looking for a picture by FadeOne
category: general [glöplog]
The picture I'm looking for is of a small teddy-bear holding a bomb (cartoon-styled black, round thing with fuse). I'm quite certain it was made by FadeOne, but I have not been able to find it in my graphics collection nor GFX Zone...
If you have the picture, I'd appreciate if you could email it to me at ole.olsen@enitel.no.
If you have the picture, I'd appreciate if you could email it to me at ole.olsen@enitel.no.
you searched ALL the content of gfxzone (including all party archives?) ;)
yep. i.e. I searched their bitmaplisting for "fadeone", "fade_one" and "fade one", and found only four pics.
If you have them or know someone who does, try looking on the Dreams or Dreams 2 CDs... I can check them out later.
do you have asked Niels, he is one of the webmasters of GFXzone ?
he have an huge collection of gfxs, but only 30% or 40% are online on the website, just the 'major' releases
ask him by email, he will answer you for sure, he is so cool :] (Niels : ndk@gfxzone.org)
he have an huge collection of gfxs, but only 30% or 40% are online on the website, just the 'major' releases
ask him by email, he will answer you for sure, he is so cool :] (Niels : ndk@gfxzone.org)
haven't seen it, sorry :/
please ban him...just ban him.
hello, why don't you shove youre nonexistent sense of humor down your insignificant arse ? bye.
Menace of Spaceballs has a huge gfx collection from the glory days of the Amiga. You can ask him.
That guy (at least under that account) haven't posted anything around here for more than 6 years anyway.
Mudia Art #03 has it...it´s in the ArtPart wrongly named "Mixed Stuff by Cougar" ...should be "Mixed Stuff by FadeOne"
you can find it in this directory:
Mudia Art #03\data\Art Part\fadeone-4.jpg
you can find it in this directory:
Mudia Art #03\data\Art Part\fadeone-4.jpg
always this nekro-stuff and i fall for it everytime :/