Outline 2019 - May 30th - June 2nd, Willemsoord, Netherlands
category: general [glöplog]
[x] ticket paid
[x] demo almost done
[ ] profit!
[x] demo almost done
[ ] profit!
[ ] fanta!
[ ] grolsch
when submisson open? two weeks till event?
Besides the excellent stop-motion invitation made by LiSU and released at Revision 2019 (http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=81119) our regular visitor Harekiet also released a great 256b invitation for MS-DOS (https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=81037) and last but not least we finally have the opportunity to post a complete invitation production (made by the Outline Organizing Team) straight onto a Pouet thread:

g0blinish: you can send entries to the usual address, the (slightly changed) rules are on our website. the most relevant change for you is probably that, if possible, we kindly ask to provide a video of the entry if it doesn't run natively on out compo systems, so to avoid misunderstandings, wrong emulator configurations, and so on and so forth :)
havoc, thank you. will submit entries l8r.
I share here some mixed feelings I have about the Outline:
100% yes.
0% nope.
100% yes.
0% nope.
I'll love to share some mixed feelings about Outline as well.

The last catering menu for Outline in Willemsoord has been determined! If you want to add these dinners to your Outline experience please don't forget to register on our website and pay your ticket and food before Sunday May 27th. :)
On Thursday at 7pm, we'll enjoy a Chinese and Indonesian buffet from restaurant Shanghai in Steenwijk. On Thursday, Maat Catering from Willemsoord will homecook a choice of mashed potatoes dishes with accompanying traditional Dutch meats and sours for us, to be served at 7pm. And on Saturday, Frisian Rent from De Blesse will as per tradition fire up the deepfrying pans in their Hapkar just before 7pm to serve you unlimited fries and famous Dutch snacks such as frikandel, kroket and kaassouffle- on a bun, if you so wish!

On Thursday at 7pm, we'll enjoy a Chinese and Indonesian buffet from restaurant Shanghai in Steenwijk. On Thursday, Maat Catering from Willemsoord will homecook a choice of mashed potatoes dishes with accompanying traditional Dutch meats and sours for us, to be served at 7pm. And on Saturday, Frisian Rent from De Blesse will as per tradition fire up the deepfrying pans in their Hapkar just before 7pm to serve you unlimited fries and famous Dutch snacks such as frikandel, kroket and kaassouffle- on a bun, if you so wish!

Can I have rendang on a bun?
numtek: If you arrange days off from your employer in the correct weekend then sure you can :P Only trouble is, the rendang is served on Thursday and the buns on Saturday- but being as inventive as you are, I'm sure you can come up with a solution for that!
Eat responsible:

Is there a decent forecast of the kind of weather to expect there this year ? Hope it is sunny and warm again outside - it has made quite the difference in the past :)
Demo is coming along nicely. I'm a bit suprised actually. So how are the releases going?

The weather predictions for this year's Outline are maybe not as optimistic as we've seen in some recent years. To make sure our visitors will be able to enjoy a proper summer experience despite that finicky detail, the Outline team has worked tirelessly over the last weeks to prepare an unprecedented expansion of our bar offerings. See the pictures attached to this post for the full menu of cocktails that will be poured for you live using top shelf liquors, 100% fresh juices and none other than the best supplementary ingredients that are available on the market- for the ridiculously low sum of only 2 euro per cocktail. If that doesn't give you the right summer vibe for Outline we don't know what will! :)

I hope you have enough ice.
Havoc: make sure that you have prepped as many ingredients as possible - let’s just say that I might be speaking from experience.
Mega thumbs up handcrafted cocktails, too bad I’m “too old” to participate this year :)
Mega thumbs up handcrafted cocktails, too bad I’m “too old” to participate this year :)
Puryx, have you tried not being these two in a single person? :)

oh my cocktails, that's a dangerous, dangerous game..
Tickets are still available! Don't forget to book yours before next Sunday so we can order your catering food & you avoid the 10eur extra fee at the bar!
Bombe, Puryx, Okkie: No worries, our planning and preparation has been meticulous. We've invested in tools and took a practical angle regarding the supply of ingredients so we're sure that we can actually serve the planned amount of cocktails. Whether that amount covers public demand entirely or only partially remains to be seen of course. :)
Bombe, Puryx, Okkie: No worries, our planning and preparation has been meticulous. We've invested in tools and took a practical angle regarding the supply of ingredients so we're sure that we can actually serve the planned amount of cocktails. Whether that amount covers public demand entirely or only partially remains to be seen of course. :)
What is the “planned amount of cocktails?” If it’s, like, 10 or so, let me tell you, I am not impressed.
What is the “planned amount of cocktails?” If it’s, like, 10 or so, let me tell you, I am not impressed.