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evoke 2020 | August 14-16 | Cologne Germany

category: parties [glöplog]
Dear party people!


at this time of the year, we announce that everything will be happening "in Kalk", "in August" and "as usual". Nothing much is "as usual" currently and hence we need to wait. It is currently unforeseeable wether we will be allowed to hold Evoke 2020, which is why we have halted the effort to organize the party for this year.

Talking to the team, we came to the conclusion that neither going online nor finding a later date in 2020 is an option to us. We decided to wait with a final decision on this matter until "end of May". By that time we make an announcement that will reflect the situation sensibly.

We hope that this timeline somehow suits you and - even more so - hope to make Evoke 2020 happen, having one of the best weekends of the year with you! Always keep in mind: "Good things come to those who wait".

Stay safe and healthy!

The Evoke Organizing Team

For future updates visit evoke.eu

And you can still do the social (distance) dance
Follow us on Twitter
Like us on Facebook
Join this years Facebook event
And relive the evoke experience on Instagram while you wait!

<3 dino
added on the 2020-04-11 12:39:43 by Dino Dino
i'll find and kill the coronavirus if evoke doesn't happen. twice.
added on the 2020-04-11 12:51:21 by iks iks
There’s less pre kalk time this year. :(
still you can get the best logo for a cancelled party award!
added on the 2020-04-12 00:13:09 by el mal el mal
added on the 2020-05-28 19:04:08 by SiR SiR
Yeah, I'm curious as well.
added on the 2020-05-28 19:34:24 by numtek numtek
My wife and I would love to come along, guess it depends on whether the ability to travel abroad is brought back in or not. We'd be going by car anyhow so not polluting too much ...
added on the 2020-05-28 20:13:17 by Felice Felice
Dear friends of evoke,

we have decided to cancel the party for this year.

As predictable as this decision may have been, we did not take it lightly. All possibilities were carefully considered - but due to the current situation, we would not be able to deliver the "evoke feeling"(TM) for which all of you have been attending the party since 1997.

Although there is still a lot of uncertainty today as to how the situation will develop until August, we are quite sure that some restrictions will remain - preventing evoke from being evoke.

But we of course do not want to keep you and us from at least enjoying some time together. We have enthusiastically followed the ideas other parties have come up with to create new online spaces, and we want to add our part to this new party experience.

Therefore, on Saturday, August 15th, we will offer you a live event - "novoque", a virtual stage for all the love you have brought to evoke for over 20 years.

So, stay tuned! You will hear more about it soon.

Stay healthy and happy!

Thank you,
Your evoke Team
added on the 2020-06-01 22:26:16 by Dino Dino
so... hopefully see you next year (more time for prekalking)
added on the 2020-06-01 23:10:06 by T$ T$
novolo. :(
added on the 2020-06-01 23:10:37 by RbR RbR
BB Image

added on the 2020-06-02 09:16:06 by moqui moqui
added on the 2020-06-02 11:04:49 by bodo^rab bodo^rab
Pity. Keep calm and carry on making demos.
See you at Decrunch.
added on the 2020-06-02 11:50:55 by bifat bifat
It means "to miss someone"
Someone or something that is gone or far away.
A word that holds a feeling of despair
But also hope that you'll meet them someday.

My heart is in deep saudade mode now. Jeenio and PS had that one right.
Warm hugs to the orgas, see you at novoque, and hug you at evoke 2021.
added on the 2020-06-02 12:25:00 by alkama alkama
sad news. you guys will have to organise a party that'll last 4 days next year, to catch up on the missed days from this year :)
added on the 2020-06-02 13:34:16 by iks iks
Unfortunate but not unexpected I guess. Also slightly disappointed to find that Jeenio's song was not about nets for fishing bass and field mice after all.
added on the 2020-06-02 14:28:00 by havoc havoc
15+ years stunning party PR and then 'novoque' while 'revoke' actually means what it means? :P
added on the 2020-06-02 17:18:39 by el mal el mal
maybe more like "and something new"
added on the 2020-06-02 17:54:21 by steam steam
i stand corrected and foresee 16+ years stunning party PR! ;)
added on the 2020-06-02 18:45:08 by el mal el mal


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