Pouët should have a group chat.
category: general [glöplog]
I feel like it's about time to do this. Slack and Discord are great ways to communicate nowadays, and new sceners may feel more welcome using these programs to talk with others.
Sure, we could use IRC. Fair point. Here's some advantages to using Slack or Discord:
Please respond with what you think!
Sure, we could use IRC. Fair point. Here's some advantages to using Slack or Discord:
- Channels are directly shown to you and can be configured easily.
- Channels can be customized without any hassle.
- You don't need to host your own server or depend on some other guy's server.
- Bots can be added from the click of a button.
- Roles can be tweaked a lot.
- Image embedding!
- Every client is the same. (Unless you are using BetterDiscord.)
Please respond with what you think!
we could use IRC
(and we do)
we could use IRC
(and we do)
most sceners use irc and hate to have yet another social chat application installed, but feel free to join my discord, there is a demoscene channel there :)

Couple of things about why I prefer IRC to Slack (which I use at work):
But you are depending on someone's server, except whose hosting your server is a startup, really. If you consider that more safe, more power to you.
Having done IRC and Slack bots both, they're about equally as complicated to get right.
Is that a good thing though? Slack doesn't even have a dark colorscheme, you have to go elbow deep in the Electron code to hack it in.
Personally I feel IRC comes with a necessary simplicity and mandatory techsavviness which is very much in line with making demos, and there's always IRCCloud as a halfway house if you feel like Discordifying IRC.
You don't need to host your own server or depend on some other guy's server.
But you are depending on someone's server, except whose hosting your server is a startup, really. If you consider that more safe, more power to you.
Bots can be added from the click of a button.
Having done IRC and Slack bots both, they're about equally as complicated to get right.
Image embedding!
Every client is the same. (Unless you are using BetterDiscord.)
Is that a good thing though? Slack doesn't even have a dark colorscheme, you have to go elbow deep in the Electron code to hack it in.
Personally I feel IRC comes with a necessary simplicity and mandatory techsavviness which is very much in line with making demos, and there's always IRCCloud as a halfway house if you feel like Discordifying IRC.
In SSRG's (Sonic Stuff Research Group) Discord, there is a bot that tracks IRC messages and sends them to their Discord, and vice versa.
I meant to reply to v3nom as a joke, sorry!
There's one thing I've been thinking about a lot for some time, and that's backlog and the social effects of it; modern chats always have backlog, on IRC you can run a bouncer if you want to but it's optional - I used to, and then I realized I spend way too much time reading backlog from when I wasn't in front of a PC, and it's usually just a pointless waste of time, and more importantly it just feels like something feeding into a FOMO state that's all too common nowadays, plus a bunch of people always assume you're there when you're not. So I feel better now about stuff when I'm not on IRC, because if it's important enough people will let me know, and if it's not important then there's no reason for me to worry about it.
If we accept the premise that things have to change, I would rather see Matrix than Discord or Slack as a new alternative. It is completely modifiable and not administrated from a single US office corporation.
We have already seen how all Iranian Slack accounts just vanished last year without any warning and how they unilaterally closed their IRC bridge.
Roughly speaking Discord is for gamers, Slack for the working life, Matrix is used by hackers. Of these it seems to me that Matrix is the most compatible with scene's DIY-spirit and undergroundish mentality. Since it is supported by some IRC clients, it is also likely to offer the smoothest transition and/or coexistence with IRC. Whatever technical and practical questions may arise in the future regarding to webchats, with Matrix it is possible to adopt the most popular features.
I suppose this appeals to gamers.
We have already seen how all Iranian Slack accounts just vanished last year without any warning and how they unilaterally closed their IRC bridge.
Roughly speaking Discord is for gamers, Slack for the working life, Matrix is used by hackers. Of these it seems to me that Matrix is the most compatible with scene's DIY-spirit and undergroundish mentality. Since it is supported by some IRC clients, it is also likely to offer the smoothest transition and/or coexistence with IRC. Whatever technical and practical questions may arise in the future regarding to webchats, with Matrix it is possible to adopt the most popular features.
Every client is the same.
I suppose this appeals to gamers.
Like MopeDude said, there are several IRC to Discord/Telegram/etc bridges available. For example Warma spent the last weekend setting up those for our friends who are less inclined to open an SSH terminal nowadays.
The disadvantage is, that of course these kind of bots then have to prefix the actual person on the other end with "<name> said something" -style of attribution. If you use irssi (or WeeChat?), you can easily script that away to show the 'real' person talking (I spent yesterday doing exactly that). Don't know how easy this is to do in a modern chat app.
The disadvantage is, that of course these kind of bots then have to prefix the actual person on the other end with "<name> said something" -style of attribution. If you use irssi (or WeeChat?), you can easily script that away to show the 'real' person talking (I spent yesterday doing exactly that). Don't know how easy this is to do in a modern chat app.
Well.. TDF 2018 used Discord instead of irc, but i prefer latter's style.
I haven't actually heard of Slack until now. Is this just another ICQ clone?
Telegram is good solution(while some government idiots didn't banned one.)
pouet should have group counselling!
what is this "internet" thing anyway...
It's like a BBS but you use a mouse to control it.
except if you are a artiste, then you use a wacom
Very good metaphor..
does zx platforn needs to be subdivided?
lets discuss that on discord
a javascript based irc-client embedded directly in one of the boxes on the pouet frontpage! wouldn't that be nice?
a javascript based irc-client embedded directly in one of the boxes on the pouet frontpage! wouldn't that be nice?
Actually, good idea! I hope it wouldn't replace the oneliner...
a javascript based irc-client embedded directly in one of the boxes on the pouet frontpage! wouldn't that be nice?
Not when you realize what the difference between "stateful" and "stateless" is :)