what happend to 3LN ?
category: general [glöplog]
looks like all prods wiped out :(
The file was hosted on m0d's personal website, which isn't up anymore.
Also, they have distanced themselves from the demoscene, so chances of the author reuploading it somewhere else are slim.
This is why it's strongly encouraged to host demoscene related files on scene.org instead of personal websites.
Also, they have distanced themselves from the demoscene, so chances of the author reuploading it somewhere else are slim.
This is why it's strongly encouraged to host demoscene related files on scene.org instead of personal websites.
tomo: "they"?
tomo: "they"?
m0d identifies as trans non-binary, according to their now-defunct website:
archive.org link
i believe the correct way to pronoun would then be xe, not they.
seems xe is better now and its back up
Is it official now? Last time I read about the issue "they" were winning. "Xe" just sounds like an Angolan starting a phrase.
Different non-binary people use a lot of different pronouns, there is no "official" non-binary pronoun.
Yes. Although "they" in English can be used to refer to a person of any gender, both binary and non-binary.
Reminder for next time something goes off the grid: http://pouet-mirror.sesse.net/ regularly crawls all new Pouët links (well, with some exceptions), including the prod in question.