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My First Stupid Pouet Thread

category: general [glöplog]
ep: maybe you should try to undertand the scene again instead of bullshitting about it's state or how it can be saved. do some prods, attend some parties, meet some people. you're fighting for a point of view which has been corrupted through time, destroyed by your ego and displaced by faltry logic biased and disrupted by your ideas on the world. all of this, associated with your necessity for glory and recognition, strive for immediate comprehension of the current state of the scene you neglected, is deeming your vision blured and your spirit insulted.

you are refusing the see the obvious due to (and through) the insults thrown at your ridiculous claims.

you, dear sir, are lost in a dark maze and will never have once more the chance to see the light of day again unless someone randomly spits/spats you out into the right direction. even if you would ever see the light of day again (which i strongly believe you wont), your ego would never admit it's deviance and your words would never be easily respected, let alone heard, ever again by the great majority of the other people with whom you once shared a passion with.

i pity your ignorance. i hope, but doubt, that one day you will have the strength, vision and decency to admit it openly.

i pity the world you live in, shrouded in darkness, swallowed with ignorance, narrowminded, absorted, egocentrical, disturbed, infested with corrupted religion besetched of erroneous dogmas your imagination has conjured.

i also pity the fools who waste time reasoning with the unreasonable and the ones who are equally clouded and disturbed enough to actually believe it to be even remotly truthfull.

buy a flashlight, draw a map, then come back to ask for reasoning.
added on the 2005-01-25 00:54:09 by psenough psenough
yeah, and please ep, beware of the Grue :-)
added on the 2005-01-25 00:57:24 by sparcus sparcus
art [aY] n. m.

• Xe, d'ab. « science, savoir », puis « moyen, méthode »; lat. ars, artis; souv. fém. jusqu'au XVIe

I¨ Ensemble de moyens, de procédés réglés qui tendent à une fin.

1¨ (1160) Vx Moyen d'obtenir un résultat (par l'effet d'aptitudes naturelles); ces aptitudes (adresse, habileté). — Mod. L'art de faire qqch. Þ façon, manière. « Je confesse mon faible, elle a l'art de me plaire » (Molière). — Plaisant Il a l'art d'ennuyer tout le monde, de m'énerver. — Faire qqch. avec art. Þ 2. adresse, habileté, savoir-faire. Loc. mod. Faire qqch. pour l'amour de l'art, par plaisir, et non par intérêt. Avoir l'art et la manière. Ouvrage* d'art.
à Spécialt (appliqué à la littérature, à l'art [II]) L'habileté jointe à la connaissance des moyens. « L'art ne fait que des vers, le cœur seul est poète » (A. Chénier). « L'art est de cacher l'art » (Joubert). C'est du grand art. — Loc. C'est l'enfance de l'art.

2¨ Vx ou littér. (opposé à nature) Ce que l'homme ajoute à la nature, ce qui est artificiel* (Þ aussi artefact). « La délicatesse est un don de la nature, et non pas une acquisition de l'art » (Pascal). « L'art gâte quelquefois la nature en cherchant à la perfectionner » (La Bruyère).

3¨ (XIIIe) Vx ou spécialt Ensemble de connaissances et de règles d'action dans un domaine particulier; les connaissances, par opposition à une science envisagée abstraitement. Þ activité, discipline.

4¨ Spécialt, vx Métier exigeant une aptitude et des connaissances (apprentissage) de la part de la personne qui l'exerce (Þ artiste). « L'on peut s'enrichir dans quelque art ou dans quelque commerce » (La Bruyère). Se perfectionner dans un art. « La critique est aisée et l'art est difficile » (Destouches).
à Mod. L'art culinaire, militaire, l'art vétérinaire. L'homme de l'art : le spécialiste compétent. Spécialt Consulter un homme de l'art, un médecin. Le noble art : la boxe. Les arts martiaux.
à Vx (ou dans des usages spéciaux) Technique particulière; ensemble de règles pour produire qqch. Les règles d'un art. Mod. Loc. Les règles de l'art : la manière correcte, réglée, de procéder. Il m'a reçu dans toutes les règles de l'art.
à Mod. (avec de et l'inf.) Art de vivre* (I, 3o). « Il y a un art de marcher, un art de respirer : il y a même un art de se taire » (Valéry).
à Art poétique*.

5¨ (fin XIIe) Plur. Anciennt Arts libéraux, ceux dans lesquels le travail intellectuel est dominant. Les sept arts libéraux étaient enseignés dans les facultés des arts, au Moyen Âge. Þ dialectique, grammaire, rhétorique (trivium); 2. arithmétique, astronomie, géométrie, musique (quadrivium). Vx Arts mécaniques, qui exigent surtout un travail manuel ou mécanique.
à (1786) Mod. Conservatoire des arts et métiers (arts mécaniques). Les arts ménagers : industries et techniques visant à améliorer le confort dans la vie quotidienne. Le Salon des arts ménagers. — (1752) Les beaux-arts, consacrés à la production de la beauté. Þ beaux-arts (et ci-dessous, II). — Arts d'agrément : musique, tapisserie, aquarelle.
à Absolt Les arts : la littérature, la poésie, les arts libéraux et les beaux-arts. « M. Turgot est le protecteur de tous les arts » (Voltaire). Le temple des arts.

II¨ (1752) Mod. Spécialisation d'emplois de I (cf. Beaux-arts).

1¨ Absolt Expression par les œuvres de l'homme, d'un idéal esthétique; ensemble des activités humaines créatrices visant à cette expression. « La mission de l'art n'est pas de copier la nature, mais de l'exprimer » (Balzac). — Loc. L'art pour l'art : l'art qui n'a pas d'autre but que lui-même, qui ne vise pas l'utile, mais le beau.
à Spécialt (excluant les disciplines du langage et souvent limité aux arts plastiques). La création d'œuvres en architecture, peinture, musique, etc. Œuvre d'art, objet d'art. Critique d'art. Institut d'art et d'archéologie. Ville d'art, riche en œuvres d'art. Livre d'art, contenant des reproductions d'œuvres d'art. Histoire de l'art. Sociologie de l'art. Cinéma d'art et d'essai*.

2¨ Chacun des modes d'expression de la beauté. L'art dramatique. L'art lyrique. Les arts plastiques ou arts de l'espace. Þ architecture, gravure, peinture, sculpture; photographie. Les arts du temps. Þ musique; danse; cinéma. Arts utilitaires* (Þ high-tech). — Loc. Le septième art : le cinéma. Le huitième art : la télévision. Le neuvième art : la bande dessinée. Les arts décoratifs*. Arts appliqués*. Les arts du spectacle.

3¨ Création des œuvres d'art; ensemble des œuvres (à une époque; dans un lieu particulier). L'art contemporain, postmoderne. Étudier l'art égyptien, l'art italien. L'art des steppes. Musée national d'Art moderne. — Spécialt Art nouveau, se dit des styles d'art plastique développés en Europe entre 1885 et 1914. Þ modern style. Appos. Des chambres art nouveau. Art déco (Þ décoratif). — L'art, les arts populaires (Þ folklore). — (Selon les styles) Art classique, baroque. Art abstrait, figuratif (en peinture, sculpture). (trad. it.) Art pauvre, dans lequel les objets de la vie quotidienne sont abondamment utilisés.

Ä HOM. Are, arrhes, ars, hart.
added on the 2005-01-25 01:09:09 by ep ep
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added on the 2005-01-25 01:17:11 by ep ep
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added on the 2005-01-25 01:24:50 by keops keops
added on the 2005-01-25 01:43:30 by p01 p01

Well I understand people like you are impossible to have a good discussion with.

So what to do ?

Coming to a party, and killing you ?
Not interresting, you are a git, and that's all ps !

Demos are the reason for my darkness of spirit :

1/ get some time download tons of demos,
2/ make some statistics and you will see that generally there is a lot of black pixels, more than any other piece of art.

Light up and get this number of black pixels and you will see the black backgrounds.
Hopefully the pouet layout isn't like this.
This is night in your mind, sadly.

Get some info about screens and their effect on people :
they hypnotize, create a second reality, make people dreaming and that's all.

Religion ?
Ho my god, you don't exist I bet : who have created you ?
And your creator ?

Religions ?
Advertisement and propaganda to create big wars worldwide.

Ideologies ?
Reaching a perfect model is a dangerous way of living for people around you.

Nothing is model, everybody is everybody and everybody is different.

Here my interpretation of a part of the bible :

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"Even when God is not speaking verbally,
the study of the creation speaks with an eloquence that compels us to stand in silent wonder before the Creator."

EP thought : You understand now why I study the creation !!! :)

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"We trust God, but we wonder about why of all the pain we and others around us must endure."

EP thought : more pain like this, plz !

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"To the degree that we participate in his suffering, to that degree we will revel in his glory."

EP thought : I suffer, more and more, ah I see, the glory is reveled ! :)
added on the 2005-01-25 01:54:21 by ep ep
added on the 2005-01-25 02:00:38 by rmeht rmeht
Yes, I reveal you the beauties of the creation !
I hope you aren't too much shocked !

The best bible interpretation ever.

Never misunderstand my deepness of ANALysis.


Plz give me links to good soft, deep, slow musics or songs :
my girlfriends love them and are nice with me while listening to.
added on the 2005-01-25 02:20:03 by ep ep
Never misunderstand my deepness of ANALysis

the first one is ugly.
the second one has fake boobs
the third one acts as a bitch
and you are a pr0nstahr newbie

that's my mere opinion :)
added on the 2005-01-25 02:52:20 by rmeht rmeht
for ppl tired of this huge display of idiocy, i create an annoyinguser ignore function, easily accessable through account2.php which ignores all users on pouet who are disturbingly annoying. if this category englobes certain people you do not wish to ignore please feel free not to use it. as an alternative you can use the css trickery disclosed by p01 on the faq. enjoy pouët!
added on the 2005-01-25 03:25:17 by psenough psenough
indeed i'm not sure that pouet was originally invented to be the outlet for the talky deliriums of frustrated thinkers and wacko computer nerds...

now ep take your pills, slip your strait-jacket on and go meet Shane in his cell. He's got a game for you.

btw you said you have grown up, got mature etc... sorry to contradict you, but you do sound like a noob teenager that has just discovered pr0n.

poor limeys, they didn't deserve you. Even if they gave Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair to the world.
added on the 2005-01-25 03:35:38 by Zest Zest
post to push thread to next page #1
added on the 2005-01-25 05:16:26 by crusader crusader
post to push thread to next page #2
added on the 2005-01-25 05:16:46 by crusader crusader
stopped posting these when I remembered custom.php
added on the 2005-01-25 05:20:39 by crusader crusader
I thought ohase was an alias for scamp and he sometimes had a bot working under this nickname.
added on the 2005-01-25 08:22:03 by Adok Adok
that was oSTERhASE, not Ohase.
added on the 2005-01-25 09:56:10 by Gargaj Gargaj
fred oster?!
added on the 2005-01-25 10:01:36 by havoc havoc
Never misunderstand my deepness of ANALysis

Wow, I hope you and Adok analyse your problems a bit.

Well I understand people like you are impossible to have a good discussion with.

I think you aren't able to comunicate with us.
Half of your threads is in french, the other half is what I was able to read. When I (and others) replied to you, you haven't come with arguments, you only came up with new weirdo-stuff.

An anim is big ?
Ok, it’s big but DVD players are really common today
and watching demos using a DVD can be a way to reach more people.

At that point you are missing one fact: Who makes the DVDs? Who sells/shipps them? How much will it cost me to get the best 100 demo^H^H^H^Hanimations from a year? With my standard broadband connection I had no problems downloading demos, depacking and running them.
This is the point where your articles stays unclear and where reading on isn't worth.

Your only reply on that topic was into ps' direction:
1/ get some time download tons of demos,
I ask you once again, how should users like me come to a DVD?
fred oster presenting the "cavia game" on dutch national tv:
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added on the 2005-01-25 10:05:03 by havoc havoc
[quote]Je suis devenu adulte, je ne reve plus...[\quote]

That's the problem.
Si tu en reve plus ta vie doit etre vraiment triste.
added on the 2005-01-25 12:04:47 by jb jb
so that's what his argument boils down to... too much black in demos. that's the most hilarious criticism i've ever heard. it's hard to believe it isn't satire.

Beethoven? Bah, he sucks, he used the black keys way too much.
added on the 2005-01-25 13:25:33 by jazzman jazzman
1/ When I give arguments in articles / web sites, ppl don't read
2/ I adapt myself to the overall level
3/ I speak french as you're so superior, you should understand
4/ I do not speak german, I'm so inferior...
5/ Dreaming ? I'm not living in illusion anymore, hopefully.
6/ I'm not sad, I've really entered life
7/ Black means death in most cultures
8/ You oppose yourself because you love that : you're childish
9/ You allways find to others weaknesses, you don't see yours
10/ I act like you, I adapt myself, I'm a mirror
11/ Not happy with my comm ? I'm not happy with demos. 1-1
12/ Majic 12, Ray of hope 2 : a good demo like EP loves

I'm happy with oldskool stuff so I will stay with that.
See you later, in hugi articles : not happy ? Write better articles.
added on the 2005-01-25 13:46:27 by ep ep
not as funny as limp bustrip
added on the 2005-01-25 13:55:47 by the_Ye-Ti the_Ye-Ti
7) Google tells me another story

And once again you haven't answered my question about the DVD thingy. It seems you like the pet shop boys, now here is my question: How can you expect to be taken seriously?


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