Ad-ridden demoscene Youtube channels
category: general [glöplog]
Donation and affiliate links plastered under every single video.

The cottage industry is real.
Donation and affiliate links plastered under every single video.

The cottage industry is real.
Just ONE Amiga demo on that channel, and hundreds and hundreds of C64 prods? My collection's the other way around!
I know that this is not YT, but I used to get upset about using cookies for 3rd party ads, as they say:
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Monetizing demoscene content sucks – even more when having Google Ads featured on that site means one has to see ads from the fucking ALT RIGHT / NAZI-ish KOPP VERLAG, advertising for their bullshit. CSDB gaining money from Google Ads is a good enough reason for me to not go to that site again.
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Monetizing demoscene content sucks – even more when having Google Ads featured on that site means one has to see ads from the fucking ALT RIGHT / NAZI-ish KOPP VERLAG, advertising for their bullshit. CSDB gaining money from Google Ads is a good enough reason for me to not go to that site again.
The CSDB creators are probably already off to Bali business-class to spend the fortune they made because you went to their site with a disabled ad-blocker and left 1.5 cookies. Just saying. *cough* also hosting costs *cough*
That YouTube thing tho.
That YouTube thing tho.
disabled ad-blocker
also hosting costs
So, Demoscene ressources are about using ad-blockers now, right?
Especially when that specific site has a funding-indicator, which indicates that "funding is mkay right now, y'know", so they wouldn't ever even need those ads?
Oh, and I was SOOO expecting that totally dumb "just use an ad-blocker" comment there, when the subject at hand is monetizing demoscene content, congrats then, you won.
I only read Gargaj's 1st post, sorry if I'm repeating stuff already said or debated.
I find it frustrated to have those people make money using demoscene prods they did not make themselves.
If there is an ad on a video, then the video is monetized for sure. From what I know, it varies a lot from one youtuber to the other, but on average the revenue seems to be between 1 and 2 dollars every 1000 views for monetized channels.
You do the math, it's a lot of money for some of those channels and I would almost suggest to batch edit those links and to them ;)
I find it frustrated to have those people make money using demoscene prods they did not make themselves.
If there is an ad on a video, then the video is monetized for sure. From what I know, it varies a lot from one youtuber to the other, but on average the revenue seems to be between 1 and 2 dollars every 1000 views for monetized channels.
You do the math, it's a lot of money for some of those channels and I would almost suggest to batch edit those links and to them ;)
to batch edit those links and to REMOVE them, damn :D
If there is an ad on a video, then the video is monetized for sure. From what I know, it varies a lot from one youtuber to the other, but on average the revenue seems to be between 1 and 2 dollars every 1000 views for monetized channels.
this is not accurate keops. for 2 reasons: first it can be youtube itself monetizing, they do that now, monetize by default and just collect the money for themselfs if the author is not monetizing it and no copyright claims on it exist. and then secondly the value per view depends on the content, different content attracts different ads demographics (which is targetted by both the keywords you use on description of the video, your video publication periodicity - you get an internal ranking as a content creator on how hot your content is - and also the profile of your subscribers is involved afaik) and since it's an auction system that the company wanting the ad is auto-bidding for, target areas with more ad competition pay better then others. so a video with 10k views on one channel can make cents while another video with same number of 10k views can make hundreds on another channel. largely depends on the content itself and the rate of the account.
PS: those numbers are average values given by various Youtubers with various audience sizes (I discovered that last year I don't remember where, sorry), I'm sure they fluctuate a lot depending on the content as mentioned above: "it varies a lot from one youtuber to the other".
It appears that this channel is run by a bot, with probably minimum human surveillance. The thing is, stuff like this happens. And for me, life is too short chasing every single person out there that used my work not in a way I wished for in a license, or made money out of it, or even discredited me. I know for a fact that if I put stuff out there, they will be used regardless of how I wanted them to be used. I write all this not to annoy anyone and I do get how annoying all this is for some people, but to protect the sanity of anyone trying to give this kinda lost battle. :)
I know for a fact that if I put stuff out there, they will be used regardless of how I wanted them to be used.
Bold words from someone who used to put my music on their own Soundcloud.
Come on, not *this* again. Uploaded your music (two tracks), with you being credited as the author, for a few minutes, asked you the same day if you were ok, you said no, and I took down everything. All this without monetizing my channel or your tracks, and all this back in 2009. Of course, others had your demos, music, etc on youtube making real money out of your work, and you of course had no problem with it. What changed is out of my understanding... I also had one of your tracks as my phone's ringtone during that time, but that was without your permission. :)
Also, to get the thread back on track, enigma described the situation on youtube perfectly some years ago.
I know for a fact that if I put stuff out there, they will be used regardless of how I wanted them to be used.
he probably just means that nobody uses the crap he puts out there even though he desperately hopes someone would be that stupid
Ahh this is another flame bait thread, to get people banned for no reason, I get it. Nothing to see here people, don't waste your time posting like I did. :)
every thread about demoscene is a trap for you, that i'll admit. but things are not set up like that, it's rather just your inability to stop pretending to be knowledgable somehow.
(clicks havoc) contributions to prods 36 prods (754 thumbs up, 29 thumbs down)
(clicks gargaj) contributions to prods 152 prods (9761 thumbs up, 445 thumbs down) [show all]
(clicks defiance) contributions to prods 1 prods (1 thumbs up, 3 thumbs down) [show all]
hm, maybe we need a "relative scene cred progress bar" next to user icons? :D
(clicks gargaj) contributions to prods 152 prods (9761 thumbs up, 445 thumbs down) [show all]
(clicks defiance) contributions to prods 1 prods (1 thumbs up, 3 thumbs down) [show all]
hm, maybe we need a "relative scene cred progress bar" next to user icons? :D
not sure if and how much it would help though. first of all there are actually quite a number of sceners with very low thumbcounts who nonetheless became actually knowledegable through other means. second, people who are detached from reality to the degree that they reminisce about their work being used by others when their only work is a single ultraturdy OSDM prod... well how much do you think it would hold them back, really?
Dedicated server for CSDb -> ads
This server will be redundant, backups will be taken and everything. Also the bandwidth will be much higher resulting in much more pleasent feeling surfing on CSDb.
However, this is of course not free. I also feel like I owe the little hosting company something for hosting this site for more than 4 years now.
The bottom line is that we need some money to pay for this, and here I got an idea, which I have seen on other sites like, to put up some discreete ads which will ONLY be displayed for people who are not logged in. This means that all of you who are reading this now, will never see these ads (except if you hit the "log out"). Only random surfers will see these ads, which I will not let dominate the site.
first of all there are actually quite a number of sceners with very low thumbcounts who nonetheless became actually knowledegable through other means.
Not to mention prods that are not listed on pouet (like music, graphics etc.) or sceners that use most of their time to organize scene events instead of producing prods. Like for example v3nom. Contributed to only 8 prods. So he can't be a real scener. ;o)
Stay on topic please, which is your work being skimmed off.
havoc: please deal with your personal life issues before turning every thread I and others participate to a flame war just to vent your anger, frustration, etc. (you have been doing that constantly the 15+ years I've been around here).
NR4: don't judge sceners solely by their pouet profile page, there are people that have contributed a lot to the scene over the years and do not have an account here.
gargaj: I recognize your frustration about your work been used by others without your permission and was pretty much aware of it since 2009 (that incident again), all 'm saying is you can't waste your life and time chasing after every single person around the world, especially on the Internet, who used your work not in the way you wanted it to be used.
NR4: don't judge sceners solely by their pouet profile page, there are people that have contributed a lot to the scene over the years and do not have an account here.
gargaj: I recognize your frustration about your work been used by others without your permission and was pretty much aware of it since 2009 (that incident again), all 'm saying is you can't waste your life and time chasing after every single person around the world, especially on the Internet, who used your work not in the way you wanted it to be used.