Dipswitch tries to rewrite history yet again on Demozoo
category: residue [glöplog]
Yesterday was my birthday. Happy birthday to me.
On that date dipswitch unilaterally overhaulled The RSI entry on demozoo with the help of Flashythecreeper, whose name is FlashytheLamer on demozoo (and probably is tFt too here on pouet after being Flashy/Kenbeb initially).
So to be brief because there are no other wording possible sadly, dipswitch just robbed me of 23 years of scene in one swift move only he under the supervision of menace for demozoo is allowed to do).
Needless to say I have asked the full revert in the "beg and lick my foot" area of demozoo called "fix me beautiful".
If you look closely you'll notice the very sneaky dipswitch rewrote the history of both, and on the rewritten 2 days ago page wrote this :
"After the original Red Sector Inc. merged with Tristar in 1990 to form TRSI, the group remained dormant apart from a short revival on the C64 in 1993.
In 2008, Baudsurfer revived the group, claiming that he was among the original group founders, and recruited new members. His claim of original RSI membership is disputed and is yet to be verified convincingly."
So this biased view of dipswitch who collects German papers sent around the 90s in order to "save the scene", claims RSI became dormant in 1993 (letting room for a revival through his manipulating semantic ?) followed by the usual slander. I won't go into details as to the rest of the careful wording here since this has been already debated in great depth since 2008. Let's just say it's more than a low blow, it's theft.
We all know why people create new demoscene sites, as fake/friendsOnly charts disappeared with e-magz, those people who only managed to exist through warped and bias claims were left naked and thus had to find another porpaganda medium. Behind the objective appearance of demozoo is an important silent attempt to rewrite my history, your history and our history by a small handful and to the loss of thousands.
Don't be a sheep. Don't let less than half a dozen slowly creep on your knowledge and righteousness and impose themselves as Omen of the demoscene before their book release. Nobody has the right "truth". If dipswitch was so caring about your history, he would be an open-minded person with a default "benefit of the doubt" attitude you always denote in such role undertaking. This is obviously not the case.
I write here because I believe there will be other attempts from these inactive demosceners. Please beware and report them.
Thank you, I'm sure you can understand how being unilaterally (I hope temporarily) dispossessed of your own creations/history can be unsettling and unfair
On that date dipswitch unilaterally overhaulled The RSI entry on demozoo with the help of Flashythecreeper, whose name is FlashytheLamer on demozoo (and probably is tFt too here on pouet after being Flashy/Kenbeb initially).
So to be brief because there are no other wording possible sadly, dipswitch just robbed me of 23 years of scene in one swift move only he under the supervision of menace for demozoo is allowed to do).
Needless to say I have asked the full revert in the "beg and lick my foot" area of demozoo called "fix me beautiful".
If you look closely you'll notice the very sneaky dipswitch rewrote the history of both, and on the rewritten 2 days ago page wrote this :
"After the original Red Sector Inc. merged with Tristar in 1990 to form TRSI, the group remained dormant apart from a short revival on the C64 in 1993.
In 2008, Baudsurfer revived the group, claiming that he was among the original group founders, and recruited new members. His claim of original RSI membership is disputed and is yet to be verified convincingly."
So this biased view of dipswitch who collects German papers sent around the 90s in order to "save the scene", claims RSI became dormant in 1993 (letting room for a revival through his manipulating semantic ?) followed by the usual slander. I won't go into details as to the rest of the careful wording here since this has been already debated in great depth since 2008. Let's just say it's more than a low blow, it's theft.
We all know why people create new demoscene sites, as fake/friendsOnly charts disappeared with e-magz, those people who only managed to exist through warped and bias claims were left naked and thus had to find another porpaganda medium. Behind the objective appearance of demozoo is an important silent attempt to rewrite my history, your history and our history by a small handful and to the loss of thousands.
Don't be a sheep. Don't let less than half a dozen slowly creep on your knowledge and righteousness and impose themselves as Omen of the demoscene before their book release. Nobody has the right "truth". If dipswitch was so caring about your history, he would be an open-minded person with a default "benefit of the doubt" attitude you always denote in such role undertaking. This is obviously not the case.
I write here because I believe there will be other attempts from these inactive demosceners. Please beware and report them.
Thank you, I'm sure you can understand how being unilaterally (I hope temporarily) dispossessed of your own creations/history can be unsettling and unfair
i don't see how you have a case considering:
- you don't provide any proof that you were part of the original RSI
- other members of RSI active at the time claim you were not
- several incongruencies on your argumentation that have been already exposed on several other threads on pouet without any proper counter argument.
the way i see it dipswitch is just cleaning up demozoo based on facts. if you can provide definitive proof of your prior involvement with RSI before the ressurection dates i'm sure dipswitch and menace would fix the entry.
- you don't provide any proof that you were part of the original RSI
- other members of RSI active at the time claim you were not
- several incongruencies on your argumentation that have been already exposed on several other threads on pouet without any proper counter argument.
the way i see it dipswitch is just cleaning up demozoo based on facts. if you can provide definitive proof of your prior involvement with RSI before the ressurection dates i'm sure dipswitch and menace would fix the entry.
Go make a demo about it.
He says that you claim what you claim, which is the truth. He says that it is disputed, meaning that there is proof missing or there are facts missing. which is the truth.
In what way did he 'steal' something?
In what way did he 'steal' something?
Just give this new "RSI" a separate group ID number. Problem solved. Similar name, different entity. Store every persons written recollections as what they are. Subjective memories and opinions. Nobody's recollection is the objective truth. Even if it's written down, it is a story told by a person.
Get well soon Baudsurfer.
on csdb these kind of rebuilds usually get the [fake rebuild] tag. move on.
Just give this new "RSI" a separate group ID number. Problem solved. Similar name, different entity.
That seems to be exactly what has been done, which I guess is what Baudsurfer is complaining about? Mind you, I know nothing about the drama or what the problem is. :)

^ :D
the "beg and lick my foot" area of demozoo called "fix me beautiful".
Not being a user of the site (yet - hurry up Gasman and merge my fucking patch :D), I'm not the one to comment on Demozoo matters, but I don't think that kind of condescending / offensive wording is gonna help your case in court of public opinion.
I m the original Rsi founder ... All the rest is bullshit.

Just to Make very clear: Nah-Kolor was never a subgroup of rsi only of trsi
However Some of baudserver his Tiny creations are very cool ;)
However Some of baudserver his Tiny creations are very cool ;)
Ah, that problem again. :/
Fake RSI, a gift that keeps on giving. Funnily enough, those neat sizecoding prods would've been more than enough to create a respected name for a new group and none of this silliness would've been necessary.
Yesterday was my birthday. Happy birthday to me.

Baudsurfer: Make this change was a consensus of the Demozoo staff, I just executed it.
I don't have time to argue with you, but just in all briefness: your claim to original RSI membership is unsubstantial. Not only the oldest German RSI members, IRata and MZP, don't know you, but also the Canadian founder Bill Best, to whom I personally talked to clarify the matter, does not know you. All the other inconsistencies were already lined up by Reed in the respective thread.
The point is: If this stunt of yours makes you feel better and lets you forget the Nextempire fiasko: fine. It's your business after all. Nobody is going to sue you or anything. It's the demoscene. You can line up your releases on pouet however you want (that is, if the admins let you). BUT: At Demozoo, we are trying to preserve scene history. And the way the releases and entries were listed brought confusion to the RSI entry. Also, please note the fact that we didn't list the new RSI as "RSI (fake)" or anything derogative like that. WQe merely split the entries into "RSI (original)" and "RSI (new)" - a practice that has its precedents over at CSDb. So please stop your drama and get on with it. Noone forces you to use Demozoo anyway.
I don't have time to argue with you, but just in all briefness: your claim to original RSI membership is unsubstantial. Not only the oldest German RSI members, IRata and MZP, don't know you, but also the Canadian founder Bill Best, to whom I personally talked to clarify the matter, does not know you. All the other inconsistencies were already lined up by Reed in the respective thread.
The point is: If this stunt of yours makes you feel better and lets you forget the Nextempire fiasko: fine. It's your business after all. Nobody is going to sue you or anything. It's the demoscene. You can line up your releases on pouet however you want (that is, if the admins let you). BUT: At Demozoo, we are trying to preserve scene history. And the way the releases and entries were listed brought confusion to the RSI entry. Also, please note the fact that we didn't list the new RSI as "RSI (fake)" or anything derogative like that. WQe merely split the entries into "RSI (original)" and "RSI (new)" - a practice that has its precedents over at CSDb. So please stop your drama and get on with it. Noone forces you to use Demozoo anyway.
Also, I have no idea who Flashythecreeper is. He's not part of the admin team, that's for sure.
In fact I checked both entries' edit logs just now and I don't see any "Flashy..." involved, so I don't even know what the hell you are talking about.
Also, just to prevent any lengthy flamewars, which I have absolutely no interest in: Please do not take it personal. It not a move to hurt you personally - I don't even really know you. It was just a thing that gave the whole Demozoo staff headaches over months, and we decided to resolve it in a way that makes the distinction between the original RSI and the new RSI while causing as little hurt as possible (once again, please note that "your" RSI is nowhere called "fake" or "illegitimate" in the entries).
Also, just to prevent any lengthy flamewars, which I have absolutely no interest in: Please do not take it personal. It not a move to hurt you personally - I don't even really know you. It was just a thing that gave the whole Demozoo staff headaches over months, and we decided to resolve it in a way that makes the distinction between the original RSI and the new RSI while causing as little hurt as possible (once again, please note that "your" RSI is nowhere called "fake" or "illegitimate" in the entries).
and one last thing: this whole story is completely irrelevant both for my actual research and for "got papers". I'm not planning to write about RSI in the first place, so your claims of me falsifying history for that purpose are ridiculous. So let's keep these things apart, please. I have absolutely no personal stakes to win in this affair.
@Baudsurfer: It might have been better if you approached dipswitch directly. I know him to be a very nice person, with no interest to cause any drama in any way. I'm not sure if opening yet another thread on pouet about the same story really helps your cause.
You make so many kick ass intros, and in the short time we talked at Outline I figured you are fine productive demoscener. So why all this drama, time after time again? It is kinda always the same story.
Just get all the members of your group together and aks them to support you in this. I mean since you so clearly state which group you're in, this shouldn't pose any problem no? Even if they're inactive, I'm sure they'll still help you to finally punt an end to this.
You make so many kick ass intros, and in the short time we talked at Outline I figured you are fine productive demoscener. So why all this drama, time after time again? It is kinda always the same story.
Just get all the members of your group together and aks them to support you in this. I mean since you so clearly state which group you're in, this shouldn't pose any problem no? Even if they're inactive, I'm sure they'll still help you to finally punt an end to this.
What is RSI ? :)