Trying to find a specific demo
category: general [glöplog]
I am trying to find an Amiga demo which I have a vague memory of watching on an emulator many years ago. It features Sonic the Hedgehog pulling a sort of roadsign from his ass (yes), and showing the sign to the viewer. He then shoves it back inside himself and runs off. I don't remember what was on the sign, but it was some small funny message of some kind.
Sonic wasn't the main theme of the demo, it was just a small cameo. I seem to have a feeling that the demo was made by Anarchy but I don't feel like going through all of their releases to find out. I've had one domain expert advise me that it could have been a Budbrain release.
Does this ring any bells for anyone? What if it never existed and it was just a weird dream I had as a child? If it never existed then does this mean it's my destiny to create it?
Thanks in advance.
Sonic wasn't the main theme of the demo, it was just a small cameo. I seem to have a feeling that the demo was made by Anarchy but I don't feel like going through all of their releases to find out. I've had one domain expert advise me that it could have been a Budbrain release.
Does this ring any bells for anyone? What if it never existed and it was just a weird dream I had as a child? If it never existed then does this mean it's my destiny to create it?
Thanks in advance.
If it never existed then does this mean it's my destiny to create it?
Please go ahead!
Boggledop from sanity perhaps
Sonic: Check
Roadsign: Check
Amiga: Hmmz
Pulling from ass: Sadly no
Sonic: Check
Roadsign: Check
Amiga: Hmmz
Pulling from ass: Sadly no
Hey, Jochen, nice shot! :)
It's funny how some things stick in our memory :-)
It's funny how some things stick in our memory :-)
Darude - Sandstorm ?
@Virgill: Amazing, that's the one! Thanks!
So this list is missing it
Indeed. If you find any more, let me know!
[23:59:48] <GargajCNS> my initial reaction would be one of the budbrain megademos
[00:00:06] <fizzer> it could be, but for some reason i think it was maybe anarchy
[00:00:51] <GargajCNS> could be; if it's anarchy it's maybe fastest to ask 4mat on twitter
[00:01:11] <GargajCNS> or Dan

Can I hijack this thread?
I'm looking for an old DOS demo probably from 1999-2001 (or software rendered Windows demo although I'm fairly sure it's for DOS) that contains a bunch of dot/wireframe cities, noise, somewhat white/grey 00's colorscheme and assembler code running on top of the visuals as an overlay effect. IIRC the readme mentioned something about it being unfinished, and it had a kind of an industrial soundtrack.
I'm looking for an old DOS demo probably from 1999-2001 (or software rendered Windows demo although I'm fairly sure it's for DOS) that contains a bunch of dot/wireframe cities, noise, somewhat white/grey 00's colorscheme and assembler code running on top of the visuals as an overlay effect. IIRC the readme mentioned something about it being unfinished, and it had a kind of an industrial soundtrack.
Certainly not an Anarchy demo...and definitely not one of mine ;)
well, you got even credited for it! :P (for the hidden part! ;) not included in...)´s a link btw:
BoggleDop by Sanity´s a link btw:
BoggleDop by Sanity