Sub-pixel accuracy is a myth. Only thing you have do is to set BLTAPT to 4(dy-dx).
category: residue [glöplog]
work on the machine
Let me clarify that: "the machine" is ANY real hardware Amiga.
While hardly anybody has access to 060/66MHz?
LOL. That's just BS again.
Just order one here:
Anyone has access to it. It's just a question if you want to spend the money.
you mean to buy the card and insert it where exactly? down my back?
HD in my Ami died and there's no way to buy 320MB -->SCSI<-- HD!!!!
What will I plug to 3.5" tape? 1TB SATA or SSD?
I can not imagine coding on floppies.... can you?
what else would you recommend? USB? Cloud? Fibre Optic???
Don't you get it? Ami not died. It was slaughtered by PC Arogant Technocrats, and they made every effort to make sure it will not resurrect again!!!
Even on Easter!!!
HD in my Ami died and there's no way to buy 320MB -->SCSI<-- HD!!!!
What will I plug to 3.5" tape? 1TB SATA or SSD?
I can not imagine coding on floppies.... can you?
what else would you recommend? USB? Cloud? Fibre Optic???
Don't you get it? Ami not died. It was slaughtered by PC Arogant Technocrats, and they made every effort to make sure it will not resurrect again!!!
Even on Easter!!!
There are still 50pin- or 68pin-SCSI-HDDs available through eBay or some other shops. You can even still find new ones. I just googled and had plenty of hits. Yes they're not cheap (except for some used ones), but just a fraction of the price I paid for my first 20MB-MFM-HDD, so nothing to complain here.
Even easier if you have or switch to an A1200. Then an IDE-to-CF adapter and a good old CF cards costs close to nothing and is faster. You even get a whole set including cable, adaptor and installed CFcard over at Etsy for just 30 bucks.
Even easier if you have or switch to an A1200. Then an IDE-to-CF adapter and a good old CF cards costs close to nothing and is faster. You even get a whole set including cable, adaptor and installed CFcard over at Etsy for just 30 bucks.
these HDDs goes in GBs, while we talk about MBs.
Last time when I told PC-dude about megabytes he asked, what is megabyte and how long did it took to type a single char, while processors were in 14MHz. Was the computer doing anything at all...
Sounds like Sci-Fi. It's not produced anymore, since smth like a quarter of a century.
How can you all expect me to get 60/66MHz and write a code working. Or rather to find player routine, that works right. Everything else was fine or less screwed up than a player, wasn't it?. At least on hardware 030/50MHz, that I tested it on.
So basically, what we talk about... Were drifting... Brown movements...
Last time when I told PC-dude about megabytes he asked, what is megabyte and how long did it took to type a single char, while processors were in 14MHz. Was the computer doing anything at all...
Sounds like Sci-Fi. It's not produced anymore, since smth like a quarter of a century.
How can you all expect me to get 60/66MHz and write a code working. Or rather to find player routine, that works right. Everything else was fine or less screwed up than a player, wasn't it?. At least on hardware 030/50MHz, that I tested it on.
So basically, what we talk about... Were drifting... Brown movements...
How can you all expect me to get 60/66MHz and write a code working.
By buying one, just like everyone else.
Or rather to find player routine, that works right.
Are you sure the player routine was at fault, and not your own code? Stingray already gave you a few hints on where your code is lacking.
Everything else was fine or less screwed up than a player, wasn't it?.
I would hardly call everything else fine, but sure, it didn't crash apparently.
I've helped people test their stuff on my 060 in the past, and could easily do it now too. But with your shitty attitude you're quickly ruining any chance of anyone wanting to help you out.
You can still buy used SCSI-HDDs unter 1Gb and there are also possibilities with some of the drives to use jumper settings that enhance the compatibility.
Obviously you talked to the wrong PC users, but on the other hand you complain not finding any fitting harddrives and never even seem to have informed you correctly about alternative solution paths.
Also you should actually read and understand what people tell you!
No one expects you to write code for a 68060. We just expect you to write code that actually works on real hardware and doesn't need over the top specs when only showing effects that can easily be done on a standard A500 with playing the music correctly. And if you can't test your code on your own hardware, be friendly and other demosceners will help you out testing it.
Doing simple effects isn't a problem either. You can do simple intros coupled with a beautiful design and still get positive comments AND help to improve your skills, BUT this actually doesn't work if you insult people and continue to live in your "wannabe god coder bubble".
Obviously you talked to the wrong PC users, but on the other hand you complain not finding any fitting harddrives and never even seem to have informed you correctly about alternative solution paths.
Also you should actually read and understand what people tell you!
No one expects you to write code for a 68060. We just expect you to write code that actually works on real hardware and doesn't need over the top specs when only showing effects that can easily be done on a standard A500 with playing the music correctly. And if you can't test your code on your own hardware, be friendly and other demosceners will help you out testing it.
Doing simple effects isn't a problem either. You can do simple intros coupled with a beautiful design and still get positive comments AND help to improve your skills, BUT this actually doesn't work if you insult people and continue to live in your "wannabe god coder bubble".
why do you specifically need a HDD that's measured in MB anyway? I have had various 4-16GB CF cards working just fine in my Amiga -- they don't cost much, and neither do the adapters for it.
stop making lame excuses and make something better next year, continuing to dig this hole won't solve anything and you're rapidly burning through everyone's good will.
stop making lame excuses and make something better next year, continuing to dig this hole won't solve anything and you're rapidly burning through everyone's good will.
No, sub-pixel accuracy is not a myth. Sub-pixel accuracy refers to the ability to measure or align an object or image to a level of precision smaller than a single pixel. This level of precision is often necessary in image processing and computer vision applications, such as edge detection, image registration, and object tracking.
Sub-pixel accuracy can be achieved through various techniques such as interpolation, curve fitting, and optimization algorithms. These methods allow for the estimation of the position of an object or feature within a pixel with high accuracy.
However, it's important to note that the level of sub-pixel accuracy that can be achieved is limited by factors such as the resolution of the imaging system, the noise level in the image, and the quality of the algorithms used. Additionally, sub-pixel accuracy may not always be necessary or desirable, depending on the application and the level of precision required.
Sub-pixel accuracy can be achieved through various techniques such as interpolation, curve fitting, and optimization algorithms. These methods allow for the estimation of the position of an object or feature within a pixel with high accuracy.
However, it's important to note that the level of sub-pixel accuracy that can be achieved is limited by factors such as the resolution of the imaging system, the noise level in the image, and the quality of the algorithms used. Additionally, sub-pixel accuracy may not always be necessary or desirable, depending on the application and the level of precision required.
This is much more boring, but at least more technical and maybe problem-solving, drama than the good old days ghettoscene/Tristar/TRSI -things.
I figured using chatGPT would bore people pretty fast.
* LightSpeedPlayer
* PHX ProTracker Replayer
* The Player 6.1
Three solid options for playing music in your production which work on all CPUs and have no issue with DMA wait bugs.
* PHX ProTracker Replayer
* The Player 6.1
Three solid options for playing music in your production which work on all CPUs and have no issue with DMA wait bugs.
While hardly anybody has access to 060/66MHz? Who of submitting had?
Your friendly Revision Amiga Compo organizer here. Just for the record:
1., I had four (4) '060 cards with me. Two Blizzard 1260s, a TF1260 and a Warp1260. The later one was in the compomachine. Three of these cards can be run around 66Mhz or above.
2., Every other '060 demo worked on the compo machine. (One had a slight glitch, that I managed to correct by adjusting some software.)
3., Every other '060 demo from the last 12 years of Revision works on it. Ask me where I know.
4., The '060 actually ran at 105Mhz(!) not at 66, but even that did not help, because your code was just too slow to be enjoyable in some parts (read: less than 2 fps). Heck, it even stuttered from UAE, with full JIT CPU speed. (On a 2015 15" MacBook Pro.)
5., The audio did not stutter due to the extra CPU speed tho', the player code is broken.
6., There were enough '060s in the audience. Heck, there was at least one CD32(!) with a '060 too. And several A4000s. Despite what you claim, a '060 is not that much of a rarity these days on the scene.
7., for SCSI HDD replacement, get a SCSI2SD, ZuluSCSI or something like that. Everything else is just silly. (Protip: you can still use an X GB SD card as 320MB...)
And more importantly:
8., I'm offering testing on real hardware ahead of the compo. Always had. Reach out before the party in time, be nice, and you shall receive. Although this one was so broken, I'm unsure how testing on real would have helped in this case, because all I can report is "severely broken".
Next year, non working entries asking for help will be helped to get fixed. Non working entries with this attitude get disqualified. You're welcome.

He hath spoken!
5., The audio did not stutter due to the extra CPU speed tho', the player code is broken.
The player code is fine, except for the buggy DMA wait. It's the way he uses the player code which is problematic (system-friendly CIA interrupt when system has been killed).
I believe you, I did not investigate that deeply. It's funny, because I noticed that if disable the data caches, it gets "better", and if all caches it gets "even better"? It never gets entirely correct tho'. So somehow that semi-fixes it. This is how his intro was presented, actually. Except, this wasn't an option for the demo, because then it was a slideshow (and even more so, than normally).
I believe you, I did not investigate that deeply. It's funny, because I noticed that if disable the data caches, it gets "better", and if all caches it gets "even better"? It never gets entirely correct tho'. So somehow that semi-fixes it. This is how his intro was presented, actually. Except, this wasn't an option for the demo, because then it was a slideshow (and even more so, than normally).
following your quasi-technical greps:
system wasn't killed mate - system was terrorized, humiliated, lynched and tortured. that's why CIA works spot on. holocaust and crime against humanity. i drilled it with the drill.
CIA is hardware interrupt and has nothing to do with the system. System was forbidden with system command of exec library - Forbid. There's no way that interrupt occur irregularly and processor can only be busy in 100% maximum.
And if you're scared of holy words, like CIA, system, forbid, command, library - go cure yourself with that tests of ink, when sick dudes see only @$$e$ or butterflies.
And it's not the way "I" use the player code. This is way this code is designed to be used. If doesn't work on your sixties - it's your problem. It works.
If you want to cover your humanistic, quasi-technical ketor-kezlok and leloy-poleloy with some legal actions or sanctions you have to find and buy stupid that will buy your political logorrhoea. Artifical intelligence dip-lo-massy.
system wasn't killed mate - system was terrorized, humiliated, lynched and tortured. that's why CIA works spot on. holocaust and crime against humanity. i drilled it with the drill.
CIA is hardware interrupt and has nothing to do with the system. System was forbidden with system command of exec library - Forbid. There's no way that interrupt occur irregularly and processor can only be busy in 100% maximum.
And if you're scared of holy words, like CIA, system, forbid, command, library - go cure yourself with that tests of ink, when sick dudes see only @$$e$ or butterflies.
And it's not the way "I" use the player code. This is way this code is designed to be used. If doesn't work on your sixties - it's your problem. It works.
If you want to cover your humanistic, quasi-technical ketor-kezlok and leloy-poleloy with some legal actions or sanctions you have to find and buy stupid that will buy your political logorrhoea. Artifical intelligence dip-lo-massy.

demoscene origins from computers (Amiga, C64, Atari).
in the middle of the way PC's popped in and cloneheads started to pretend there's demoscene on PC. (4kB intros with 5min .mp3 file and scenes from 3D studio or hours of . avi files). Lies like to a stupid, naively believing that someone will buy this lie? even kids don't believe it! (I mean even me when I was a kid. 4kB is 4kB end of story. I didn't believe it, I don't nowadays.).
that's why if it is scene website - Amiga is on propper place.
and if it is about military signal trumpet: there's a few songs I've composed on it too. Same as if you mean poetry - all on my website.
it's not bicycle horn.
ah, yes! I've been to army too.
so, what's your problem?
demoscene origins from computers (Amiga, C64, Atari).
in the middle of the way PC's popped in and cloneheads started to pretend there's demoscene on PC. (4kB intros with 5min .mp3 file and scenes from 3D studio or hours of . avi files). Lies like to a stupid, naively believing that someone will buy this lie? even kids don't believe it! (I mean even me when I was a kid. 4kB is 4kB end of story. I didn't believe it, I don't nowadays.).
that's why if it is scene website - Amiga is on propper place.
and if it is about military signal trumpet: there's a few songs I've composed on it too. Same as if you mean poetry - all on my website.
it's not bicycle horn.
ah, yes! I've been to army too.
so, what's your problem?
4kB intros with 5min .mp3 file and scenes from 3D studio or hours of . avi files
I would say cramming a 5min mp3 file and hours of .avi into 4kB would be pretty impressive. So could you please name one single 4kB intro that does this? :)
most of 64kB intros on Revision 2023, 4kB intros on R2023 for PC and for Amiga. Simply it's a cheat. It's not possible to pack this much in 4kB.
256b compo - (?) - just assemble single RTS instruction and you're get 368 bytes already.
On PC assembling smallest code for various types of processors, configurations of graphics cards, soundcards would take kilobytes.
When I see 256b with a copper rainbow, scroll and small bitmap - it achem my sense of reality - lie hurts this way.
majority of people thinks that if something is impossible to understand it is wiser then their ability to comprehend. It's easy to create set of empty collocation of words to be nominated genius.
and how many believes in genius of Einstein. If they were on Uni or proper secondary school maybe they'd hear what's the mess about.
This scene nowadays is trickery for unitroduced masses.
256b compo - (?) - just assemble single RTS instruction and you're get 368 bytes already.
On PC assembling smallest code for various types of processors, configurations of graphics cards, soundcards would take kilobytes.
When I see 256b with a copper rainbow, scroll and small bitmap - it achem my sense of reality - lie hurts this way.
majority of people thinks that if something is impossible to understand it is wiser then their ability to comprehend. It's easy to create set of empty collocation of words to be nominated genius.
and how many believes in genius of Einstein. If they were on Uni or proper secondary school maybe they'd hear what's the mess about.
This scene nowadays is trickery for unitroduced masses.
most of 64kB intros on Revision 2023, 4kB intros on R2023 for PC and for Amiga. Simply it's a cheat. It's not possible to pack this much in 4kB.
Ahh, of course, you don't understand how things work so it must be a lie, right?
256b compo - (?) - just assemble single RTS instruction and you're get 368 bytes already.
In that case you're doing something wrong.
On PC assembling smallest code for various types of processors, configurations of graphics cards, soundcards would take kilobytes.
Ever heard of this thing called an operating system?
System was forbidden with system command of exec library - Forbid. There's no way that interrupt occur irregularly and processor can only be busy in 100% maximum.
Forbid() only stops the task switching, the OS is still up and running with all its interrupt handlers.
The command you are looking for is Disable()
Simply it's a cheat. It's not possible to pack this much in 4kB.
That's why releases such as this are astonishing code wise so to speak. But yeah it's the old 'they cheated because they used xyz dll / api from Windows', all over again.
I don't classify anything as a truth until I don't understand it. Don't try to religion me. So, sorry lots of things are lies. Psychiatry don't define or cure any analysis deviations - so everyone got full right to have own opinion and even share it.
what can be wrong in typing RTS and assembling it as executable? Insults this way. You're barking, boy. Talk this way to your sister. You're doing SOMETHING wrong. dip into yourself. deeper!
386 bytes for empty program - no other way.
if 3d studio objects and .mp3 files are included in Windows I know why it takes GB's on harddrive. just objects are much heavier that 4kB.
What a pushover!!!!!
what can be wrong in typing RTS and assembling it as executable? Insults this way. You're barking, boy. Talk this way to your sister. You're doing SOMETHING wrong. dip into yourself. deeper!
386 bytes for empty program - no other way.
if 3d studio objects and .mp3 files are included in Windows I know why it takes GB's on harddrive. just objects are much heavier that 4kB.
What a pushover!!!!!