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Deadline 2024 | 10th anniversary edition | 04.10. - 06.10. | Berlin, Germany

category: general [glöplog]
Regarding the Mate Light Competition: Are there more limits that participants should be aware of, except for the "pixel" count? Are there limits to GIF frame rates, frame counts? Are normal RGB colors with 8bits/channel OK? Thanks!
added on the 2024-09-24 11:55:15 by cp_ cp_
Regarding the Mate Light Competition: Are there more limits that participants should be aware of, except for the "pixel" count? Are there limits to GIF frame rates, frame counts? Are normal RGB colors with 8bits/channel OK? Thanks!

good question. the mate light makes use of a simple streaming protocol, so I guess that would be a limiting factor (see https://github.com/jaseg/matelight)
but since there is a moving streaming app as well, I guess that 30fps should be a safe bet.

Normal RGB colours should be fine, but of course contrast and small bright differences are difficult on such a low-tech device.
added on the 2024-09-25 20:58:34 by v3nom v3nom
Cool this helps. Thanks a lot!
added on the 2024-09-25 21:27:23 by cp_ cp_
"command line executable" windows i guess ? is it ok if it opens a window ?
added on the 2024-09-25 22:21:47 by pandur pandur
yes. and yes.
added on the 2024-09-25 22:49:27 by v3nom v3nom
Share your Deadline moment with us!

I recently discussed with some other party orgas over what's the motivation to organize a party. Of course this is very subjective and individually different - one of the reasons (and my key motivation) is to provide a space for people to experience memorable moments together. I started visiting demoparties around 2005 and I have a lot of cherished memories on specific moments I strongly connect with specific parties (and people ofc).
If you happened to visit one of the previous editions of Deadline, we would like to hear about the one moment that you most strongly associate with Deadline - please feel free to share it with us here in the thread if you like, for some joint reminiscence :)

I first visited Deadline 2015. I was attending a conference in Bremen the week before Deadline and my employer agreed for me to take some holiday days and remote work days so I was able to combine visiting Deadline to the same trip. I really didn't know who was coming to the party and I was traveling alone. There were maybe two people I knew beforehand but I got to know bunch of nice new people! Deadline felt very welcoming and it has become my demoscene home (if that makes any sense) regradless that I don't even live anywhere near Germany. I just love the Deadline vibe as well as the venue and the people. I have missed only one Deadline (2021) after 2015. No need to say, I'll be there this year too. <3
added on the 2024-09-25 23:37:22 by rimina rimina
On the contrary, if everything will go well, this to be my Deadline debut in 2024. Looking forward to the most remote, accommodation-ridden part of big European city :D
added on the 2024-09-26 16:23:19 by AzzaroMWI AzzaroMWI
i planned to come, but due to a clash of dates (dear old friends come to visit me on that same weekend from a part of the world that makes it unlikely to see them again too soon) i can't make it. i'm really sad about this, as deadline is among my alltime top-3 favourite parties (next to evoke and datastorm). i hope i'll be able to make it next year.
added on the 2024-09-26 23:36:36 by dipswitch dipswitch


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