Difference between x86 and ARM
category: residue [glöplog]
...just wondering if anyone here knows anything about coding for ARM? Like, what's the difference between it and x86? Like, I guess, instead of MOV EAX,2 , it'll be MOV <ARM REGISTER>,2 :) .....but what's the actual difference?? Do ARM chips do anything that Intel ones don't? What does the instruction set allow you to do that Intel does NOT- THIS is the actual question....?
....and is Android the only OS available for ARM? (As I understand, this is how things are, at least currently...) ?
....and is Android the only OS available for ARM? (As I understand, this is how things are, at least currently...) ?
What an interesting question! The difference between ARM and x86 is

hm so all those questions did not led to one single prod?
They're both turing complete.
There's plenty of documentation available online. Even in the form of videos.
....and is Android the only OS available for ARM? (As I understand, this is how things are, at least currently...) ?
Correct, I did some research and found out that ARM is an acronym for "Android Runs, Man!" and the platform was specifically designed for Android phones. The Wikipedia article on ARM also confirms that there is not a single other operating system for this platform. Compared to x86, ARM can do many more things, namely everything your Android phone can do that your Windows computer can't!
The thing I enjoyed most about ARM assembly was the conditional execution. Often you don't need jumps, because each and every instruction is executed only if the flags are set the way the instruction indicates. Of course, things may have changed since ARM7TDMI ;) .
The biggest difference is that you can't write PC demos on ARM and you can't write Game Boy Advance demos on x86.
Now go write a demo about THAT!
The biggest difference is that you can't write PC demos on ARM and you can't write Game Boy Advance demos on x86.
Now go write a demo about THAT!
Actually, if you solder a 10 pf capacitor between pin 1 and 47 on a arm cpu you can run x86 code on it.
If I solder on a flux capacitor instead, can I travel through time while playing Chrono Trigger? :)
There's a whole lot of ARM out there as Saga Musix said..
SOC mini computer boards like Raspberry Pi, all ARM.. if you want go deep, and ground up thats a place, but you lose access to all the GPU acceleration.. like the problem with modern windows machines and GPUs..
err.. and iOS (iPhone/iPad/iPod touch), and Microsoft Mobile..
(its been rumoured for a long time that Apple may move to 16 or 32 core ARM CPUs, of their own design for desktops in future too..)
Quote:....and is Android the only OS available for ARM? (As I understand, this is how things are, at least currently...) ?
Correct, I did some research and found out that ARM is an acronym for "Android Runs, Man!" and the platform was specifically designed for Android phones. The Wikipedia article on ARM also confirms that there is not a single other operating system for this platform. Compared to x86, ARM can do many more things, namely everything your Android phone can do that your Windows computer can't!
There's a whole lot of ARM out there as Saga Musix said..
SOC mini computer boards like Raspberry Pi, all ARM.. if you want go deep, and ground up thats a place, but you lose access to all the GPU acceleration.. like the problem with modern windows machines and GPUs..
err.. and iOS (iPhone/iPad/iPod touch), and Microsoft Mobile..
(its been rumoured for a long time that Apple may move to 16 or 32 core ARM CPUs, of their own design for desktops in future too..)
I originally just wanted to add that all modern Nintendo-Consoles/Handhelds including the current 3DS and WiiU aswell as the upcoming Switch use ARM-processors...
...but now i´d like to add the most obvious way to get this information, being wikipedia as always...there are lists for almost everything! ;)
One thing i did NOT know yet is that all those old Nokias used ARMs :)
Really, learn using the internet properly! ;)
There may be things only people on pouet may know or many people on pouet know a lot about, but this threads sort of information is way faster to be found, and will be more accurate aswell, by using any search-engine than making a thread here on pouet! ;)
...but now i´d like to add the most obvious way to get this information, being wikipedia as always...there are lists for almost everything! ;)
One thing i did NOT know yet is that all those old Nokias used ARMs :)
Really, learn using the internet properly! ;)
There may be things only people on pouet may know or many people on pouet know a lot about, but this threads sort of information is way faster to be found, and will be more accurate aswell, by using any search-engine than making a thread here on pouet! ;)
or 20 threads ...
hardy: just come here for some human contact, man...
and all I get is sarcy comments...sigh...
and all I get is sarcy comments...sigh...
I need to know the difference between 68000 AMMMIIIIGGAAAHHH asm and 68000 Atari (oh noes!) asm. Can someone fill me in?
bitnaughty: this is pouet, so everything´s normal! ;)
Also it wasn´t sarcasm but a try to help! :)
PS: We are all Robots! No Humans around! :p
Also it wasn´t sarcasm but a try to help! :)
PS: We are all Robots! No Humans around! :p
hardy: just come here for some human contact, man...
What reaction do you expect from those human contacts, if all you do is trying to have us google your stuff for you?