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Function 2022 - 2022 Sept 9-11 - Budapest, Hungary

category: parties [glöplog]
Did you forget to paste in the actual copy? :)
added on the 2022-06-11 14:06:06 by darya darya
i enjoy the onclick on the days easter egg! i am at 1000 days already!
added on the 2022-06-11 14:52:59 by el mal el mal
Registration became available on the website here:
added on the 2022-07-26 17:13:15 by magic magic
Come Fly Wizz(air) me! Come Fly Come Fly Awaaay!
added on the 2022-08-01 14:58:41 by tFt tFt
from the oldskool compo rules:
· Entries must run on platforms that are from 1995 or before, including C64, Amiga, vintage consoles, and DOS-based PCs, to name a few.

by the way, which are the specs of the compo pc? afaik, seeming from the stream record, last year the compo machine cöncept has been ran on had something like a K6-III/TNT1 and GUS Classic. i have some unreleased dos stuff worth to be put in a prod, but i guess something mmx-only is definitely out of the oldskool compo :)
added on the 2022-08-04 12:34:25 by wbcbz7 wbcbz7
i guess something mmx-only is definitely out of the oldskool compo :)

Sadly yes. This is one of the reasons why Cöncept was in the normal PC demo compo last year, it needs waaay too "new" hardware for our oldschool rules.

A few years back I was thinking to actually make a late-stage-DOS-era democompo, there was even some interest, but basically everyone who was interested wanted something else from a 486dx4 to an early PIII, so in the end never went anywhere. For the same reason, I was also thinking adjusting the rules to finally allow newer stuff than 1995 up to year 2000 or so, but I fear that would open the "floodgates" to early Windows 9x stuff, and I just don't feel the mental capacity to be able to deal with that. -.-' The downsides of dealing with sceners being way too creative sometimes. :)

As it comes to DOS compo PC specs, if you want to enter a demo, expect something "basic" like a P166 (non-MMX) + S3 Trio + GUS classic (and/or SB 16, but GUS strongly preferred) indeed. But "bring your hardware, until it fits the rules" applies as well.
added on the 2022-08-06 08:56:54 by Charlie Charlie
fine, thanks for the clarification :)

but I fear that would open the "floodgates" to early Windows 9x stuf

imo i won't think that's an issue as long as 3D acceleration is not allowed in the compo, as early software win9x stuff is not much different from dos one :D
added on the 2022-08-06 11:00:20 by wbcbz7 wbcbz7
Yes, I was thinking of doing that, but then again, what counts as "3D acceleration"? The Amiga can draw filled triangles using its Blitter, an Atari Falcon can calculate 3D stuff with its DSP... Is that 3D acceleration? If not, where do you draw the line, what counts as 3D acceleration and what doesn't? And there were actual 3D accelerators even before 1995, they just didn't reach the mainstream in the "everyone buys a Voodoo now" sense...

Of course I'll be the first to admit most of these are just "what if" thought experiments, but still the "anything goes from 1995 and before" was such a simple and transparent rule that adding anything else on top that felt like just cluttering things up. So yeah. Still undecided. :) But I'm sure I'll have to come up with something eventually.
added on the 2022-08-08 13:42:20 by Charlie Charlie
Compo rules update:

AI generated images are not allowed in the graphics competitions!

We know it's not ideal to update the rules one week before the actual compo, but I personally felt it was necessary this time, and other organizers agreed.

Therefore, we are joining the list of parties (for example Deadline), that recently banned AI-generated images from their graphics competitions. We hope the scene figures out a better solution for this problem, that allows integrating this new technology - and many more similar ones undoubtedly to come - in our creative processes. But for now, we felt using such technologies puts human artists using traditional methods at a such a disadvantage, that this had to be dealt with urgently.
added on the 2022-09-03 22:12:39 by Charlie Charlie
@Charlie: how can u tell the difference?
added on the 2022-09-05 22:52:02 by magic magic
Charlie: how can u tell the difference?

They can't, just like no organizer can entirely check if you used copyrighted samples in your track or simply released someone else's work. It's a rule and if later it is found out that you broke it, you will look very stupid.
added on the 2022-09-06 11:48:03 by novel novel
magic: You can tell from the steps images. Unless of course someone trained an AI to produce believable steps.
added on the 2022-09-06 14:32:47 by kusma kusma
Actually, the steps problem is very related to why we chose to explicitly forbid AI. There are AI image generators out there, that lets you produce several iterations of the image, feeding the previous image back to the AI, to do yet another take on it.

One could save these iterations, and present them as "steps". There was nothing in the rules before, that said you couldn't do this. Now at least we're with the situation that Kusma said, the steps have to be at the level that it was believable a human produced them while painting the image. That usually - for now - looks very different to how these AI image generators work, so that won't fly.

As I wrote, I don't even try to pretend this is the perfect solution, but it probably helps to keep the integrity of the compo for now, and I hope the scene comes up with a better solution, that ends up widely accepted on the mid to long run.
added on the 2022-09-07 20:21:19 by Charlie Charlie
We are live at: https://www.twitch.tv/functionparty

We start Friday with the Opening Ceremony and the 20th Function Show, with two DJ Sets.
added on the 2022-09-09 19:32:17 by Charlie Charlie
Clickable link to the livestream! Looks amazing, as always! <3
added on the 2022-09-09 23:36:14 by v3nom v3nom
Great party, good atmosphere... But as a boozer, this is the worst party ever getting a beer. Jeeezus man... 2010 we bought the bar, this year we stand in line.....and it's only one of me. Fuck :(
added on the 2022-09-10 21:03:28 by tFt tFt
Great to hear the audience mixed into the stream at all times during the compo. Gave me a much needed party vibe sitting at home!
added on the 2022-09-10 23:17:30 by rloaderro rloaderro
very nice stream!
can somebody leak / upload that ÜD demo we just saw on the stream, please? Dude, that was mindblowing! I wanna rewatch it in realtime :D
added on the 2022-09-11 00:44:16 by SunSpire SunSpire
Rest assured - I‘m 99.99 percent sure that *someone* will „leak“ the demo in the next [time span]
added on the 2022-09-11 01:13:07 by darya darya
*taps foot, waiting*
added on the 2022-09-11 01:13:44 by darya darya
great party, well done everyone involved! thanks for the stream!
added on the 2022-09-11 02:31:31 by psenough psenough
+1 for the crowd noises on the stream, that was so great! Also nice with multiple cameras .. great work :)
added on the 2022-09-11 09:13:12 by farfar farfar
this was the best function so far, and trust me I've seen a few functions before
added on the 2022-09-11 11:27:02 by musk musk


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