new farbrausch website online now!
category: general [glöplog]
33 is free. the rest is Intentionally Left Blank(tm).
the ones not in the 60s anyway :)
i guess this has been asked before but, is there a logic in the following list?
Yes. All the entries start with the two letters "f" and "r", followed by a - and a number. That number increases as you go down the list. There - logic for ya.
Oh, hell yes :D
Wonder what FR-042 would have been (or will be in the future). A demo between debris and rove ... hmm.
it is going to be the answer to everything, of course.
What's the matter with the farbrausch website? If you enter the URL provided in the first posting to this thread, you will get: "server move in progress." When will we see the farbrausch website again?
If you enter the URL provided in the first posting to this thread, you will get: "server move in progress." When will we see the farbrausch website again?
I guess when the server move is done.
gargaj is moving those servers too?!?! gee
it is going to be the answer to everything, of course.
Of course.
Farbrausch is a Group mainly consisting of members from Hamburg, were the "Schlagermove" is very popular. So the "Server Move" is an ongoing event you all just misunderstood.
What's the matter with the farbrausch website? If you enter the URL provided in the first posting to this thread, you will get: "server move in progress." When will we see the farbrausch website again?
When this threat hit 1 million messages.
What's the matter with the farbrausch website? If you enter the URL provided in the first posting to this thread, you will get: "server move in progress." When will we see the farbrausch website again?
Hopefully before you understood that IQ and EQ are inherently different things.
Serious question though: which value did our website provide that this one doesn't?
When this threat hit 1 million messages.
Challenge accepted.
Farbrausch is a Group mainly consisting of members from Hamburg, were the "Schlagermove" is very popular. So the "Server Move" is an ongoing event you all just misunderstood.
By the way challenge, sag mal, willst du Krieg, Junge? :D
^^ vielleicht fühle ich mich nur nicht genug geliebt von Euch! <3
^^ vielleicht fühle ich mich nur nicht genug geliebt von Euch! <3
Also jetzt klingst du wie meine Mutter! 😘
Ist das was gutes? 😘
I like to move it, move it.
I like to -
I like to -
Wenn das so lange dauert, dann liegt doch da irgendwas im Argen.
Irgendwer muss mal mit dem Organizer der Demoszenegruppe "Farbrausch" sprechen und herausfinden, was da los ist.
Das kann doch einfach alles nicht sein.
Irgendwer muss mal mit dem Organizer der Demoszenegruppe "Farbrausch" sprechen und herausfinden, was da los ist.
Das kann doch einfach alles nicht sein.
they are still preparing .kkrieger final for launching their new web experience.
.kkrieger web - powered by
Wenn das so lange dauert, dann liegt doch da irgendwas im Argen.
Irgendwer muss mal mit dem Organizer der Demoszenegruppe "Farbrausch" sprechen und herausfinden, was da los ist.
Das kann doch einfach alles nicht sein.
Kann halt nicht jeder es so drauf haben wie elitegroup.
Die von Farbrausch sind eben auch nur Menschen.
Da sollte man mal Experten ranlassen.
Mit Projektbeschreibung und so.