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Bad ass girlz

category: residue [glöplog]
sounds good imo
added on the 2021-04-13 20:28:27 by okkie okkie
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added on the 2021-04-13 20:29:04 by havoc havoc
Humans have animal-like instincts. I fear you can‘t change that.

oh so you haven't learned to go to the potty yet when you need to peepee?

on a more serious note: sure you may get physiologically, physically aroused. that doesn't mean you need to act on it. just like you can just as well keep in the yellow fluid until you are at a toilet, instead of letting it out right away
added on the 2021-04-13 20:29:30 by porocyon porocyon
okkie is such hypocrite. he listens to hip-hop where womens are constantly called bitches.
added on the 2021-04-13 20:39:00 by okkie okkie
he listens to hip-hop where womens are constantly called bitches.

Freedom of Art...

...i better run now.
added on the 2021-04-13 20:40:27 by _docd _docd
currently bumping WAP, what a banger!
added on the 2021-04-13 20:40:43 by okkie okkie
he listens to hip-hop where womens are constantly called bitches.

Freedom of Art...

...i better run now.

It;s also a super dumb and shortsighted take on hiphop. says more about kimmii tbh
added on the 2021-04-13 20:41:55 by okkie okkie
i know more about hip-hop than you, bitch.
I feel that anybody implying that certain evolutionary aspects that took eons to form could be changed in any humanly-graspable timeframe is just pure hypocricy in my opinion.

Are you saying that people are not responsible for their behaviour?
added on the 2021-04-13 20:49:42 by Preacher Preacher
hahaha, well, who was the first hiphop then! hmm.. biutch!
added on the 2021-04-13 20:50:28 by okkie okkie
who was the first hiphop then! hmm.. biutch!

Grandmaster Flash FTW!
added on the 2021-04-13 20:54:48 by _docd _docd
too easy, you can check wikipedia, ask about something real.
more like dj kool herc or rappers' delight
go back to downthubming some demos you moron
added on the 2021-04-13 20:57:43 by okkie okkie
(Rappers' Delight was, incidentally, produced by a woman.)
added on the 2021-04-13 20:58:40 by Gargaj Gargaj
oh so you haven't learned to go to the potty yet when you need to peepee?

You mean like all the mannered demosceners have learned to peepee properly into the potty as evident on each and every demoparty? Where we can observe the pinnacle of civilized, self-controlled behaviour? :)

Anyhoo, I respect that people out there fight for „the right thing“ to reach a better society etc. However, please also respect the opinion of people who think it‘s a lost cause and feel it‘s a waste of their time. As selfish as this might seem - but I do my fair share of positive things for society in other areas.
added on the 2021-04-13 21:01:33 by arm1n arm1n
go back to listening to kanye west you hipster hypocrite.
Where we can observe the pinnacle of civilized, self-controlled behaviour? :)

You want us to teach you?
added on the 2021-04-13 21:13:47 by darya darya

Society being a group of individuals who adhere to a set of social norms. Why is that not a waste of time, then? Won't some feral bundle of instincts just ruin everything?
added on the 2021-04-13 21:15:21 by jobe jobe
Are you saying that people are not responsible for their behaviour?

No, of course they are. And I was not trying to defend or even endorse wrong behaviour towards women.
I was only saying that I doubt we can change the situation by trying to convince the wrong doers. However, I agree that creating more awareness among people might help in the sense that bystanders might be more empowered/proactive when situations emerge. That surely is a good thing.
added on the 2021-04-13 21:19:35 by arm1n arm1n
Are you saying that people are not responsible for their behaviour?

No, of course they are. [...]
I was only saying that I doubt we can change the situation by trying to convince the wrong doers.

added on the 2021-04-13 21:22:33 by porocyon porocyon
I was only saying that I doubt we can change the situation by trying to convince the wrong doers

No, but we, as a society, can dish out a few fucking consequences, which is arguable what's happening here.
added on the 2021-04-13 21:29:41 by kb_ kb_


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