Bad ass girlz
category: residue [glöplog]
You mean that women, too, can be engineers? oh my goodness.
What a prime example of shitty everyday sexism.
What a prime example of shitty everyday sexism.
WTF?! The 80s called and want their worldview back. Welcome to the 21st century, dude.

@Jak: They do exist man... it's the present year, maybe we should stop acting surprised ;)
Just curious - how do you know what Jak means?
JaK what was your intention with this post? And also out of curiosity, do you know this woman the link to whom you posted?
ok, you guys are implying a lot of things, that are NOT.
Just thought it could be nice to know a bunch of female coders. Interested in shader, computer gfx, not strictly demoscene. Also these examples, could be ok to encourage my nephew to start in a man dominated underground art movement.
Just another female coder :
Just thought it could be nice to know a bunch of female coders. Interested in shader, computer gfx, not strictly demoscene. Also these examples, could be ok to encourage my nephew to start in a man dominated underground art movement.
Just another female coder :
I think it is entirely possible to read the wording of the initial question without finding sexism. :)
Maybe we could ask jak what he means by 'bad ass'? Accomplished? Smart? Famous computer scientist? Polished blog with CV?
Maybe we could ask jak what he means by 'bad ass'? Accomplished? Smart? Famous computer scientist? Polished blog with CV?
It's also entirely possible to read this, think "oh boi, there probably were SOME good intentions involved" and yet still feel creeped out
Can someone change the topic please to something more strictly as "coder girls, yes!"
Ok, next.
Ok, next.
So you want to empower strong females, but when I say that I'm creeped out you "ok, next" me?
it's so fucking funny how people make topics like these with the nicest and best possible intentions
and still people get offended
just remove politics and the likes from the scene and get back to democoding ffs
and still people get offended
just remove politics and the likes from the scene and get back to democoding ffs
Just thought it could be nice to know a bunch of female coders.
they exist? NONSENSE
how to get back to democoding:
1. dismiss the people who are trying to explain how to create a less toxic environment for them to do democoding in
2. ...?
1. dismiss the people who are trying to explain how to create a less toxic environment for them to do democoding in
2. ...?
the nicest and best possible intentions
They also pave the road to hell, if the oft-proven proverb is to be believed.
I don't doubt the intentions, but there is a lot of nuance and intricacy between taking a minority group and presenting their accomplishments as a positive example and a role model, and parading them around as a circus freak and a weird outlier.
NR4 summed it up quite well
there's only sexism here if you bend your mind to find some, which seems to be the hip thing to do now
there's only sexism here if you bend your mind to find some, which seems to be the hip thing to do now
(is there an edit button on pouet?)
it also takes away the credibility from the actual issues which *are* there and were outlined quite well in recent discussions on discord
it also takes away the credibility from the actual issues which *are* there and were outlined quite well in recent discussions on discord
I wonder if immediately resorting to condescending mockery and constantly assuming the most malicious intent possible has ever been efficient in actually changing someone's views, making them sincerely act differently or even encouraged them to speak less about whatever caused offense in the first place.
But hey, at least that way we can show indignation when they turn defensive, secure in the notion that they were in fact of the terrible sort we instantly categorized them as after a few lines of high-strung online free-for-all. And isn't that, after all, what the scene is all about?
But hey, at least that way we can show indignation when they turn defensive, secure in the notion that they were in fact of the terrible sort we instantly categorized them as after a few lines of high-strung online free-for-all. And isn't that, after all, what the scene is all about?
Can someone change the topic please to something more strictly as "coder girls, yes!"
Ok, next.
boy, you could start by calling them women instead of the diminishing "girls", or not calling them out at all (what Gargaj wrote)
there's only sexism here if you bend your mind to find some, which seems to be the hip thing to do now
This is not for you to decide brody!
it also takes away the credibility from the actual issues which *are* there and were outlined quite well in recent discussions on discord
Neither is this!
I wonder if immediately resorting to condescending mockery and constantly assuming the most malicious intent possible has ever been efficient in actually changing someone's views, making them sincerely act differently or even encouraged them to speak less about whatever caused offense in the first place.
If you feel people calling out outdated views (how well intended they might be) mockery the problem is with you and not them. You could also read what they are actually saying.
This was my PSA on being introspective! I'm here all week, don't forget to tip your waitstaff!
I spent 18 years in the game development industry, and worked with studios on 4 continents, well, worked with lots of women (as coders), some of them were insanely skilled, some of them were really bad. Oh wait, just like men. While I'm busy stating the obvious, I should add that race, age, religion and sexual orientation led to the same results. At least, that's my humble experience.
Captain Obvious signing off.
Captain Obvious signing off.