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Bringing new people to the scene

category: general [glöplog]
Demoscene is what u / we / i / they make of it.
A wonderful place for self-expression and/or self-development.
For lifelong friendships, competition, education, networking and so much more.

I enjoy seeing people grow and evolve.

full ack.

I'd also like to propose a personal messaging system so newcomers can pick people's brains / get in touch if they are too shy to do that in public.
added on the 2022-02-14 00:12:44 by bsp bsp
What has the scene done to deserve new people?

added on the 2022-02-14 13:51:48 by _docd _docd
we need new people for our Aztec-style sacrifices! (or nachos)
added on the 2022-02-14 14:11:45 by el mal el mal
We can just leave that decision to actual new people, I guess. :)
added on the 2022-02-15 14:25:46 by Shana Shana
What has the scene done to deserve new people?

Find something that makes you happy because clearly the demoscene doesn't.
added on the 2022-02-15 17:04:05 by rc55 rc55
Easier said than done when half the infrastructure relies on you.
added on the 2022-02-15 17:09:04 by Gargaj Gargaj
It's true that working on the support functions of the scene doesn't bring a lot of joy..
added on the 2022-02-15 17:18:12 by _-_-__ _-_-__
Easier said than done when half the infrastructure relies on you.

Isn't it voluntary then?
added on the 2022-02-15 18:27:48 by w00t! w00t!
it is. but that does not exclude responsibility (maybe not the right word though).
What has the scene done to deserve new people?

You should've asked that question to the bunch of new sceners who released at Lovebyte last weekend. I have the impression they for the most part joined because the scene offered them a fun outlet for their creative coding efforts. But they can probably explain themselves better than a boring old Atari freak could ever hope to.
added on the 2022-02-15 20:14:40 by havoc havoc
What has the scene done to deserve new people?

Offering ( nowadays ) the people a kind and helpfull bunch of people. As example we have a Shana and a Darya whose helping new ones with kindness. We have Doc-D who helps and motivating them. I´m not afraid that the scene is dying even not afraid that it changes and interact and mixup with other sub cultures.

But i might get your point. @Gargaj

All the years YOU managed and coded pouet and it seems legit to say that - at least when it comes to this web stuff. Simple none is willing ( or able to take over and keep it up to date ) beside you and probaly rare others ( if they still exist ) the pouet app stays and falls with you and it seems there would be no backup. I also noticed that in the past people where asked if they could do here and there something within that web stuff. People tend to understimate that it costs us admins a lot of time to keep things running in the background. Maybe i´m wrong with those thoughts but i worry about the "Net" Infra a bit.

It´s almost impossible to say - ok, web is done - it stays and for sure it runs the next 20 years. The Problem is that the enviroment is changing and so there is almost need to stick to that.

It´s not about the new ones coming up. As some already said, new ones are around and they are creative - but also might wan´t do "their thing" and "their way" . The right question might be - Are there enough people out there to keep a thing like pouet and scene.org still running or sit this burden on to less shoulders ? I can´t say that but it´s more than highly respectable that you keep this place all the years intact and working like a charm.
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added on the 2022-02-17 07:33:03 by xeNusion xeNusion
I'm going to be heretic here and say that the demoscene is a little bit allergic to newcomers and this comes from the fact that it mainly consists from old people nowadays. This leads to demoscene becoming outdated and younger generations will lose interest quite quickly (or show no interest at all). For me leaving aside elitism and helping newcomers, showing them where to start or how to do things in terms of production making is what might make them feel at home and stay. An open mind and kindness is the best way to attract new people on any scene, at least for me.
added on the 2022-02-26 15:11:02 by Defiance Defiance


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