category: offtopic [glöplog]

We are sceners, we know that if we go together we can do THINGS!
➡️ We all might have some friends, sceners or not, who are living in the everyday danger of the war, that is taking place in Ukraine at the moment. Right now our scener friend is with 100 other refugees and they need our help. They have simple needs. Sleeping bags and pads, power banks, and other basic amenities that a decent human being needs in these uneasy times. Also, they have other needs, all are updated here:
💛 Donation info:
➡️ Any donation counts, even the small ones!
➡️ We are already strong alone, but stronger together! Please, if you can, send any amount of money to the Volunteer Alliance of Ukraine. They are at this movement a collector of finance and will buy all asked for and care for transporting it to the border, where it’s possible to ship things with helpers from the other side, which we are in contact with.
➡️ The graphic by Laila symbolizes many people thinking about the same – peace. Peace for Ukraine. A flag made from prayers.
Thank you very much!
With love:
Done <3
Done <3
Done <3
Come on people, surely we can do better than just shy of €5k.
for what exactly?
the other day i saw a guy or girl who was sleeping in a bus-station in the middle of a big capital in west germany.
i'd rather support these people than spending money for people that are living roughly 1600km away from my place.
i don't have a tv or a smartphone btw. maybe that makes the difference in my perception/thinking.
the other day i saw a guy or girl who was sleeping in a bus-station in the middle of a big capital in west germany.
i'd rather support these people than spending money for people that are living roughly 1600km away from my place.
i don't have a tv or a smartphone btw. maybe that makes the difference in my perception/thinking.
Donated, but through fundraising organization that I am more familiar with (sorry?).
Ok, I sent a couple of dollars. While I support the Ukrainians right to defend themselves I'm a bit hesitant to donate for bullets and bombs at this point so I made it out to refugees.
El Topo: If you have had read for what we collect money, you would not write us off as “for bullets and bombs”. We are buying medkits, radio stations and drones.
Gentleman: You belong to the lucky few that are blissfully ignorant of what happens. That isn’t a crime. For you it is 1600km away, for me it is next door. I have had the “liberty” of being at the borders through slovak red cross volunteers, and I can tell you, I feel sorry for the guy/girl on the train station, but they are not fighting for our collective freedom. Mine, yours truly or every other person on the world. So that we can stay blissfully ignorant.
Sorry if I had been anal about this, but come on people…
Gentleman: You belong to the lucky few that are blissfully ignorant of what happens. That isn’t a crime. For you it is 1600km away, for me it is next door. I have had the “liberty” of being at the borders through slovak red cross volunteers, and I can tell you, I feel sorry for the guy/girl on the train station, but they are not fighting for our collective freedom. Mine, yours truly or every other person on the world. So that we can stay blissfully ignorant.
Sorry if I had been anal about this, but come on people…
citrus: I mean not to offend you or your noble cause. It's just that a written statement can be interpreted in several ways. I did read what you wrote, I'm just being carefull.
As a pacifist I would rather chip in to buy nukes, as that seems to be the only thing that works.
I'll donate a few € once I'm paid.
El Topo: No offense taken mate. Sorry if I had been harsh
Orcs go home!
Orcs go home!
I would like to thank you again to Revision for sharing the idea in rotation during the compo breaks

I'm a scener from Ukraine. We are at war with Russia. And I want to share with you what is happening with us and what I think about what is happening.
Even within Ukraine, far from everyone understands and feels the transformation we have gone through. And in a well-fed and calm civilized world, they do not understand at all. Even those who sincerely support us do not understand. I've been talking to various friends over the past few weeks. They sincerely support us, they help. But I made sure that they absolutely do not understand who we have become and what is really happening. I understood that a full-scale war was possible even before the start of everything, but I did not think about how I could get through everything that was happening. The war for us began in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea and the occupation of Donbass. Our country is multilingual, but centuries of russian rule, the destruction of our history and culture, the constant attempts to eradicate the Ukrainian language have led us to a situation where the majority speaks the language of another country. Many of us are just now abandoning the russian language, and a few months before the war one could hear something like "we are tired of the war, let's decide something and don't interfere with our lives," despite the fact that there is a territory the size of Slovenia or Montenegro is occupied by terrorist groups and people there die and are tortured every day. For the first few years, I tried to help - mostly with money. Now that war is now on the entire territory of Ukraine, and I again try to help, but with greater impact - money has lost its original meaning and everyone is trying to do everything in their power. We started volunteering with the fact that we …. humanitarian and transported people to the borders. Later, we realized how inefficient it was, and the desire to do more made us rethink everything.
We felt great support from neighboring countries and those who know what russia is from their own experience.
We are sorry. We want peace. We wish that "all this ends as soon as possible." They want to be active. Send help. Help to equip our refugees. And they have absolutely no idea who we are now.
The city of Mariupol no longer exists, according to preliminary data, more than 25,000 people died, which means that ~ 70,000 were injured - just google the population of that city. Now 13 mobile crematoriums are operating in the ruins with which the Russian Federation is trying to hide the traces of crimes - they are constantly burning corpses, digging up mass graves. Also more than a million of people deported to russian federation with denial of leaving their new places for next 2 years, it looks like slavery of medieval era.
Until February 24, I talked with one musician (and musicians are special people) who did not yet understand what a real war was, and discarded all my thoughts about supporting our army and avoided talking in every possible way, explaining that he was a pacifist and against any violence. I then asked him - what will you do if people with weapons enter your house, you have three children (I did not go into details)? He replied that this would not happen because he believed in God. Six months later, our city was bombed, and my pacifist friend has changed a lot - he is now very interested in reports about the losses of russians. Now it's like a countdown to the end of the war.
Some people still think that the war is far away and it is all a matter between the two countries that have not found ways to reach an agreement. When there was the USSR, russia had power until the middle of Germany, dividing Berlin in half.
There was also the tsarist russian Empire, which included Warsaw and Helsenki.
For us, russia is “rashism” - it's a new word and it's already on Wikipedia.
We have seen how some European countries have been corrupted by russia in order to create a monopoly on energy and create distorted thought with propaganda, and this is what we had at the beginning of 20 years ago.
So don't think that it is possible to agree whether war may not come to you. When the war comes, everyone just packs up and runs. I hope that we will stop them and stop them forever and the reconstruction will begin - difficult and for years.
In my understanding in what I see and what methods the ruzzians are using is very similar to the things in some other wars and in the same time those methods are the same Moskovia did in their far past with Kazan and Novgorod, this is what made this country so big - genocyde and lie.
Even those who sit in the rear and deal mainly with humanitarian issues know exactly what is most important now. And the main thing now is only one thing. For all of us.
russia will not stop until they will be forced to stop.
Refugees, now there are millions of them, but there are still maimed, deported, raped and dead. And there are living thanks to which there is less of everything than it could be, many of which yesterday were ordinary people.
We were different. Everyone had their own life, their own views. We have been liberals and traditionalists, Christians, Muslims, Jews and atheists. Salesmen, lawyers, auto mechanics, scientists, salespeople, IT people. Politicians and foreign policy. They argued with each other and agreed, were friends and were at enmity.
And it will happen again. Someday. After the victory. For those who live. And now for all of us, only one thing is important.
And we will definitely return to the discussion of absolute humanism. To whether they were all guilty, and if so, who to what extent. Perhaps we admit that we were wrong about something. Then.
We don't want to pass this war on to children. And we learned history well. If russia survives, it will attack again.
There is no need to look for ways of coexistence between Ukraine and russia. It's impossible.
For what we collect?
For radio stations, medkits. Also drones, not military or war drones of course, but anyway we may rethink and remove drones from our list.
It could be considered as help if you can send the stuff itself too, i.e. you can send us radio stations or other stuff.
I am asking you to help us with anything you can donate - even one euro is ok, just skip one coffee or beer and help me with this would be very ok. I understand that somebody already donate for Ukraine but as a last PC scener of Ukraine (there are no other active sceners on PC platform in Ukraine) I am asking you for help as your friend. We will report for everything we will buy and if you have questions please ask.
Here are some questions we received regarding our project you already asked:
FAQ> I see a fund raising goal that is at the very beginning. did that start recently or more like a while ago? but I read about 200k raised earlier, by that team, correct?
200k is our previous amount, that is what we already did with our own effort.
FAQ> how is the relation to the demoscene and why is it so prominent (as: in the main nav) on the website?
I am scener and our team(who created the NGO and this web) is mostly the guys who organized the first demoparty in Ukraine. Also I am trying to help my friend who is a speccy scener and who is in the army right now.
FAQ> I've just seen a single post on that, by you on Discord, but no more and especially no thread on pouet, even though I think the website explicitly mentions pouet. again, still at the beginning, or why is it not announced more broady?
We are trying to do in a legal official way and thats why we organized nonprofit organization to make everything transparent and to organize fundraising.
FAQ> so there are multiple sceners who are part of the NGO?
I am scener and our team(who created the NGO and this web) is mostly the guys who organized the first demoparty in Ukraine.
Even within Ukraine, far from everyone understands and feels the transformation we have gone through. And in a well-fed and calm civilized world, they do not understand at all. Even those who sincerely support us do not understand. I've been talking to various friends over the past few weeks. They sincerely support us, they help. But I made sure that they absolutely do not understand who we have become and what is really happening. I understood that a full-scale war was possible even before the start of everything, but I did not think about how I could get through everything that was happening. The war for us began in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea and the occupation of Donbass. Our country is multilingual, but centuries of russian rule, the destruction of our history and culture, the constant attempts to eradicate the Ukrainian language have led us to a situation where the majority speaks the language of another country. Many of us are just now abandoning the russian language, and a few months before the war one could hear something like "we are tired of the war, let's decide something and don't interfere with our lives," despite the fact that there is a territory the size of Slovenia or Montenegro is occupied by terrorist groups and people there die and are tortured every day. For the first few years, I tried to help - mostly with money. Now that war is now on the entire territory of Ukraine, and I again try to help, but with greater impact - money has lost its original meaning and everyone is trying to do everything in their power. We started volunteering with the fact that we …. humanitarian and transported people to the borders. Later, we realized how inefficient it was, and the desire to do more made us rethink everything.
We felt great support from neighboring countries and those who know what russia is from their own experience.
We are sorry. We want peace. We wish that "all this ends as soon as possible." They want to be active. Send help. Help to equip our refugees. And they have absolutely no idea who we are now.
The city of Mariupol no longer exists, according to preliminary data, more than 25,000 people died, which means that ~ 70,000 were injured - just google the population of that city. Now 13 mobile crematoriums are operating in the ruins with which the Russian Federation is trying to hide the traces of crimes - they are constantly burning corpses, digging up mass graves. Also more than a million of people deported to russian federation with denial of leaving their new places for next 2 years, it looks like slavery of medieval era.
Until February 24, I talked with one musician (and musicians are special people) who did not yet understand what a real war was, and discarded all my thoughts about supporting our army and avoided talking in every possible way, explaining that he was a pacifist and against any violence. I then asked him - what will you do if people with weapons enter your house, you have three children (I did not go into details)? He replied that this would not happen because he believed in God. Six months later, our city was bombed, and my pacifist friend has changed a lot - he is now very interested in reports about the losses of russians. Now it's like a countdown to the end of the war.
Some people still think that the war is far away and it is all a matter between the two countries that have not found ways to reach an agreement. When there was the USSR, russia had power until the middle of Germany, dividing Berlin in half.
There was also the tsarist russian Empire, which included Warsaw and Helsenki.
For us, russia is “rashism” - it's a new word and it's already on Wikipedia.
We have seen how some European countries have been corrupted by russia in order to create a monopoly on energy and create distorted thought with propaganda, and this is what we had at the beginning of 20 years ago.
So don't think that it is possible to agree whether war may not come to you. When the war comes, everyone just packs up and runs. I hope that we will stop them and stop them forever and the reconstruction will begin - difficult and for years.
In my understanding in what I see and what methods the ruzzians are using is very similar to the things in some other wars and in the same time those methods are the same Moskovia did in their far past with Kazan and Novgorod, this is what made this country so big - genocyde and lie.
Even those who sit in the rear and deal mainly with humanitarian issues know exactly what is most important now. And the main thing now is only one thing. For all of us.
russia will not stop until they will be forced to stop.
Refugees, now there are millions of them, but there are still maimed, deported, raped and dead. And there are living thanks to which there is less of everything than it could be, many of which yesterday were ordinary people.
We were different. Everyone had their own life, their own views. We have been liberals and traditionalists, Christians, Muslims, Jews and atheists. Salesmen, lawyers, auto mechanics, scientists, salespeople, IT people. Politicians and foreign policy. They argued with each other and agreed, were friends and were at enmity.
And it will happen again. Someday. After the victory. For those who live. And now for all of us, only one thing is important.
And we will definitely return to the discussion of absolute humanism. To whether they were all guilty, and if so, who to what extent. Perhaps we admit that we were wrong about something. Then.
We don't want to pass this war on to children. And we learned history well. If russia survives, it will attack again.
There is no need to look for ways of coexistence between Ukraine and russia. It's impossible.
For what we collect?
For radio stations, medkits. Also drones, not military or war drones of course, but anyway we may rethink and remove drones from our list.
It could be considered as help if you can send the stuff itself too, i.e. you can send us radio stations or other stuff.
I am asking you to help us with anything you can donate - even one euro is ok, just skip one coffee or beer and help me with this would be very ok. I understand that somebody already donate for Ukraine but as a last PC scener of Ukraine (there are no other active sceners on PC platform in Ukraine) I am asking you for help as your friend. We will report for everything we will buy and if you have questions please ask.
Here are some questions we received regarding our project you already asked:
FAQ> I see a fund raising goal that is at the very beginning. did that start recently or more like a while ago? but I read about 200k raised earlier, by that team, correct?
200k is our previous amount, that is what we already did with our own effort.
FAQ> how is the relation to the demoscene and why is it so prominent (as: in the main nav) on the website?
I am scener and our team(who created the NGO and this web) is mostly the guys who organized the first demoparty in Ukraine. Also I am trying to help my friend who is a speccy scener and who is in the army right now.
FAQ> I've just seen a single post on that, by you on Discord, but no more and especially no thread on pouet, even though I think the website explicitly mentions pouet. again, still at the beginning, or why is it not announced more broady?
We are trying to do in a legal official way and thats why we organized nonprofit organization to make everything transparent and to organize fundraising.
FAQ> so there are multiple sceners who are part of the NGO?
I am scener and our team(who created the NGO and this web) is mostly the guys who organized the first demoparty in Ukraine.
Did my very small part. Stay strong and safe.
Keen, unfortunately I can't donate, I tried, but I'm in Mordor and my bank cards don't work outside of Mordor.
I don't know what to say here. I hate Putin and my compatriots who went crazy and they became real fascists. Including sceners, unfortunately.
I've always struggled with this shit. But shit won. Ukrainians are Europe's last hope. Glory to Ukraine!
I don't know what to say here. I hate Putin and my compatriots who went crazy and they became real fascists. Including sceners, unfortunately.
I've always struggled with this shit. But shit won. Ukrainians are Europe's last hope. Glory to Ukraine!
Keen, unfortunately I can't donate, I tried, but I'm in Mordor and my bank cards don't work outside of Mordor.
I don't know what to say here. I hate Putin and my compatriots who went crazy and they became real fascists. Including sceners, unfortunately.
I've always struggled with this shit. But shit won. Ukrainians are Europe's last hope. Glory to Ukraine!
run from there if you can, try to leave.. it will be worst due to sanctions and local laws and crazyness very soon, according to the knowledge from history. thank you for trying to help us!
I understand that this is not scener's way to create some stuff related to money, however you should understand that this situation is exceptional and everyone can feel it now - refugees, donations and even prices.. and if you will check the news for last 20 years you will understand why EU cant buy from Middle East - because of war in Syria.. you buy from ruzzia you got war made with your money in your country or in other country but you pay twice: for war and for increased prices.. of course it is boring political things but it is my reality now.
Keen, I can't leave Mordor, but don't care about me.
I want to say to all sceners in the world, and especially European ones. If you still think that this is some kind of political intrigue and you can just stay out of it - it can cost you your peaceful life. Everything is serious. I live in Russia, I realized that a war was being prepared 15 years ago. Here everything was pumped up with propaganda of war and fascism (although the Russian people still do not understand this). So, if you are still in doubt, and think that everything is not clear - I will disappoint you. That's fucked up. It's the fucking Lord of the Rings. Or orcs or humans. No options.
I want to say to all sceners in the world, and especially European ones. If you still think that this is some kind of political intrigue and you can just stay out of it - it can cost you your peaceful life. Everything is serious. I live in Russia, I realized that a war was being prepared 15 years ago. Here everything was pumped up with propaganda of war and fascism (although the Russian people still do not understand this). So, if you are still in doubt, and think that everything is not clear - I will disappoint you. That's fucked up. It's the fucking Lord of the Rings. Or orcs or humans. No options.
We in my family have been participating to initiatives to actively support Ukrainian refugees in 3 different countries (my home country, where we live and another one). It is possible to help them in my different ways.
@keen: And with radio stations you don't mean walkie talkies I guess? Be careful out there.
@keen: And with radio stations you don't mean walkie talkies I guess? Be careful out there.
of course, there are only several models which we can accept, for some cases we can accept usual ones.. but of course it is not walkie talkies
keen, thank you and your fellow sceners for this effort. тільки перемога!
keen, thank you and your fellow sceners for this effort. тільки перемога!
BTW there are severals ways to donate, not only visa/mc but paypal and others