Revision 2019 - April 19th to 22nd
category: parties [glöplog]
@fizzer: Nope, I actually ate most of it myself after Medo, Kabuto and Rene refused :P
(it was quite bad :P)
(it was quite bad :P)
@revision orgas: where can one see and download the photos from the photowall?
Oh great, found some appearances of me I had totally forgotten about :D Thanks, booze.
Dumb question, but are the music compos up somewhere in mp3/wav format somewhere? Specifically, the fast music compo. Some of the entries were catchy this year!
OK, massively belated post (been a bit busy post-revision)...
What a cracking year! Compos we're awesome and orga team did an epic job, like they always do, so thank you again for another Revision.
When I saw the wether forecast I was afraid the party hall was going to be a hideous sweat box but you seemed to control the temp in there pretty well. I didn't have any issues with the "AC" but I guess that maybe just seat I got, I dunno..
Thanks to the ravers who came out on Friday night for the TRSAC acid compo revisited. That was amazing fun :D
Great to see so many new comers bringing their A game productions too :) 64k fam is getting stronger.
The only down point for me was the fast music compo. In principal it's a great idea but picking the one song you hear 70+ times over 4 days (no not THAT one!) was a bit of a misstep I thought, especially when the rules state that the vocal has to be clear. A bit of refinement there and I think it'll be a cracking compo.
anyway... see you all next year, or at another party x leben.
What a cracking year! Compos we're awesome and orga team did an epic job, like they always do, so thank you again for another Revision.
When I saw the wether forecast I was afraid the party hall was going to be a hideous sweat box but you seemed to control the temp in there pretty well. I didn't have any issues with the "AC" but I guess that maybe just seat I got, I dunno..
Thanks to the ravers who came out on Friday night for the TRSAC acid compo revisited. That was amazing fun :D
Great to see so many new comers bringing their A game productions too :) 64k fam is getting stronger.
The only down point for me was the fast music compo. In principal it's a great idea but picking the one song you hear 70+ times over 4 days (no not THAT one!) was a bit of a misstep I thought, especially when the rules state that the vocal has to be clear. A bit of refinement there and I think it'll be a cracking compo.
anyway... see you all next year, or at another party x leben.
Was amazing to be at another Easter demoparty after so many years. For organization of this scale everything went supersmooth and you could feel things are being taken care of not just systematically but on a personal level accommodating the needs of individuals.
It felt considerably less wild to what I have been used to during early noughties, so it's funny to see people complaining about noise and stuff :)
However, I do agree about music being too loud -- not during the performances but exactly the democompos. It might indeed be a question of midrange being too forward though as that's what hit the ears most. Also it did feel like lots of music in the demos and compos were badly mixed/mastered but not all as some sounded great. There was some drum'n'bass tune with no bass whatsoever that left me baffled.
More food variety would be also good indeed, some salads and soups in particular would have been a nice addition. Props for free coffee and tea, a little touch that goes a long way!
It felt considerably less wild to what I have been used to during early noughties, so it's funny to see people complaining about noise and stuff :)
However, I do agree about music being too loud -- not during the performances but exactly the democompos. It might indeed be a question of midrange being too forward though as that's what hit the ears most. Also it did feel like lots of music in the demos and compos were badly mixed/mastered but not all as some sounded great. There was some drum'n'bass tune with no bass whatsoever that left me baffled.
More food variety would be also good indeed, some salads and soups in particular would have been a nice addition. Props for free coffee and tea, a little touch that goes a long way!
Thanks to the ravers who came out on Friday night for the TRSAC acid compo revisited. That was amazing fun :D.
Is there an audio recording of the set available anywhere?
I know it's a couple weeks late, but I finally feel like I'm recovering now, so here goes :)
THANK YOU SO MUCH! Everyone who helped put the party together and everyone who attended/participated. It was an absolute blast and I'm super happy I got to chill and talk to people more than I've felt like I've done in previous years (extra greets to the weather for that one!). Definitely the highlight of my year so far :)
THANK YOU SO MUCH! Everyone who helped put the party together and everyone who attended/participated. It was an absolute blast and I'm super happy I got to chill and talk to people more than I've felt like I've done in previous years (extra greets to the weather for that one!). Definitely the highlight of my year so far :)
Quick question for the beam team if I may.. What do you use for playing back the videos recorded from Old School Hardware? We did the same at Nova last year, but the playback framerate broke scrollers and I wanna try and avoid that again this year.
and I'm super happy I got to chill and talk to people more than I've felt like I've done in previous years
Same! <3
The video player used at Revision was very likely MPC-HC, as could be seen by the OSD overlays at playback start that somebody must have left enabled by accident :)
I'm not a Revision beamteam orga, but the most important thing for smooth playback is match your framerates. When showing 50p content (i.e. most things oldschool), configure Windows' video output to be 50p. If there's no 50p mode, create one. Make sure that there's no scan-converter or something in the chain that converts back to 60p.
If you have a compo with mixed 50p/60p content, you may want to sort the entries so that the number of mid-compo framerate changes is minimized.
I'm not a Revision beamteam orga, but the most important thing for smooth playback is match your framerates. When showing 50p content (i.e. most things oldschool), configure Windows' video output to be 50p. If there's no 50p mode, create one. Make sure that there's no scan-converter or something in the chain that converts back to 60p.
If you have a compo with mixed 50p/60p content, you may want to sort the entries so that the number of mid-compo framerate changes is minimized.
@KeyJ: yeah thats kinda what I got from someone who msg'd me on the subject. Will see if we can do a test before we start compos this year.
@KeyJ: Out of curiosity, what did you do about oldschool hardware hardly ever outputting exactly 50 / 60 fps? Live with occasional duplicated/dropped frame or slightly speed up / slow down the recording?
Could I ask for a proper dowload link for full photo archives instead of ultra-slow web galleries? Many thanks!
Quick question for the beam team if I may.. What do you use for playing back the videos recorded from Old School Hardware? We did the same at Nova last year, but the playback framerate broke scrollers and I wanna try and avoid that again this year.
MPC-HC with the Sync Renderer on (on some machines DirectX fullscreen is better, on others the regular FS), and of course first of all: Set the PC's output rate to 50Hz. We have the EDIDs of our equipment set up in a way that this is possible; if the refresh rate doesn't show up for you usually adding a custom resolution ala 1080p@50 and ignoring all the warnings does the trick. Oh, and of course all equipment between the PC and the projector needs to be set to 50Hz too if applicable (one of the reasons we still use a simple switch instead of a video mixer - mixing different frame rates is p much impossible)
MPC-HC settings:
- Player: Show OSD off
- Playback: Play to "0 times" (this way the video starts paused on the first frame, very handy), After playback to "Do nothing"
- Playback/Output: DirectShow video to "Sync Renderer", resizer to Bicubic A=-0.75, D3D Fullscreen depends on machine
- Playback/Fullscreen: Launch files in Fullscreen on, Exit fullscreen at the end of playback off, Hide controls in fullscreen on, and set to "never show"
- Playback/Sync Renderer Settings: Sync video to display please
This way video files start in fullscreen paused (press space to play), end in fullscreen paused (alt-enter exits fullscreen) and don't do anything funny in between. For testing you can press Crtl-J while playing; this shows information and a graph at the lower right that shows how well the Sync Renderer is doing; if the video rate matches the display rate you should see two straight-ish, slightly wiggliy lines. And if the rates don't match you're screwed anyway. :)
(i really should write that beamteam handbook some time. Obscure knowledge for the masses :) )
Plus: What KeyJ says. Minimize the rate changes. if you use Partymeister and Screens as beam system, you can change Screens' output resolution/rate on the fly (set to shift-F5 for 50 and shift-F6 for 60hz usually, check the config file). Also if you've got enoufg computers at the beamteam, just play all 50Hz entries from one and 60Hz ones from the other, and switch Screens to the rate of the next entry while the current one is stull running. That gives you the smoothest experience.
And yeah, sorry about that OSD we forgot to switch off. *cough* :D
And yeah, sorry about that OSD we forgot to switch off. *cough* :D
Kabuto: Live with the occasionally dropped frame it is in our case. At some point I got so used to it I could snap my fingers in rhythm with the jumps in the scrollers ;)
Been drunk for 4 Days after my keyboard-fail at the Shader-Showdown! ;)
But also had the most unremembered-4-days i ever had after that! ♥
But i get more and more remembrance each day and it seems i loved every minute of it again!
Keep going like that and i´ll have to move to Saarbrooklyn! ;) (too far from Evoke, tho! :P)
+ everything!
- nothing!
Demoparties reached their peak! Let´s keep it all as is now...Forever! :)
But also had the most unremembered-4-days i ever had after that! ♥
But i get more and more remembrance each day and it seems i loved every minute of it again!
Keep going like that and i´ll have to move to Saarbrooklyn! ;) (too far from Evoke, tho! :P)
+ everything!
- nothing!
Demoparties reached their peak! Let´s keep it all as is now...Forever! :)

Want to improve your french? Then jump here to read the report written by Madram/ Overlanders!

Hi there!
finaly, my recap of this years revision is done :)
YT channel:
finaly, my recap of this years revision is done :)
YT channel: