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Deadline 2021: Re-United | October, 8th - 10th | Berlin, Germany

category: residue [glöplog]
I partly agree, Creonix, but it's not about a "deathshot", or not yet. This is gateway and catalyst of what's to come.
added on the 2021-08-08 17:39:48 by bifat bifat
bifat: maybe im lost in translation and misunderstand...but, what is about to come?
added on the 2021-08-08 18:56:00 by _docd _docd
docd: Total digital surveillance on a global scale, and states being the local executive arms of corporations. Corono was a huge leap in this direction, but it's only one in a long series. Unfortunately Deadline is making itself an accomplice. Deadline could and should've taken place in 2020, and cancelled in 2021.
added on the 2021-08-08 19:10:10 by bifat bifat
hope deadline offers tinfoil hats at the entrance, seems some people need some.

totally in favor of the world not becoming a cyberpunk novel but there are better ways to fight that fight then to rant nonsense on pouet. support eff and get active politically on current causes for example.
added on the 2021-08-08 19:57:29 by psenough psenough
What psenough said. I'm going to protests and I'm active in citizen movements. Demoscene is among the first casualties, it's worth fighting for it. It's not dead yet.
added on the 2021-08-08 20:05:47 by bifat bifat
good for you. you can go protest while we party then - sponsored by Nike, the EU and Amazon. (I wish - that would mean finally no red numbers at the end of the party)

And now would you all be so kind and put your conspiracy theories, anti-vaxxing sentiments and other personal problems somewhere else and not in this party thread? OK? Yes.
added on the 2021-08-08 20:49:02 by v3nom v3nom
If all vaccinated people die from the »Deathshot«, perhaps now is a good time to submit a remote-entry. Because less competitors means more chances of winning. :)
added on the 2021-08-08 22:21:31 by gaspode gaspode
This hella looks like this bitch here will need some popcorn in the near future.
added on the 2021-08-09 13:17:09 by bitch bitch
from Creonix: Are you fucking kidding?
New World Order, where those who saved their brains and don't believe in the global scam are discriminated.
I hope that people will boycot the events that discriminate people who refused the covid-deathshot, although I always liked this party and have rather good memories.

Umm, I supported you before, when people in the scene treated you very unfairly. But regarding your statement above, I'm afraid we're not on the same page unfortunately. There's nothing wrong with a healthy dose of scepticism when it comes to the pandemic, and the way it is being presented by politicians and the news media, but to call covid vaccinations a death shot seems a bit unjustified.

from bifat: Unfortunately Deadline is making itself an accomplice.

Not really. However, organizers have to stick to the law, you know? The alternative would be to not host an event at all.
added on the 2021-08-09 14:16:28 by SunSpire SunSpire
Sunspire, that's what I'm saying. On the other hand, you can also try to find creative ways to make things legal, make them appear legal, or get away with them being illegal. That's a skill that shouldn't be exactly rare in the demoscene. Deadline however needlessly settled for preemptive obedience to authorities.
added on the 2021-08-09 14:36:15 by bifat bifat
Deadline however needlessly settled for preemptive obedience to authorities.

There is also a chance that they themselves simply came to the same conclusions as the authorities and therefore share their opinion.
added on the 2021-08-09 15:34:11 by novel novel
And now would you all be so kind and put your conspiracy theories, anti-vaxxing sentiments and other personal problems somewhere else and not in this party thread? OK? Yes.

Just out of curiosity and possibly food for thought on the subject of SAFETY:

If you only allow vaccinated people in, but they can still spread a virus despite being vaccinated and you don't test them beforehand, who is actually more dangerous?

a) The one who tested negative, which is therefore HEALTHY, or
b) The vaccinated, who was not tested but can still spread the coronavirus?

(No Hate! Just curious about your answer)
added on the 2021-08-09 15:57:58 by .. ..
On the other hand, you can also try to find creative ways to make things legal, make them appear legal, or get away with them being illegal. That's a skill that shouldn't be exactly rare in the demoscene.

It may have been in the early 90s, but if you've had any exposure to the scene in the last 20 years you'll know it hasn't been the case since you stopped having to hairspray stamps and copy games.

With that in mind, I'd also like to warn against encouraging such activity - on Pouet at least. (It's in the house rules.)
added on the 2021-08-09 16:55:50 by Gargaj Gargaj
@D4XX: That is a good question. It's mostly about probabilities and statistics. A negative rapid test does not say that your are healthy, just as a vaccination doesn't mean you can't get covid. But fully vaccinated people are, two weeks after their second dose, less likely to spread the virus than rapid tested people. That's where the reasoning to differentiate between test and vaccination comes from.
added on the 2021-08-09 16:59:21 by novel novel
Gargaj: I would never encourare such things. My recommendation was that the 2021 Deadline was cancelled.
added on the 2021-08-09 17:00:42 by bifat bifat
My recommendation is that you take your conspiracies somewhere else - open a new thread, or - even better, just go away.
added on the 2021-08-09 17:06:12 by darya darya
You wish :-)
added on the 2021-08-09 17:07:38 by bifat bifat
Yeah well Deadline isn't cancelled and you can only attend it if you've been vaccinated. That's not only true, it's sensible too.

By the way, a person who has tested negative for Covid-19 can also spread the virus in the way that you are saying a vaccinated person can. The test is for infection, not for the presence of the virus. Those are two separate things.
added on the 2021-08-09 17:07:51 by fizzer fizzer
Yes, this therad is about Deadline, not some ranting conspiracy nutbags.

I might make a remote entry as I'm fucked for time for névoke (sorry névke :sadface).
added on the 2021-08-09 17:07:56 by okkie okkie
I'm organizing a non-scene event here in Switzerland in two weeks, and the reason I'm doing it with the certificate (vaccinated, tested negative or "healed") is because in the end, I (and no one else) am responsible by law for the safety measures on site. If we don't use the certificate, people would have to take social distancing measures on site when ordering food, when taking seats, and so on. And what I definitely do NOT want is to discuss these measures on site with people who think all these measures are rubbish anyway. It's very simple. If the guidelines change, I'm happy to change as well.

I love how some music artists screamed months ago that concerts should take place again, that the industry will die and so on. And then concerts start happening again and the first thing they do is they tell their audience at the concert to not follow the rules of the venue. And I could bet my ass-cheeks that the same artists will bitch about it when concerts are not allowed to be taking place again. Ugh.

So personally, I can totally understand the Deadline orgas.
added on the 2021-08-09 17:12:29 by Axel Axel
It seems to me that simply adhering to laws/rules imposed by government isn't quite the point here, because only allowing for vaccinated guests is going far beyond what's currently mandated.
added on the 2021-08-09 17:22:24 by Krill Krill
Yes, agreed, this conspiracy nonsense definitely fits better at your local protest or citizen movement than on a demoscene bbs, you're welcome to take it there and leave the scene in peace. (Looking at you, bifat and D4XX...)
added on the 2021-08-09 17:22:41 by havoc havoc
Looking at you havoc.
I just asked a normal question. No need to watch to me and call it conspiracy nonsense. :)

added on the 2021-08-09 18:07:20 by .. ..
Again why are we doing this? As party organizer you need to think about which risks you're ready to take and what you want to do to provide a party that is as safe as possible. Being sure that everybody is vaccinated gives us the best chances that nobody will die because they got infected with covid on our party. That means all orgas (and hopefully also the visitors) can sleep well at night, period.
added on the 2021-08-09 18:07:37 by v3nom v3nom
Vaccinated-only is the only sane thing to do for an indoor demoparty right now.

But for an indoor event chances of someone transmitting a respiratory disease are much higher. As an orga you don't want to be later blamed for someone dying of such an infection. And for those who catch one while being vaccinated: They knew about the remaining risks, and are free to stay home.

And for those who think all of this a conspiracy: Go live with it, or stay home watching streaming "demoparties", wearing your tin foil hat.

I am so fucking looking forward to meet my friends again, feeling safe to not potentially kill any of them.
added on the 2021-08-09 18:23:47 by scamp scamp


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