all that is unjust, all that is positive and all that is negative. In other words "we control everything". The double square, or eight pointed star, can be seen in the lobby at the heart of the British Parliament and a long list of world police forces surround their badge with the same symbol.

The chevron is another version of this you need to look at this as symbolic of two three-dimensional boxes, one above the other, and not as one-dimensional 'ticks'. This is the logo of the Brotherhood oil company, Chevron, and the other oil and transnational corporations are a maze of symbols featuring the secret language of the force which controls the world.

Double Cross
The double cross of the House of Lorraine is the origin of the phrase to 'double cross' someone, to manipulate them. This same symbol can be found in the Rockefeller-guided oil giant, Exxon.

Oil Companies
Texaco has the pentagram inside a circle with the T square of Freemasonry. The symbol of Atlantic Richfield Oil (ARCO) is a pyramid with the capstone missing looked at from above and Amoco has the lighted torch.

Sun Life
Look at the names of some of the Brotherhood's insurance companies: Sun Alliance, Sun Life, Britannic Assurance, Eagle Star. The Sun Alliance building in Piccadilly Circus, London, is decorated with two pillars, two flames, and a statue of Britannia (Barati of the Phoenicians) holding her circle and cross shield, the ancient Sun symbol! Note also the names given to space craft, military aircraft, and naval ships like Hermes, Nimrod, Atlantis, and Columbia. All symbolic to the Brotherhood.

The Fleur-de-lis is another ancient symbol which is widely used today, particularly by royalty, and you find it on the fences around many buildings. It can be found on one of the gates to the White House.

It was used by the Merovingians in France and, apart from its connection to them, it symbolises the Babylonian god Nimrod, and Lilith, the name symbolising the reptilian bloodline.

The Rose
The red rose is another Brotherhood signature.

Rosy Cross
The Rose is often displayed with or on a cross.

Baal - Bel - Belial - Bell
The bell, as in the American Liberty Bell, is symbolic of Bel, Bil or Baal, the Aryan Sun god of the ancient world.

Bell Correlation
An interesting set of circumstances? The picture is the Bell (Baal) County Courthouse in Texas, located in Belton (Baal-Town). The dome or bell tower (Tower of Baal or Ba-bel) on the courthouse was recently restored by Campbellville Industries (Camp Baal?). Near the Baal County courthouse is the Bail (Baal) Bondsman. Baal Town is the county seat and one city in a triune city metroplex; it's sister city is Temple. (Temple of Baal County) The other member of the triune is Killeen (Killing?); site of the infamous Killeen Massacre, where a crazed (Baal mind controlled) man murdered 24 persons in a cafeteria on a Killeen spree. Baal Killeen is home to the mind-control facility known as Fort Hood. This area of Texas is approximately 30 miles from Waco (hueco - the hole or depression) which is the site another massacre, performed by the Liberty Bell Choir or ATF against David Koresh and the Branch Davidians. Waco is also the home of Baylor Illuminati Training University. The prophets of Baal certain won in Texas over its Elijahs.

A Dime
The most obvious symbol of the Brotherhood's intent is the fasces, from which we get the word, fascism. You can see it at the bottom of a United States 'liberty' symbol and in the Congress Building.

It was a symbol used widely in the Roman Empire and it consists of rods bound together around an axe. This axe is the origin of the term Axis Powers for the fascist countries in the Second World War. The symbolism is of people and countries bound together under a common centralised dictatorship, the axe. That is a perfect description of the European Union in which the nations of Europe are subordinate to common laws decided and imposed by the unelected dictatorship in Brussels. The European Union is truly a fascist state in accordance with the fascist symbol.
Ans last but not least, a writ about good ol' Albert pike.
This is very deep and very real...Are you aware that on the grounds of the Washington Capitol, there is a statue of a gentleman named Albert Pike. Look up who Albert Pike is and hopefully more of this will make sense. The mafia and the KKK (freemason organizations) all trace back to this man named Albert Pike. The masonic headquarters is coincidently also on the grounds of the Washington Capitol. Why is that? But please look up this man named Albert Pike, who they say had more power than US Presidents!!! He has hospitals and elementary schools and highways as well as colleges named after him. Is it true that the White House was named after illuminati founder Adam Weisehaupt (pronounced, wise-howt). Weisehaupt means "white chief".
This is how powerful Albert Pike was...He laid down the blueprint of 3 World Wars for the New World Order to come into fruition. Secret societies exists bigtime!!! This is an exerpt from his writings pertaining to the World wars. This was written in the 1800s!!!
The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions." 2
Students of history will recognize that the political alliances of England on one side and Germany on the other, forged between 1871 and 1898 by Otto von Bismarck, co-conspirator of Albert Pike, were instrumental in bringing about the First World War.
"The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm." 3
After this Second World War, Communism was made strong enough to begin taking over weaker governments. In 1945, at the Potsdam Conference between Truman, Churchill, and Stalin, a large portion of Europe was simply handed over to Russia, and on the other side of the world, the aftermath of the war with Japan helped to sweep the tide of Communism into China.
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." 4
Since the terrorist attacks of Sept 11, 2001, world events, and in particular in the Middle East, show a growing unrest and instability between Jews and Arabs. This is completely in line with the call for a Third World War to be fought between the two, and their allies on both sides. This Third World War is still to come, and recent events show us that it is not far off.
If any of you actually got this far... thank you, hope you felt entertained.
the official scene kook
Holy crap, do you expect people to read all this?
If you cant read, just look at all the pretty pictures :D
get a life ...
why do you want to give me yours?
i demand a summary!
maali, well the short version is. Were fucked. Either because of greedy industrial/relegious/politcal organisations that conspire to control the world, and by ignorance thus destroy it, or space lizzards that hate humans, except for eating, and then only the blonde and redheaired ones, or baby's.
+++Summary brought to you by shcmovyschmov human rinds. Its a bunch o muncha cruncha human! +++
+++Summary brought to you by shcmovyschmov human rinds. Its a bunch o muncha cruncha human! +++
invents world.

tries to fuck the world (and macgyver)

saves it, and kills britney

and this guy (who is the father of the slutty princess in norway) marries a stripper half his age (34 years)
there you have it
invents world.

tries to fuck the world (and macgyver)

saves it, and kills britney

and this guy (who is the father of the slutty princess in norway) marries a stripper half his age (34 years)
there you have it
oh no, i fucked it up. sorry. i dont want to find the two pictures missing again.
macgyver invented the world, britney spears tried to fuck the world and macgyver.....ateam bla bla bla, this wasnt funny at all. good nigth
macgyver invented the world, britney spears tried to fuck the world and macgyver.....ateam bla bla bla, this wasnt funny at all. good nigth
You have no proof that a team killed britney!
I read the whole thing, and it makes perfect sense to me...
Well maybe you two together can start some sort of scary sect together.. or maybe start some blog, even better!
s_tec, kool, then act upon it. Start researching, the more the marrier. And as it really is backengineering history as it was, not as the facultys and mainstream media brainwash us with, there is a lot to be done. Many questions that needs attending. Specialise in a particular field of interrest and invest what time you have to spare on it. Mine is relegious history and that is purely out of interrest and because i can see how it still affects our lifes today. Even though its called different things from back then, its just a case of tomatoes tomaatoes.
For the few it might interrest. Here is a goldmine of where a lot of relegious ideas, and thus their symbolism came from.
Yes, of course. While I'm at it, I'll be sure to build a bunker out in the forest with lots of emergency supplies for the upcoming WW3.
Yeah, I should do that, and stop responding to silly pouet threads.
Yeah, I should do that, and stop responding to silly pouet threads.
right, optimus with pictures.
Tho I did see a Sinclair dinosaur in there. I got gas at a Sinclair station once. They didn't have any dinosaurs tho. Some stations used to, apparently.
Tho I did see a Sinclair dinosaur in there. I got gas at a Sinclair station once. They didn't have any dinosaurs tho. Some stations used to, apparently.
David Icke (born April 29, 1952) is a former professional football player, reporter, BBC television sports commentator, and British Green Party national spokesperson. Since 1990, he has been what he calls a "full-time investigator into who and what is really controlling the world."
The Green Party distanced itself from him in 1991 after he announced during a television interview that he was a "son of the Godhead." He began to dress only in turquoise and maintained that the world was ruled by a secret group called "The Elite", or "Illuminati," which he linked to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, an anti-Semitic tract. He also alleged that a small group of Jews had financed Hitler. These claims led to his speaking tours attracting the interest of British neo-Nazis, particularly Combat 18.
In 1999, he published a book claiming that the world had been taken over by a race of reptiles called the Babylonian Brotherhood, and that some prominent people were in fact lizards, including George Bush, Bill Clinton, the Queen Mother, and Kris Kristofferson. (no David Hasselhoff?!?!- ed.)
According to Political Research Associates, an American research group that tracks right-wing extremists, Icke's ideas are popular in Canada (where else- ed.), where the New Age aspect of his philosophy overshadows his more controversial beliefs.
He received a standing ovation after a five-hour speech to students at the University of Toronto in 1999. He is the author of ten books explaining his views.
The Green Party distanced itself from him in 1991 after he announced during a television interview that he was a "son of the Godhead." He began to dress only in turquoise and maintained that the world was ruled by a secret group called "The Elite", or "Illuminati," which he linked to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, an anti-Semitic tract. He also alleged that a small group of Jews had financed Hitler. These claims led to his speaking tours attracting the interest of British neo-Nazis, particularly Combat 18.
In 1999, he published a book claiming that the world had been taken over by a race of reptiles called the Babylonian Brotherhood, and that some prominent people were in fact lizards, including George Bush, Bill Clinton, the Queen Mother, and Kris Kristofferson. (no David Hasselhoff?!?!- ed.)
According to Political Research Associates, an American research group that tracks right-wing extremists, Icke's ideas are popular in Canada (where else- ed.), where the New Age aspect of his philosophy overshadows his more controversial beliefs.
He received a standing ovation after a five-hour speech to students at the University of Toronto in 1999. He is the author of ten books explaining his views.
yeah most of hos knowledge stolen from Jordan Maxwell though. And he declared himself Jesus, that was really a hoot.
s_tec why would you do that, do all information make you paranoid, or just the kind you cant get your head around, because ot defys what you have been programmed?
Good dog, heres a bone. 8===8 now roll over.
Good dog, heres a bone. 8===8 now roll over.
The White house wasn't even called the White House until it was painted white.
I'm willing to bet most of the things named after Albert Pike are, oh, turnpikes? And places named Pike's Field?
It's well known that George Washington and several of the other members of the American Founding Fathers were Masons; the Masons were powerful and well connected; so were they.
As for the whole thing with the domes and obelisks, that clearly dates back to the Egyptians.
And I'm willing to bet the T in the Texaco logo stands for Texaco.
And hey, if anything with a cross in it is somehow evil, you've got a heck of a lot of lines out there to exorcize.
I dunno... The idea of there being more to everyone stealing the idea for domes from the ancient Romans is appealing, but I still like Quisten's theory better.
I'm willing to bet most of the things named after Albert Pike are, oh, turnpikes? And places named Pike's Field?
It's well known that George Washington and several of the other members of the American Founding Fathers were Masons; the Masons were powerful and well connected; so were they.
As for the whole thing with the domes and obelisks, that clearly dates back to the Egyptians.
And I'm willing to bet the T in the Texaco logo stands for Texaco.
And hey, if anything with a cross in it is somehow evil, you've got a heck of a lot of lines out there to exorcize.
I dunno... The idea of there being more to everyone stealing the idea for domes from the ancient Romans is appealing, but I still like Quisten's theory better.
iblis: vittu sä oot kyl yks sankari. tunge noi salaliittoteoriat vaikka ensiks perseeseen. ketää ei kiinnosta...
[quote=Quisten]...britney spears tried to fuck the world...[/quote][quote=Francis]You have no proof that a team killed britney![/quote]
But if she is alive, then the scene isn't dead?
But if she is alive, then the scene isn't dead?
oh a circle ! Oh a triangle .... aaaarggggh wait.... I put somes in my demos... I'm discovering I am a freemason !!!!...(Damn they suxx , pooaah ) !