Revision Online 2021 - April 2nd to 5th 2021
category: parties [glöplog]
Here's the full chat log as recorded by my QuasselCore (N.B. my VDSL link is not stable and prone to 1-2 minute dropouts). Please do point out the "defamation [...] against foreigners, gays and other cultures" you believe we tolerated. (ideally with timestamp, or nickname of whoever wrote it)The Twitch ban was justified. Insults and defamation in the chat against foreigners, gays and other cultures should never be tolerated and the rules on Twitch were tightened some time ago, especially with regard to nudity. One of our team mates was briefly on the stream and didn't read anything other than expletives and insults. It's really a shame that the tone of the scene has been so depraved in recent years. Instead, it is better to focus on the actual content.
# sha256sum revisionparty_2021.log
0a01a57a3a56de2560acf30e2cd250d30bc336dae5fd1b7a03280753ed4bff31 revisionparty_2021.log
With some quick greps, I only found one instance of a chatter throwing around homophobic language, and they were warned and subsequently banned within minutes.
Thank you for providing the chat log. I would like to relativize my claim, take back the allegations and apologize for the accusation of racism. The allegations made to me came from one of our team members who came into the stream via a shared Facebook link and told me about the corresponding behavior and mutual insults. The "Nazi" terms that can be seen in the chat log are also said to have been used (presumably after his presentation of what he had read he entered the chat shortly after 5:52 p.m.). Since I was not personally present, I could only rely on the claims made. Neither I nor any of us were aiming for revision or harming anyone. And neither of us reported the stream in any way! However, since I know my two friends very well and know how communicative things are sometimes in the scene, I initially believed that the ban was really related to that. At the time I didn't know anything about the demo that was shown, which ultimately led to the permanent ban of the channel, which I also consider to be completely excessive (if at all a blocking of 24-48 hours would have been enough). Since Twitch has not commented on the matter, it will be difficult to work up the matter in retrospect and to find out whether the chat was even considered in this decision.
In addition, our team member "Barmer01" was in the chat or stream of a demo event for the first time and did not understand all english terms and contexts. You cannot blame the administrators here either, because they did not participate in the above-mentioned form of expression and cannot control all linguistic gaps. Anyway, I've been to events like the "Evoke" myself a few times and have always found such events to be very positive, especially since communication outside the PC is usually different than in a chat. So I ask for your forbearance if we have been wrong with our assumption. I very much hope that the matter will be cleared up and that the revision may still get its stream back.
Best Regards,
In addition, our team member "Barmer01" was in the chat or stream of a demo event for the first time and did not understand all english terms and contexts. You cannot blame the administrators here either, because they did not participate in the above-mentioned form of expression and cannot control all linguistic gaps. Anyway, I've been to events like the "Evoke" myself a few times and have always found such events to be very positive, especially since communication outside the PC is usually different than in a chat. So I ask for your forbearance if we have been wrong with our assumption. I very much hope that the matter will be cleared up and that the revision may still get its stream back.
Best Regards,
But we don't want twitch back, CCC was awesome!
PARALAX: The Twitch channel is back; as previously announced, the ban was only 72 hours.
Great news! :-)
CCC for the win
PARALAX: The Twitch channel is back; as previously announced, the ban was only 72 hours.
With all recordings deleted back to 2016. Great job.
Cloud is not backup. One would hope Revision has copies for upload somewhere else.
Oops, I totally forgot to order my 2021 revision tshirt. Can I still order one? The tickets link on the revision website only shows „pre-sale is over“
Shirt arrived today :)
My one too! :-)
mine will have to wait, no green tick next to shipped on the deinetickets page :(

In case a djiff is more your thang:

Revision tee arrived on thursday already, thank you very much! (it's awesome!) :)
T-shirt arrived in Denmark <3
T-shirt arrived in Finland <3
T-shirt arrived in Ireland <3
T-shirt arrived in Texas <3
T-shirt arrived in Finland <3
T-shirt arrived in Norway <3
T-shirt arrived in the Netherlands! <3
I t-shirt has gone missing (or not yet dispatched) to a location in Bristol, UK: any suggestions on how to follow up?