Non-scener's confusion about the scene
category: general [glöplog]
Those bifat's earliest C64 demos (three from 1985) are all made by crackers who wanted to demonstrate their skills a bit outside of strictly cracking context.
But isn't this just the same old story which was accused of being a myth?
Stats from csbd suggest that the scene started with cracking.
1982 0 crack intros, 6 cracks, 0 demos
1983 3 crack intros, 488 cracks, 5 demos
1984 32 crack intros, 3359 cracks, 9 demos
1985 117 crack intros, 5482 cracks, 90 demos
(demos include intros and one-file demos)
Though these numbers are not itself so telling because one should analyze deeper which demos are somehow connected to the demoscene that followed...
But isn't this just the same old story which was accused of being a myth?
Stats from csbd suggest that the scene started with cracking.
1982 0 crack intros, 6 cracks, 0 demos
1983 3 crack intros, 488 cracks, 5 demos
1984 32 crack intros, 3359 cracks, 9 demos
1985 117 crack intros, 5482 cracks, 90 demos
(demos include intros and one-file demos)
Though these numbers are not itself so telling because one should analyze deeper which demos are somehow connected to the demoscene that followed...
Kinda related but mostly for the record...
Never assume the historical record to be complete, or our databases, for that matter. :)
An alternative interpretation:
Early proto-scene produced more cracks than what passed for demos (it was easier, after all, plus early cracks usually didn't have intros but altered in-game text, and if they had, those were simple static screens with maybe some sound),
and most people didn't collect/spread/preserve/release early demos (because they were considered mostly shit).
When cracks started to have what passed for intros, more and better demos appeared as well.
An alternative interpretation:
Early proto-scene produced more cracks than what passed for demos (it was easier, after all, plus early cracks usually didn't have intros but altered in-game text, and if they had, those were simple static screens with maybe some sound),
and most people didn't collect/spread/preserve/release early demos (because they were considered mostly shit).
When cracks started to have what passed for intros, more and better demos appeared as well.
Just lost a whole page of response I wrote up, *sighhhh*
1. This "scene" is primarily a cult
2. Good for you for having some computer science nerd shit going on
3. You know what real art is. You're producing videos, you're making music for those videos, you're trying to have "messages". Embrace the artisticness and incorporate it into your project, it makes for better projects. Look up "METACHAOS".
4. The people who talk so little + with an indignant origin... get a life.
5. For the fucks that put in effort,
Everything except for TECHNO-UTOPIAN EDICT and HELLO, KEVIN
are just that visual/technical ASMR that I was talking about.
- A Mind is Born should be called "my commodore has a seizure and dies, to sad music"
- Techno-utopian is pretty fun to watch. I really like those pixely flashy demos. Not just the simulated ones but the genuine c64/amiga ones from the dizay.
- Kevin is an autistic attempt to "accurately" describe a life, but ig I respect it for trying to do that in the first place.
self-aware eurotrash people:
Thanks for laughing. I'd have a beer with ya.
To the rest who deflected, stay busy playing Voices of the Void
people who actually tried to figure shit out. And posted real examples of stuff:
For that sentiment having been afforded to me, I'll give the utmost credit I can:
Consoles/computers are dope as shit.
Learning them and having passionate brainsex with them to have brainchildren is dope as shit.
PCs / retro consoles I owe most of what I am to.
If I was going to go mastery of an artform, I would prioritize them:
1. Musician
2. Animator
3. Demo maker
The general taste in music/visuals/sentiments of demos are dope.
'Farbrausch: debris' is like witnessing the power of a god.
And yeah, I can't think much more of another medium which supplies entertainment. I'm always looking for trippy music videos and, welp, this site alone certainly...
Get it? Ok.
As for "you should join us":
I probably will. Give it a couple years.
Toodles again <3
1. This "scene" is primarily a cult
2. Good for you for having some computer science nerd shit going on
3. You know what real art is. You're producing videos, you're making music for those videos, you're trying to have "messages". Embrace the artisticness and incorporate it into your project, it makes for better projects. Look up "METACHAOS".
4. The people who talk so little + with an indignant origin... get a life.
5. For the fucks that put in effort,
Everything except for TECHNO-UTOPIAN EDICT and HELLO, KEVIN
are just that visual/technical ASMR that I was talking about.
- A Mind is Born should be called "my commodore has a seizure and dies, to sad music"
- Techno-utopian is pretty fun to watch. I really like those pixely flashy demos. Not just the simulated ones but the genuine c64/amiga ones from the dizay.
- Kevin is an autistic attempt to "accurately" describe a life, but ig I respect it for trying to do that in the first place.
self-aware eurotrash people:
Thanks for laughing. I'd have a beer with ya.
To the rest who deflected, stay busy playing Voices of the Void
people who actually tried to figure shit out. And posted real examples of stuff:
For that sentiment having been afforded to me, I'll give the utmost credit I can:
Consoles/computers are dope as shit.
Learning them and having passionate brainsex with them to have brainchildren is dope as shit.
PCs / retro consoles I owe most of what I am to.
If I was going to go mastery of an artform, I would prioritize them:
1. Musician
2. Animator
3. Demo maker
The general taste in music/visuals/sentiments of demos are dope.
'Farbrausch: debris' is like witnessing the power of a god.
And yeah, I can't think much more of another medium which supplies entertainment. I'm always looking for trippy music videos and, welp, this site alone certainly...
Get it? Ok.
As for "you should join us":
I probably will. Give it a couple years.
Toodles again <3
say maybe to drugs
Oldschooler here. I sometimes see sites like Poüet and browse around, mostly for fun, not really into this anymore, but can do a post on "Scene".
Early on, it was not called "Scene" (I am not sure why they call it that, most people there did not care about any Pop Scene atleast.)
It was "demo groups" who showed some skill for work in games industry mostly.
Some went on to do that, famous people like Jesper Kyd, Doc Mental, Jason CRS. Some may have done others things aswell, such as Scala.
Those who remained demo, seemed to be left in scene, and the quality degraded, and some still retain 2D interest.
Early on, it was not called "Scene" (I am not sure why they call it that, most people there did not care about any Pop Scene atleast.)
It was "demo groups" who showed some skill for work in games industry mostly.
Some went on to do that, famous people like Jesper Kyd, Doc Mental, Jason CRS. Some may have done others things aswell, such as Scala.
Those who remained demo, seemed to be left in scene, and the quality degraded, and some still retain 2D interest.
For me the point of the demoscene is that I got sucked into it at the age of 13 in the late 80's, and I haven't been able to escape since. Guess I caught a bug when my Amiga having friends were putting down my C64 by showing me Amiga demos and claiming that "this effect is impossible to do on a C64." Then I started thinking about whether or not there might be ways to do these things anyway, and how cool it would be to do something that people thought was impossible. And I was off on a mission.
1. This "scene" is primarily a cult
Who are priests? Who is the pope? What's the scripture? What's the wafer?
2. Good for you for having some computer science nerd shit going on
Demoscene having CS content? An interesting thought, is there much of it really?
CS!? I would never do something like that. I still go by the definition: Hipster cult of amateur programmers. It hits the head on the nails, but there's certainly a bit more to it than that. It's also gute laune. :-)
There is a clear hippie influence.
But I am gone again. Bi (Thumbs Up)
But I am gone again. Bi (Thumbs Up)
It’s a crafts hobby. Some people work with paper and paint, others use clay and many love wood. We like realtime graphics. Similar to other craft hobbies people mostly do just nice looking things or experiment with techniques new to them, but this doesn’t exclude option to do art, comedy, political messages and so on.
Uncommon aspects compared to many other crafts hobbies are focus on competition and harsh critique.
Uncommon aspects compared to many other crafts hobbies are focus on competition and harsh critique.
That's a very good way of putting it. Crafts hobby. I like that.
Uncommon aspects compared to many other crafts hobbies are focus on competition and harsh critique.
Which is the cultural heritage from the release scene that carried over to the demo scene.
I still maintain that it was just "the scene" in the beginning (whatever people called it), which then split up into various sub-scenes (most prominently crack and demo scenes).
Which is the cultural heritage from the release scene that carried over to the demo scene.
Emotionally immature teenagers had nothing to do with it!
I still maintain that it was just "the scene" in the beginning (whatever people called it), which then split up into various sub-scenes (most prominently crack and demo scenes).
The "scene" is just a l33t word for "all the stuff that happens". A comparable word is "world" as in "the world of demos", "the world of woodworking" or "the world of French cuisine". Of course there is a world of cracks, a world of warez, a world of piracy, also a world of silicon valley entrepreneurs, a world of open source, and a world of dollhouse making. Only some of these tend to use the word "scene", by chance and tradition.
techno scene in berlin is still epic
=DEmotionally immature teenagers had nothing to do with it!
Point was that various re-iterations of "cracking scene was first and then somehow spawned demoscene" don't really make it true, except for that being some kind of positive feedback loop. Different topic, perhaps. =)The "scene" is just a l33t word for
cracking scene was first and then somehow spawned the demoscene.
that you can't stand that being true is your problem.
that you can't stand that being true is your problem.

yeah okay. im too stupid to embed a pic
Preview button is your friend: 

Dubmood: I've never seen convincing proof either way, so let's stay civil and agree to disagree, shall we? (Also refrain from using scatology in whatever language.) =)