Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]
your node editor looks like a late 90s satori demo!

pandur: wow!
g0blinish: :)
g0blinish: :)
pandur : rock hard
yup. It's calling for another prod.
calls for a "color on"-remix

some "proximitors" in a box :)

rez: you like teasin' us don't you? :D
rez i am considering marrying you
can of worms :D

ho yes I did that too, before the 3d box!

Really cool wip in here!
baah: perhaps make your ffen2tex tool available on github?
@neoneye: thank you for the idea, will look at it, but for the moment I think I am the only user of my tool O_o
@baah: your docs is full of great examples

Inspiration sometimes comes from the strangest of places:

baah: what neoneye said. Looks very cool!

cellular automaton.