Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]
is this a moving effect and it did happen by accident?
or is it just a painting?
or is it just a painting?
it's a "test" I did for a brush smudge effect for Black Ink like these ones :

okami is calling!

^^ Crap I was working on last year. :|

@noby i wanna marry it
Noby. I hate you. That thing there is basically the exact concept we have for a Dead Roman demo. :) Now though, all I want is to watch yours!
@gloom You're not the only one. @noby I also hate you a bit :) Well, it's too late for me to go back and redesign, so let's enjoy each other's works!
tomaes: love it!
@gloom, @merry: Not surprised I'm not alone in realizing what possibilities offered by current GPU hardware.. :). Had the idea since like right after assembly but only started working on it... two days ago. Argh. Good luck with your endeavours!
noby: artsy! hope the final product won't have dubstep :D
gi is the new raymarching :P
@Virgill: it is.

It's too rainy outside.

preview of my 2nd demo?
@FishyFlashy: Looks nice!
Noby: Nice! :)
@FishyFlashy: Cubes are always good.

Tigrou: lovely!
is tigrou making a demo?
metaball me beautiful =)
best-looking metaballz ever! so meaty! :D Haha, MEATballz, i see what you did there now!
add some 3d-background and shadows! ;)
add some 3d-background and shadows! ;)
Is it fair to post someone else's work? :)