what to do with hates / permanent thumbdowners?
category: general [glöplog]
nice, this thread keeps on delivering.
lvd: Okay, that's totally understandable. Who are the prime offenders then, regarding shitstorming, from your perspective?
lvd: Okay, that's totally understandable. Who are the prime offenders then, regarding shitstorming, from your perspective?
Since the thread was bumped even though no one seems too keen on it….
Didn’t say that and it wasn’t the point either.
If i rephrase and say sceners instead maybe my words make more sense?
On the other hand, from what i’ve gathered most active (guess i have to add ‘european’ to make it clear..) sceners seem to use Pouet (assumption based on releases where authors are registered users and/or commenting) anyway so beyond eventually being wrong about ppl being aware (probably reluctant) of the drama i don’t really get what difference it makes.
But it’s perhaps nice to point out that pouet!=scene in the unfortunate event that someone who googled ‘demoscene' ends up in this very thread and can’t be bothered to read the faq ;)
ceyT’s post about history make me think these kind of disputes are ages old anyway while this particular zx-evo case has some personal spice to it so i’ll take g0blinishs advice and view this from a distance.
Scene-cred<amount of text by far so i’ll just start living up to my handle again.
Quote:What i find weird though is the claim that most of the russian demoscene isn't aware of the issue when in my experience, if not all but many of, pouets users is.
pouet!=scene && scene!=pouet
Didn’t say that and it wasn’t the point either.
If i rephrase and say sceners instead maybe my words make more sense?
On the other hand, from what i’ve gathered most active (guess i have to add ‘european’ to make it clear..) sceners seem to use Pouet (assumption based on releases where authors are registered users and/or commenting) anyway so beyond eventually being wrong about ppl being aware (probably reluctant) of the drama i don’t really get what difference it makes.
But it’s perhaps nice to point out that pouet!=scene in the unfortunate event that someone who googled ‘demoscene' ends up in this very thread and can’t be bothered to read the faq ;)
ceyT’s post about history make me think these kind of disputes are ages old anyway while this particular zx-evo case has some personal spice to it so i’ll take g0blinishs advice and view this from a distance.
Scene-cred<amount of text by far so i’ll just start living up to my handle again.
I'm kinda keen on it, tbh. I entered the rabbit hole, now I wanna know everything. Maybe it's a guilty pleasure, but I'd like to understand whats going on for real. Learned a lot about speccy already, following the debate.
"We have computer which can beat your computer!"
TS-Labs, you are the "guys and gals" who took that Evo HW platform and hacked it to be more capable. Great job, that is super cool! And I don't get why others would feel otherwise? Or am I getting this wrong?
I didn't even hack the platform, I developed a new architecture for it as the authors originally encouraged people to do. May be they thought themselves to be the best in the Universe and that no one will accept the challenge, but suddenly...
I, without false modesty, consider TS-Conf a sort of FPGA demoscene. Hope, someone else will be able to stuff a 2880 LCs FPGA with 7MHz DRAM memory with this number of features =)
Seems to be personal issue/s alltogether. Wich wil never be cleared out regardless of any amount of subdivisions of platforms.
I see NO issues from my side. The only issue is LVD and Alone Coder feel a butthurt of such an extreme power that cannot eat. I'm a kinda calm and peaceful, but won't tollerate a slam.

TS-Labs, I like this approach. If people use the same FPGA platform this makes a lot of sense, especially when comparing what people do with it.
When I tried to do a real FPGA demo guess what happened? Exactly the same person named introspec declared jihad with me and then he and his friends voted their ones for my prod. Recently I've also got promises for getting exactly the same votes from them if I'd try to release any prod ever again.
That makes statements of 'fpga demoscene' ridiculous. FPGA or not FPGA -- demoscene for the select few, with any undesirable people get banned by the organized group of haters.
That makes statements of 'fpga demoscene' ridiculous. FPGA or not FPGA -- demoscene for the select few, with any undesirable people get banned by the organized group of haters.
'FPGA demoscene' isn't a best term, but I only meant that I squeezed in a lot of stuff into a small chip, like 4k intros or something.
But tsconf is a fully standalone architecture and isn't a demo, if you compare it to your Cube intro. What you wanted to show with Cube is that one can put all code and h/w accels into FPGA and start the thing with allegedly zero lines of code. Your Cube occupies the whole chip and can only make cubing with the Z80 code sucked out from FPGA RAM, nothing else. Which isn't the case for TS-Conf. Cube is just an exaggeratory example.
The very texture mapping engine of yours could be a part of a hypothetical configuration, but I suppose it occupies too much space in FPGA to place there anything else.
'FPGA demoscene' isn't a best term, but I only meant that I squeezed in a lot of stuff into a small chip, like 4k intros or something.
But tsconf is a fully standalone architecture and isn't a demo, if you compare it to your Cube intro. What you wanted to show with Cube is that one can put all code and h/w accels into FPGA and start the thing with allegedly zero lines of code. Your Cube occupies the whole chip and can only make cubing with the Z80 code sucked out from FPGA RAM, nothing else. Which isn't the case for TS-Conf. Cube is just an exaggeratory example.
The very texture mapping engine of yours could be a part of a hypothetical configuration, but I suppose it occupies too much space in FPGA to place there anything else.
Who are the prime offenders then, regarding shitstorming, from your perspective?
The first person that declared jihad on me and Alone Coder is of course ТS-Lаbs. Not sure whether persons like introspec and alike were directly convinced by him to be against me, or maybe they've made the conclusions like "if I will friendly with those two, the same shit would be placed on me" or something else -- dunno. But the root cause is definite for me.
I, without false modesty, consider TS-Conf a sort of FPGA demoscene
But tsconf is a fully standalone architecture and isn't a demo
What a nice case of schizophrenia! :)
Also, they tell me what I've meant in my prods! What a perkiness!
Also they tell me what my FPGA config is able to make, haha.
First to say, it is a full ZX 128k -- with even demos like insult or rage working OK.
Second, the config still has plenty of free space (in terms of logic elements inside the FPGA), around 64% is occupied, everything else is free.
Third, additional to ZX 128k hardware is basically a texturator with also wide multipliers and dividers to help Z80 -- and is obviously able to texture just about ANY object, provided the proper rotations and projections are done by the CPU.
The conclusion: what they say I've made, implied etc. is not true by any means.
First to say, it is a full ZX 128k -- with even demos like insult or rage working OK.
Second, the config still has plenty of free space (in terms of logic elements inside the FPGA), around 64% is occupied, everything else is free.
Third, additional to ZX 128k hardware is basically a texturator with also wide multipliers and dividers to help Z80 -- and is obviously able to texture just about ANY object, provided the proper rotations and projections are done by the CPU.
The conclusion: what they say I've made, implied etc. is not true by any means.
The first person that declared jihad on me and Alone Coder is of course ТS-Lаbs.
The first person that declared jihad on me and my friends is of course LVD. =) ROFL
Well, actually all over we told about FPGA you were ripping on me for any good reason. Then you started shitting on r0bat, who was your friend initially, because he was insterested in TS-Conf and not in ATM. Then the bash started.
Not sure whether persons like introspec and alike were directly convinced by him to be against me
What I like most of you and Alone Coder is that you always judge people using your own thinking paradigm. Alone Coder spammed literally every person of Russian demoscene with 'letters of good news' where he wrote that TS-guys are scumbags and proved latter with tons of IRC quotations. That was lovely. But I never did anything like that, hehe.
Second, the config still has plenty of free space (in terms of logic elements inside the FPGA), around 64% is occupied, everything else is free.
I said 'I suppose', I got no idea how bad things are for this texturator. Good for you that you made it tiny. If you now can tell me that you can add it to Baseconf and the whole thing will fit - I'll remove my hat. Can you?
And stop seeing 50 shades of black and white. I suppose it's a professional deformation, but still it's wrong. Your logic is pretty useful in FPGAs but isn't much applicable IRL.
type code not pstos - it's better for scene than play with words.
all the involved ppl should probably lock themselves in a room and take MDMA together. the fact that you fundamentally share the same interests while somehow being "locked" in a impossible to solve "he said this, he started, but but but" hatewar should be below your dignity imho. hug each other, share some vodkas, and keep the competition where it belongs: in democompos.
@jco, I'll bring a full-height portrait of mine to such a session. As I said I'm OK to speak to anybody and I keep no grudge to no one. I have to refute the allegations though.
Well Garg - leaving this to play out certainly resolved it to everyone's satisfaction.
this is the best thread ever, i can't stop reading. gimme more!!!!
Pain In The Asm, he he :)
Exactly the same person named introspec declared jihad with me and then he and his friends voted their ones for my prod. Recently I've also got promises for getting exactly the same votes from them if I'd try to release any prod ever again.
This is so funny, considering the fact, you didn't get a single thumbdown for your release after that "promise" (if it was given at all) from that people afterwards. (We won't count thumbdowns from goblinish, cause we can't call him adequate enough)
But. If we turn to your thumbdowns... Oh my.
And this is just a few or them, randomly selected.
I mean, come on, it could be just your opinion buy hey - just go and open any, let's say, sibcrew or introspec's prod and watch the comments - you will always lvd's thumbdown there. Are all of these prods really that bad? Do you really think they are?
Ok, i understand - introspec insulted you badly. But what did sibcrew do to you? What diver did? What i did?
I could miss something, and i didn't count your thumbdowns to any TS-Conf prod (one can go and watch for it, if interested - you thumbed down every single TS-Conf prod) and goblinish's (just because he thumbs you down as well).
So, turns out, correct me if i'm wrong, but you consistently thumb down any release from the people you personally hate (sibcrew, outsiders, introspec, diver, etc - and remember, we don't consider TS-Conf prods). But how many your prods got thumbdowns from that people? One, or so? So, how long is you plan to revenge?
And for the record: let's check now, if all the next prods i'll take a part in, will be thumbed down.
To clarify my point personally to lvd:
lvd, i do not hate you and your friends, i do not hate nobody. i respect you for your professional skills as a coder and hardware maker, i appreciate everything that you did for the zx scene. this is very true, and you know, i even gave you an apology for the personal insults, which were many years ago. so, i did not have any personal disaffection to you and for any prod you've ever made.
but i really upset by getting thumbed down and blamed in comments for the prod i took part in, only because there are people who also took part in it, who you personally hate.
i feel this is not right.
lvd, i do not hate you and your friends, i do not hate nobody. i respect you for your professional skills as a coder and hardware maker, i appreciate everything that you did for the zx scene. this is very true, and you know, i even gave you an apology for the personal insults, which were many years ago. so, i did not have any personal disaffection to you and for any prod you've ever made.
but i really upset by getting thumbed down and blamed in comments for the prod i took part in, only because there are people who also took part in it, who you personally hate.
i feel this is not right.
Just tried to imagine a mental experiment: what if every person from each group that was thumbdowned by LVD would thumbdowm his or his friends' prods? As my granny told me when I was a kid: if you spit on everybody nothing happens, if everybody spits on you you'll drown.
@lvd: nice avatar