category: general [glöplog]
As a general idea of the scene, would anyone on here classify themself as a teenager or know a teenage scener (that isn't me ofc)?
Don't recall at the moment any teenager but there're quite many early 20's sceners in Finland, so most likely teenagers exist as well! My general feeling/hope is that there're always young people joining and becoming active in the scene. Show must go on etc :)
http://www.pouet.net/user.php?who=100907 at least of course. Well in this case not even teenager yet :)
In the 80s/90s there were tens of thousands of us being teenagers, haha!
I remember how baffled i was when i heard the coder of State of the Art" (LoneStarr/Spaceballs) was in my age (14) back then!
I remember how baffled i was when i heard the coder of State of the Art" (LoneStarr/Spaceballs) was in my age (14) back then!
I "classify" as a teenager for more than 1 year by now :-)
i claim to be 15 - since 1989
there a couple of <20yo guys in the french scene as far as i know

Teenagers look weird nowadays.
At least I joined the scene as a teenager (13 or 14 as I recall)
Mistä of MEHU members are still teenagers right? Like waffle Said lotsa 20-30y olds in Finland.
Most* Fuck autocorrect.
I know of at least one teen and one preteen who are related to sceners :) . BTW, this blew my mind (and is on-topic :D).

ham> <3
hehehhee, i was a teenager (by birth date) almost an year ago (yeah when doing zx and dos stuff, why not ;), but honestly still being forever 17 in heart :D
tbh, most people in the scene are mentally 12. :D
Also that tape ham posted is not Amstrad's best album, his asian movie inspired vapour project "Shadow Warriors" is much better! I'm super happy I got the limited edition tape on bandcamp!

Also that tape ham posted is not Amstrad's best album, his asian movie inspired vapour project "Shadow Warriors" is much better! I'm super happy I got the limited edition tape on bandcamp!

One of the best albums from Amstrad is still Trantor.
Played it a lot during my teenage years.
Unfortunately I only had the digital release.

Played it a lot during my teenage years.
Unfortunately I only had the digital release.

Dad to a couple of teenagers. 1 who codes so there's that.Probably a bit of a manchild - but aren't we all?
Youngest "scener" I know of is 5 years old, but usually these young ones are scener's kids, who seem to lose the interest for their parent's hobby when they become teenagers.
Maybe slimey, but I don't and I'm not sure he's even old enough to be classed as a teenager yet.
Slimey is breeding over a version of "geomerty dash" on pico-8 atm. Seems he´s more interested in games atm :P
I'm a teenager (18yo) :)
Didn't actually know anyone involved in the scene, found it mentioned somewhere on the internet and thought it was cool, and that I wanted to try it.
Didn't actually know anyone involved in the scene, found it mentioned somewhere on the internet and thought it was cool, and that I wanted to try it.
Yeah, I'm 12 years old
Probably Ized classifies - he is 12 years old.
Yeah, I'm 12 years old
can confirm, he is indeed 12 years old