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category: general [glöplog]
...as well as Machinea Supremacy.

And by the way. I forgot to tell you that Life is pain by Leftover Crack is the fuckin best song in the whole wide world. Please download it, listen to is and make a demo for it. KTHX.
added on the 2005-01-13 19:27:42 by freeze freeze
turbonegro rules!! if they had a democompo i would use midnight nambla song :)
i don't like that punkrock song, they should hear more motherfucker rock'nroll
Hm. That Pet Power song is like really really really really really not good.
added on the 2005-01-13 20:07:16 by sofokles sofokles
sofokles: that goes for most demogroups too, so it shouldn't be a problem..
First of all, that album cover rules.
Secondly, Turbonegro rules.
Thirdly, bah. Windows only.
What other platforms do you feel should be involved?
added on the 2005-01-13 21:30:18 by Chris_ZD Chris_ZD
added on the 2005-01-13 22:14:23 by freeze freeze
turbonegro sure does rule
added on the 2005-01-13 23:09:35 by violator violator
I understand. The aim is obviously to have the demo reach the majority of the people and that cannot happen on dreamcast or amiga. Don't you think?
added on the 2005-01-13 23:35:19 by Chris_ZD Chris_ZD
Well... if that's the aim, why don't they better make an music video which is done by Microsoft and air it on MTV?!

Ah I see... because the music is crappy and MTV won't air it.
added on the 2005-01-14 00:58:27 by freeze freeze
Hey, this gives me a great idea for a competition.

Create a punk rock soundtrack for the demo I'm going to make for Assembly!

1. Soundtrack must contain guitars
2. Lyrics about anarchy, rebellion, bringing down the government etc. are banned (This doesn't mean you can't sing about anarchy). Idea is to have a song about spinning cubes and balls
3. Winning soundtrack will be included in the Assembly 05 DVD. I guess.
4. Music will be published on my site as well.
5. If by some miracle I win the demo compo and/or get rich and famous and get to shag lots of hot chicks, I'm going to take all the credit, obviously.
added on the 2005-01-14 01:17:22 by gasman gasman
By the way. Seems like they would agree to a Dreamcast demo as well...

Original quote:
As far as it can be converted into video we are into it.
added on the 2005-01-14 01:27:11 by freeze freeze
for like 5 seconds i was interested in this thing.

then i listened to the tune :-(

besides. i like cubes.
added on the 2005-01-14 13:12:23 by uncle-x uncle-x
gasman, word.
added on the 2005-01-14 13:56:00 by Preacher Preacher
oh you such delicate geniuses.
added on the 2005-01-14 16:10:40 by Chris_ZD Chris_ZD
added on the 2005-01-18 12:13:31 by keops keops
Do these PETs have enough power ? or do you prefer these exotic ones ?
added on the 2005-01-18 12:47:48 by p01 p01
BB Image!!!
added on the 2005-01-18 12:48:40 by p01 p01
wow. those zookeepers one are totally cool
added on the 2005-01-18 13:29:51 by Chris_ZD Chris_ZD
null, why don't you ask specifically to a group whose you like the style to make a demo for rodeo clown ?
That would make much more sense to me.
Having a bunch of groups competing for the same track sucks bigtime. You could say that whatever effort is put in the entries, only one of them is going to be worthy of existing.
If it's to make a number of groups revolve around your music, you could *at least* let them choose which tracks they'd like to do a demo for.

Not that i'm gonna participate, i know already too many talented musicians with whom i must do a prod :)
added on the 2005-01-18 16:06:08 by stil stil
i don't want to sound unpleasant ;) but this song is a bit weak to be a leading single imho.

speaking about demos as "music videos", the final result is risky: that could be übergreat like vip2 (http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=10) or not really matching like Exploding Teenage Emotions (http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=10081) where both music and effects are sexy but loosely coupled...

and nothing can beat an Aenima prod ;)
added on the 2005-01-18 16:50:17 by Zest Zest
vip2 übergreat??
Ripped commercial music and Poser meshs? no thx. That's not my definition of demoscene and creativity.

(and now, let the flamewar/debate begin...)
added on the 2005-01-18 17:10:17 by keops keops
hehe keops that's why i called vip2 a music demo ;)

oh and vip2 is my first luv so i guess that's the extra factor that makes me still find it so great :p
added on the 2005-01-18 17:16:59 by Zest Zest
no more ramopunk please :(
added on the 2005-01-18 18:27:34 by rjv rjv
vip2 sucks ass in all aspects.
added on the 2005-01-18 18:32:50 by uncle-x uncle-x


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