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Revision 2020 - April 10th to 13th

category: parties [glöplog]
also, hell will freeze and UFOs are real!
added on the 2020-03-10 21:33:02 by el mal el mal
At this point chances are good the party is not happening. Not only because german authorities will not allow it, but also because a lot of attendees might cancel their tickets (also because of travel restrictions), so it would financially ruin the organizers to follow through with it.

I'd rather wait for an official announcement, before making assumptions.
added on the 2020-03-10 21:39:38 by teo teo
I concur with teo.

Also, relevant: https://www.saarbruecker-zeitung.de/nachrichten/saarland-will-wegen-coronavirus-grossveranstaltungen-verbieten_aid-49484105
It will actually happen, but people from northrhine-westphalia are not allowed to come, because we are polluted here... ;)
added on the 2020-03-10 21:52:06 by nodepond nodepond
Keep working on your prods and see it day by day..

Some motivational update from organizers would help to =)
added on the 2020-03-10 22:16:34 by magic magic
let's wait for official announcements and chill. hmkay?
added on the 2020-03-10 22:26:51 by jco jco
It will happen otherwise I'm going to drown in 30l+ of cider.
and I would be "stuck" with 7½lbs of stickers. :P but I'm not worried.

Some motivational update from organizers would help to =)
I trust D.Fox has our best interests in mind. If he's not saying anything, there's nothing new to tell us.
And we are still planning on a certain bday bash to have, Smile... I thus vote for: Give it a Go!
Most important question that no one seems to be asking: Is there going to be 5K run this year?
added on the 2020-03-11 07:21:48 by waffle waffle
A statement should come soon though, as some airlines do offer cancellations or re-bookings atm. But who knows how long they will offer this, seeing as this crisis gets worse every day :(

If revision gets cancelled, I guess people can rebook flights to attend fi EVOKE or other parties "nearby" Brussels,Frankfurt,Dusseldorf....etc once this shit blows over.
added on the 2020-03-11 10:53:51 by tFt tFt
Flüge sind abgeschafft, für Evogue reicht's!
added on the 2020-03-11 11:39:45 by porocyon porocyon
Today we have sad news to share with you. Due to the Covid-19 outbreak we're forced to cancel Revision 2020. But! We're doing a fully streamed Revision experience for you instead. Read the full announcement here of here
added on the 2020-03-11 14:02:49 by D.Fox D.Fox
So, for flight rebooking purposes, do we know when Evoke is this year?
added on the 2020-03-11 14:17:56 by Subi Subi
Subi, you should _know_ to check the webite first before you make an idiot of yourself on the internet: Ahem.
added on the 2020-03-11 14:19:17 by Subi Subi
Muhaha, “Welcome home”. This irony…
added on the 2020-03-11 14:53:00 by nodepond nodepond
Choose next year's motto wisely. Or simply bring back the evilbot.
added on the 2020-03-11 16:08:15 by AzzaroMWI AzzaroMWI
Aaaaw - yeah, this was pretty much the only right thing to do, given how things have evolved over the last couple of weeks.

I was "allowed" to go (by my family), as my 40th birthday gift, and I'm worried if I'll get the chance next year again ;)

Let me know if there's anything I or the rest of the DUB/TRSAC gang can do to help out with the online event or anything else related.

Thank you for doing your absolute best in general, and for pulling off an online event in particular! I'll be looking into setting up a small shadow party for sure.

To the rest: hopefully see you at another party later this year!
added on the 2020-03-11 16:50:27 by Puryx Puryx
aaawww... The message slowly but surely hits my emotional centre after some hours. There will be no Revision 2020 with all this sceners in real. =( =( =(

Miss you already.
added on the 2020-03-12 01:36:34 by nodepond nodepond
When you find out that Revision is cancelled
BB Image

added on the 2020-03-12 09:21:05 by darya darya
It was a shock when I got the sad news yesterday...Took me time to "absorb" :( But damn I remember when I saw this years "theme" ("Welcome Home")...Dunno something bothered me..
Anyway thanks and support to the organizers❤️ (the bright side of life : that's more time for my entry if I am not dead before)
added on the 2020-03-12 10:33:09 by Shantee Shantee
Dunno something bothered me..

The only thing that bothered me was the open fridge. Who the fuck leaves the fridge open? Could someone please close that damn fridge?
added on the 2020-03-12 11:43:41 by xxx xxx
Millionen Haushalte sperren lebensrettende Kälte in Schränke!
On the positive note - my hotel (Holiday Inn) just offered me free rebooking for Easter 2021. Might be a little bit too early, but should I reserve the dates?

This will be 2-5 April 2021. Never planned that much ahead, but what the hell - either this or no refund :D
added on the 2020-03-12 23:16:05 by AzzaroMWI AzzaroMWI
your quest of going to Revision 2021 might be the plot for Fallout 5!
added on the 2020-03-12 23:21:30 by el mal el mal


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