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category: general [glöplog]
Do on your own with your shit.
added on the 2024-07-03 17:08:01 by bIT bIT
Content published via Nicknames and Aliases are not GDPR protected anyway.
So start sueing who you want you creep.

No one gives a shit.
Go get your meds.

Now you hat again your 5 minutes of fame, even when i dunno who u are.

added on the 2024-07-03 18:15:08 by _docd _docd
what's with the "page 1 of 2" and "seite 2 von 2" thing?
added on the 2024-07-03 19:26:51 by dalezy dalezy
Wow it's 2024.. and EP is still acting like.. well.. EP ?

@Scamp , what makes me wonder is how he got your private adres..
added on the 2024-07-03 20:10:10 by magic magic
EP: Even if you were right, acting like that, won't help in resolving your requests. The scene sites are community driven and not companies, keep that in mind when requesting things. Maybe you should discuss the matter extensively with the admin of each site? Maybe provide more info about why they should perform such request? What if you regret it and want your data back? Be kind to people running stuff, the same way you want them to be kind to you.
added on the 2024-07-03 20:15:27 by Defiance Defiance
magic: listed as imprint on various of my personal(ish) websites. Not a secret and totally fine to have that.

But that address most definitely is not listed in the imprint sections of scene.org, demozoo or pouet, so the strategy where to complain to about being a troll appears to be a bit... un-coordinated...?
added on the 2024-07-03 20:31:49 by scamp scamp
havoc: I know that adok has been an anti-social dick for ages.

But that does not change the fact that Hugi had been a leading diskmag, and lots of sceners with reputation wrote articles for it, including great ones.

I like to a certain extend separate the artist from his art. I understands why he is trying to insert himself everywhere so his stuff is not to be forgotten.

(Which may or not be related to the fact that my art and works also got disregarded a lot due to my past anti-social behavior. Sometimes it needs a hammer for someone to understand he should see a doctor.)

We just did some Adok-reference at the UC13 painover (sic!) compo for good measure, but in general I am done always beating the same village MENSA again and again for over 28 years.

I did read (some) of Hugi back then, and probably quite a lot of others here, too, who now pretend they hadn't.

But... yes, very off-topic. Let's get back to ep who is also annoying BUT did not do much for the scene of relevance, as far as I can remember :)
added on the 2024-07-03 20:42:03 by scamp scamp
Ok, so not a troll, but more likely a very serious medical condition. Then I'll refrain from further commenting on this. I had mostly forgotten about him, but only was (somewhat) reminded by that strange letter in the postal mail.
added on the 2024-07-03 20:58:35 by scamp scamp
scamp: the thing is, you can't really separate ep and adok. the traces of what people encourage and/or enable are the shit stains that they will be remembered and judged for. unless maybe (very maybe) they show repentance and change their ways. which clearly has not been done by anyone involved in these particular shit stains for the last 28 years. yet you want to excuse the enabler. good luck with that... but please excuse me for not trotting along with that nonsense :)
added on the 2024-07-04 00:48:02 by havoc havoc
Let's get back to ep who is also annoying BUT did not do much for the scene of relevance, as far as I can remember :)

Ironically, the URLs listed in his takedown request apparently identify him as a scener from the 90s with actual demo credits. Which wasn't public knowledge until now, at least not to Demozoo. Streisand effect much...?

(Admittedly those credits consist of one for code and one for "text", so you're not wrong. And naturally none of this is verifiable at all, because as you pointed out, a three-letter abbreviation is not personally identifying information. And even if it could be confirmed, demanding the takedown of the entire profiles of the two groups he was in, of which 99% of their output had nothing to do with him, is just sliiiightly excessive.)
added on the 2024-07-04 00:52:54 by gasman gasman

I've never been so happy seeing content having a paywall.
added on the 2024-07-04 10:30:32 by break break
Content published via Nicknames and Aliases are not GDPR protected anyway.

This is not true if the alias or nickname can be attributed to a data subject.

In scene.org / pouet etc identification of the data subject (i.e., was the mail sender ep, were those accounts belonging to ep and who is ep anyway) is rather hard as requestor would need to show that they are the data subject. sending a random official sounding mail with references to GDPR directive and its articles to someone's private address doesn't prove that you're the person / data subject.
added on the 2024-07-04 12:48:39 by waffle waffle
forgot the word 'content' - yeah, that might be true that it's not personal information as such :)
added on the 2024-07-04 12:53:06 by waffle waffle
mail with references to GDPR directive and its articles to someone's private address doesn't prove that you're the person / data subject.

thats what i meant.
else could anyone delete everyones accounts just by saying "thats me! #trustmebro"
added on the 2024-07-04 13:08:18 by _docd _docd
havoc: I know that adok has been an anti-social dick for ages.
Sorry, but I cannot leave that uncommented.

A friend of mine who is also following the demoscene told me some time ago that in the demoscene the general opinion about me is that I am an "anti-social asshole/loser". Now please tell me how you justify this view. I graduated from high school as the best student of my class and then enrolled to study at university. Of course studying at university took some years and I was not employed during that time, as I focused on my studies full-time. Why does this make me "anti-social" or a "loser"? You seem to have a weird opinion about me, unfounded with facts. I am just an ordinary person from an upper-middle class background. Whenever I apply to a company, I get the response that people are impressed at my CV. Now compare this to your own CV, Scamp. You did not study at university, you did not even graduate from high school.
added on the 2024-07-04 13:32:46 by Adok Adok
LOL at the juxtaposition of the last line of Adok's comment and the question of why people consider him anti-social.
added on the 2024-07-04 13:45:55 by sagacity sagacity
school's out... time to play!
added on the 2024-07-04 13:48:26 by el mal el mal
adok: people think you're a selfimportant egoistic asshole and a loser, not because of how or where you studied, but because you act like a selfimportant egoistic asshole and a loser.

you're really not helping this stance by making every thread about yourself.
added on the 2024-07-05 10:13:06 by T-101 T-101
adok: I value Hugi having been a relevant contribution to the scene, and credit you for your work on it. More you can't ask for. 'nuff said.
added on the 2024-07-05 12:48:17 by scamp scamp
(Also, fine if thread is locked for it not to become a troll magnet. I think relevant ep GDPR info is laid out.)
added on the 2024-07-05 12:50:18 by scamp scamp
EP sent me a letter a few months ago. In it, he tries to list evidence as to why the entire demoscene is supposed to have fallen prey to the devil. The argumentation was totally ridiculous, so I simply ignored the letter. Such nonsense has no place in a diskmag.
added on the 2024-07-06 05:44:07 by ghandy ghandy
Being vulgar or insulting is not necessary, in fact, it is not recommended to ask for something!
I respect the community of pouet.net and sceneid, otherwise I wouldn't have signed up, after many years of signing up and few ideas, clearly at 20 years old and 38 years old people think different things, and it is plausible to ask for the deletion of the account and content .
Deletion is not carried out for various reasons, such as:
1) the database appears to be online, therefore difficult to manage
2) the pouet.net forum now has an outdated interface and does not offer new tools for managing accounts
3) sceneid and pouet.net belong to two separate companies that collaborate
I tend to assume after many years of request, that they don't want it even for a data loss, but it's just my thought, sometimes this part is "unproductive", the reasons follow:
1) The excess of accounts (curious, trolls, banned, enthusiasts, etc.) is innumerably high, and it is not really clear how much genuine (prolific) traffic the site generates
2) There are groups that have been standing still for a long time with decades of production (like paradox and others), they are no longer active but it would be a shame to lose their material
True and:
If a user asks, kindly, I underline kindly, to be deleted, and basically has produced nothing, in my opinion, only in my opinion, keeping him is of no use, it is just a reactionary position (I apologize), because it does not affect in no way the world of the scene
Finally, in my opinion, leaving the management of your own domain (under supervision) is the best thing, because not everyone needs to belong to the community
. There are people who want to leave for their own reasons, and it's privacy, the user doesn't have to confess anything, he is free and does as he sees fit
. There are people who want to stay, because they are really active and interested in the community
Both are respectable decisions, sometimes in the first decision the administrators blockade, uselessly,by writing this I don't want to make anyone angry, even if I insist I remain a kind and polite person, I don't demand anything, the things I write are suggestions, it's better to be aware and free, forcing membership generates violence and rejection, I still love the community but I respect democracy and justice, I think you want to share what I write, I'm sure of it!
Greetings to everyone!!!
added on the 2024-07-14 10:59:18 by crackount crackount
@ ep
In general you have the right to let things beeing removed based on your CLEAR NAME or if possible, to let things anonymize. But posting under a synonym doesn´t give you that right. Look into your pass, is there an entry like "ep" ? NO ? GOOD ! TOPIC closed

@ adok
Even if we leave the wokeism out of all things ( like everywhere rainbow flags which is also not my "cup of tea" ) People have do be threatened with respect. I´m entirely sure that you can not handle those things because of a autistic disorder so we can´t be "angry" with you like with other people. You define yourself within your degree everytime. No one said you are stupid nor does someone say you didn´t contribute also to the demoscene. Hugi was important. It´s only about your behave and that some things hurt people like saying that disabled people should better removed from the society and similar things. Just understand that every human beeing born has a right to live and a right to be accepted no matter of sex, health-status, religion, income or anything else as long as this human beeing acts also this way. Understand that you can´t only define people of their "skills" and understand also that some of your statements are simple disgusting and false. Maybe you should read this here to understand how you should act. At least what you should NOT say !

as one of the eldest sceners or lets say, still active sceners i need also to learn some lessons. Some things i see otherwise, some things i don´t. But a good start for you Adok might be to read and understand the "Deutsche Grundgesetz" as refered here :

Artikel I - I - Die Würde des Menschen

Artikel III - III - Die Würde des Menschen

So, stick to that. Even as an autistic human beeing. You might have an degree but you are also disabled and so one of the human beeings, you talked once they should better "removed" . I know you are from Austria @Adok but you should stick and act human so that people can recognize you as a accepted part of the demoscene. And again, we give a fuck of your degree ! it belongs to you and it should help to make you a better human beeing at least to help also to become a better human and not to pull out every time your balls and tell us how clever you are. GOT IT ? @Adok

To come to an end. Even ep has the right. At least if we follow de EUDSGVO that his stuff must be removed or anonymized BUT ONLY if there are REAL personal Data involved which can identify him.

Furthermore most of us are simple to old for some kind of forum fights and similar. It´s ok to have other "point of view´s" it´s even ok to disagree but one only thing its important.

Threat people with respect, accepting them from where they come, what they prefer regarding to sexuality and what they believe. Even their political opinion shall not be a reason to blame them as long... as they act "human".

and to epThreat people right or inform us that you have an serious mental disorder that forces you to act like an asshole ! Than the folks here might accept this but you need to count in, that still - someone lose patience and act the same way.

Be kind, and enjoy your life. For many of us more as the half of our lives are behind us. Let´s use the upcoming years not for wasting time to judge and fight each other !


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