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Your unpopular opinions about the scene

category: residue [glöplog]
A shader showdown with SIDs would be nice. Also voting by voting instead of shouting.
added on the 2021-06-17 19:55:18 by Nosferatu Nosferatu
The only Demoscene prods I watch are Amiga. I gave up on the 8-bits and the PC years ago because they're either so primitive that it's not worth it, or so advanced that anything is possible.

To me, the Amiga, in both OCS/ECS and AGA, is the ideal middle ground as it's still obviously a retro platform, but still looks good and has great audio anyway.
added on the 2021-06-17 22:11:52 by Foebane72 Foebane72
i have read every post here.
But what dfox wrote is the real truth:

"we are not as great as we think we are"

at least not anymore.

we should all be a little more humble about what is happening
on the "outside"
that's cute and everything, but isn't the whole point of a scene (any scene) to be all about its own "inner" actions and interests regardless what's happening on the "outside"?
added on the 2021-06-18 01:53:50 by el mal el mal
You are right - yes, of course.

I'll try it again in a different way:

Maybe a basic problem of the demoscene is that now everything is / has to be legal.
And this is in comparison to its roots.

If you organize a big party, you need the fire department, security, Gema, a bunch of rules. Toilet paper, emergency exits, etc.
and: you can't steal samples from others :D

That's all fine. but has nothing to do with the scene.

If you compare it to the graffiti scene - they still have to deal with the law, except for the legal work.
but i think they kept something for themselves that is really unique.

the day the scene changed from cracking/hacking/phreaking to art -maybe something got lost at that moment ?

i was never one of the "real people" who cracked, phreaked, etc. back then.

considering this - i am a real lamer :D

i think the graffiti guys and gals are one point (or maybe more) cooler / more „free“ than us ?

compare the 3d work i do with people at zbrushcentral, artstation etc. -> in comparison -> i am nothing !

i just think the scene works wonderfully on its own, but the possibilities offered by the internet and the endless communities out there
make it harder and harder to be „special“. and also this is completely ok / acceptable.

i was just very impressed by dfox's comment. i thought it was humble, real, honest. i thought it was really cool

I interpret his comment like this:

We are a family, we really have what it takes, but we are no longer a superhuman force compared to what happens in other communities.

And I take my hat off to that, I will continue to try to learn, to practice and to continue with the same verve with which the first freaks infected me back then.

nothing else i expect from the demoscene -i just wish that the demoscene will always evolve and keep open ears and eyes.

if this is the case, then we need not worry about ever becoming extinct.
We are a family, we really have what it takes, but we are no longer a superhuman force compared to what happens in other communities.

Hate to break it to you, but we never were.
added on the 2021-06-18 10:08:36 by Sesse Sesse
Oh we’re a family alright, we’re just dysfunctional like all families ;)
added on the 2021-06-18 10:44:39 by farfar farfar
superhuman force

we never were

I think some groups WERE. In the sense that they were an incredibly talented team, bringing together friends to produce amazing stuff that would have never been created in any other community environment.
I think this aspect of forming teams and collaboration to hack up something awesome was unique at the time.
Legendary productions like Second Reality, Hardwired, Robotnik, The Fulcrum you name it.

But yes, nowadays exactly this is not a unique aspect anymore.
There are hundreds of hobbyist teams doing stuff in unity or unreal now, oftentimes with much better artists than what we have in the demoscene.

And I guess this is one of the main reasons why the demoscene is in decline: It has lost its uniqueness of many of its former defining aspects.


When I look at what Titan did with Overdrive on the Mega Drive, I think this is a promising example for the future of the demoscene: Legendary stuff done by an amazing team effort, done with so much technical hacking skills unique to the demoscene.

And of course then there are those 4k/64k things :)
(however, i feel we need to make some more progress there. We stayed in safe raymarching territory for, what, 10 years now?)
added on the 2021-06-20 11:30:03 by arm1n arm1n
Oh and before i forget:
TBL Playstation > TBL Amiga
added on the 2021-06-20 11:34:33 by arm1n arm1n
Seeing all these nice people say mean things to each other makes me sad.

definitely this.

admins please remove this pile of shit.
added on the 2021-06-20 13:46:44 by rez rez
And I guess this is one of the main reasons why the demoscene is in decline: It has lost its uniqueness of many of its former defining aspects.

everytime someone says something like this i chuckle, as activity has increased instead of waned in the last year and there is more and more great shit at every (online) party that happens.
added on the 2021-06-21 13:55:05 by okkie okkie
demoscene, officially dead since 1993 and possibly even earlier
added on the 2021-06-21 13:55:39 by okkie okkie
Maybe the demoscene has been dead before it was even created?
added on the 2021-06-21 14:04:06 by D.Fox D.Fox
Time to make Schrödingers demo about it.
added on the 2021-06-21 14:04:34 by D.Fox D.Fox
The demoscene is nothing but a glitch in the space-time continuum.
added on the 2021-06-21 15:02:53 by ham ham
I remember a friend of mine showing me a fullscreen inside of a cube in a Crionics demo, telling me "this is 50 images per second", and I thought "fuck, better than cinema's 24 images". Then he showed me Copper Master, and I had never seen so many colors in my life. This was what seduced me: walking in fresh snow, having at least the impression that we could create experiences that very few other people could create at home. It felt special, privileged. To me, this is dead. In terms of pure watcher experience (tech difficulty aside), Unity and Unreal (among others) have democratized creation (which is great!) , so creating some real-time experience is not special at all anymore, and yes, other communities create kick-ass content too.
As a community, with our own rules, we'll always exist and find interest in each other's works. But impressing your neighbor with what you have on your screen will not happen anymore (or very rarely), and it's fine! It does not mean the scene is dying, it jut means it's a hobby microcosm - among many others - with its own rules and codes. We're not here to bring something to humanity, we're just here to have fun with people that share the same hobby. Love.
added on the 2021-06-21 15:44:20 by Soundy Soundy
Crack-cocaïne was invented by the Demoscene.
added on the 2021-06-21 16:55:03 by VJSLOF VJSLOF
It doesn't matter what my opinions are. But am gonna codequote this:

Code: THE DEMOSCENER MANIFESTO by button January 27, 2012 i'm not the one setting up a vs. competition between "us" and "them". i'm quite happy to let them enjoy their shit while i enjoy my own. that way "we" don't have to bend over backward thinking of ways to make manipulate "our" demoscene creations to be more palatable to "their" tastes and, in the process of doing so, only end-up transforming the scene into an inferior carbon copy of "their" shit which "they" STILL would not appreciate fully anyway and would just point "their" finger at "us" in mockery and disdain because "we" do not live up to "their" SHIT standards. i don't see why their is such an effort to please "outsiders". i do not see what point "outreach" has. because, in this age of easily accessible information and the net, anyone with the slightest interest in the scene will follow the bread crumbs of their instinctive desires and find "us" anyway. I'm sure 100s of thousands have already done so, found the wikipedia demo scene info page, discovered the multitude of demos on YouTube, even tripped over Pouet and lol'd and immediately clicked into the more suitable domains/communities of trendyMediaFlashProds.com and boringPrerendered3DanimationTips.com . no one finds our shit interesting. just live with it and quit trying to trendyfy it into something it cannot be.
added on the 2021-06-21 18:58:13 by rudi rudi
I can't even tell what point that "manifesto" is trying to make. It seems to be something like: promoting the demoscene on Wikipedia and Youtube is a waste of time because 99% of the people who see it there won't care, whereas *actual* demosceners will find us through MAGIC HANDWAVEY PROCESS that somehow involves information on the net but whatever it is, it doesn't count as "outreach" because I say so.

Anyhow, even if you don't see the value in outreach, why rally against people who do? It's not like people are forcing *you* to do it. Can we not just accept that some people enjoy writing UNESCO applications more than writing matrix rotation code in 6502 assembler, or pixelling reflections on a chrome logo, or putting up tables in an old industrial building?
added on the 2021-06-21 21:05:13 by gasman gasman
And of course then there are those 4k/64k things :)
(however, i feel we need to make some more progress there. We stayed in safe raymarching territory for, what, 10 years now?)

Only 8, actually. Path tracing took over in 2017.
added on the 2021-06-21 21:26:28 by Blueberry Blueberry
no need for MAGIC HANDWAVEY PROCESS, you just need special ops training!
BB Image
added on the 2021-06-21 21:26:28 by el mal el mal
and some proper hotlinking of images training wouldn't hurt either, Liam Neeson!
added on the 2021-06-21 21:27:10 by el mal el mal
Oh and before i forget:
TBL Playstation > TBL Amiga

added on the 2021-06-21 23:26:36 by Foebane72 Foebane72
TBL Holland > TBL Sweden
added on the 2021-06-22 08:44:30 by el mal el mal
Can we not just accept that some people enjoy writing UNESCO applications more than writing matrix rotation code in 6502 assembler, or pixelling reflections on a chrome logo, or putting up tables in an old industrial building?

Yes we can! But we love to code matrix rotation code in 6502 or Z80 assembler much more, and we don't care about anything else!
added on the 2021-06-22 21:40:54 by rudi rudi


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